What is there to say about Forgiveness?

Forgiveness, what does it really mean?

If you feel hurt by someone, you will have a hard time finding forgiveness in your heart, because you are not yet able to see there is nothing anyone can do to hurt you. You only react to the incident and the feeling of betrayal, in what kind of sense this will come to you.

You are hurt in trusting and relying on the other one, this need inside you wants to be validated. Or maybe you are dependent on the opinions or love you want to receive.

And I am not talking about the little incidents. I am talking about the real incidents in life where you as a child already learned to rely on the love of your parents.

The love of your family and, if you were lucky or should I say deserving in your own opinion, it would teach you how valuable it is to be loved and safe.

If the situation was not safe and healthy it taught you to mistrust others, keeping up walls to safeguard your heart and keep everyone at a safe length, but the hurt existed nevertheless.

Now, if we are talking about forgiveness, what is it that you need or want to forgive? Is it the way you were treated, is it the way you didn’t feel loved at that time, or maybe you were lacking just that most important part for you to feel safe in your existence – just loved and beloved.

It creates this great discrepancy within yourself if you haven’t learned to love and trust yourself and feel this Love in your Heart that is being hidden behind the walls you have built around it.

Are you ready to break down these walls, ready to open up and experience and feel that there is this deep inner connection that loves you and always will?

To step up and be willing or want to free yourself from any experience that didn’t make you feel wanted or loved. The best way is not to walk away from the feelings built up inside.

The best way is to accept those feelings, to allow them to come forth and by doing so you will see that there is so much more love for you to obtain, not from the outside, not from within Your Self.

Give yourself all the love you might have missed. Give yourself the space to come to terms with it and release it, not by anger or fear, but by loving yourself, and accepting yourself fully.

This can create so much energy that is released, that it will also give you the strength to step aside and become the observer and see that all the hurt and pain you carried can be washed away through love.

Forgiveness is nothing else then releasing all hold in energies towards others and yourself, and by doing so you will create Freedom. Freedom to love and receive, freedom to care and take care of yourself, and that is the best part. Love of your Self, for you, is by Nature Love itself.

And so it is

High Self @Rhea Dopmeijer (c)
Heartfelt Messages,

About rheadopmeijer

This Heartfelt platform is focusing on healing Self and has been created to inspire to change your life. It offers a place for you to grow your spirit I am one Self, united with my Creator. At one with every aspect of creation and limitless in power and peace with @Rhea Dopmeijer

Posted on June 10, 2024, in # Nature, #Breathe #Sacred #Heartfelt #Love #Unconditional #Unity #One #Creation, #Communion, #Family, #Healing #Universal #Compassion, #Inspiration, Consciousness, HeartFelt messages, What is Love and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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