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Talk to me about Diversity

Talk to me about Diversity
In connection to the One

With every experience dear one
you will learn more and more
about the differences
and the inner connections
with yourself and all of Creation.
Whether this is flora and fauna
or the human kind encounters,
you will see the amazing diversity
Creation has been coloring the
Universal planet Earth by Gaia
as the divine feminine Spirit as well
the Guardian and Nourisher.
By recognizing the beauty that
takes your breath away at times
watching the scenery, listening to music,
creating a poem or a painting,
you will be directed inwards
to your own inner Beauty to be revealed.
For what the eyes will see,
will be translated immediately
by the enfolding energy within each experience
to touch the heart of the Matter
you are being such a grand part of it.
You can see so much beauty in the eyes
of the other one, it will touch your deepest
Inner core so to speak
and through the diversity of all of Creation
you can expand and stretch your self.
By raising your awareness to become aware
of the unique role you play in this
grand theatre called Life.
As a unique individual you can sense
the enormous variety on this beautiful
field of play entwined with every element,
either fire, air, water, ether or earth,
each aspect is part of you as well.
Every piece in the Universe of the animal,
floral, elemental and human being.
Diversity as the magnificent coloring kaleidoscope
just mirroring the facets of the Diamante
You are in its entire splendor.
Each experience will illuminate its beauty
to be enfolded in the loving connection
with Creator, the Higher Sensitive Being
you are to remember as well too fully
integrate within your Soul and Sacred Heart
In the deepest connection in your Human Being
as a unique part shining and illuminating
the Diversity of Creators Creation called Life.

And so it will be done

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages 23-2-2015

Should I stay, or should I go

Should I stay or should I go

When all things are shifting around.

Will I be able to go with the flow

And release anything that holds

Even the familiar ones.

On a threshold, standing my ground

I love to take this step forward

Weather or not it feels sound.

Should I take this step into the unknown

Or be on the safe ground I know.

Good times are coming,

I am sure I will be found.

Maybe this will get easier

When time passes by

Or when the birds are flocking

And sending their signs in the sky.

Fully confident I am to trust this nodge inside

To step out of the comfort zone that felt so right

Now this is getting cramping me

And I want to move forward again.

Learning to step into the unknown

Into the abyss of the depth of my heart

Where nothing is certain how far it will lead me.

Yet I know all these steps were meant to take me

To his wonderful moment in time.

It is nothing more or less then to trust

And have faith in my own capabilities.

Should this moment be edge in time,

Or is it one more step that I have been taken

Along the line.

I know I am ready to make this new transition

To be on the other side of the edge again

And never lost and always found myself

Guarded as well within this inner fire

Stepping through the walls of the flames

Not getting burned because it is mine.

This is the unique spark within my lineage

Which is giving me this energy to stand my ground

Without fear and filled as well fueled by love,

From my soul family burned within my DNA.

So here I go, standing proud my ground,

No more should or shouldn’t,

You know when you know, that’s the way

It works.

And so it will be done

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

Celebrate the way healing works

Celebratie the way healing works

Today it’s time to celebrate
The way healing works.
Finding out that it requires
More the just medication,
Supplied by love will create
The biggest healing of the
Soul’s experience.
Going through all the emotions
Burned beneath the surface
Until the body has no other way
Then to express itself.
Ready or not, it all depends
On the way you are willing to
Tackle it and acknowledge
The direct link there is between
Heart, body, mind and soul.
Energetic Body has to heal as well
For the first signs show there, if
You are aware of it.
Re-direct your emotions into a positive
Way of approaching and allowing
And find your strength hidden
Beneath all the layers of guilt,
Shame, anger or sorrow.
Loving yourself is the greatest
Gift you can give to You as the Unique
Concept of Life, to be able to
Heal and rebalance, bringing in back
The knowledge and memories of the
Cells and atoms in your physical body,
For the highest good of you.
Coming to full expression of
You’re true Unique Nature.

And so it is.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages 18-12-2013

