Follow your Passion

Follow your passion

Follow your passion, you are ready for any challenge you say to me today like you believe I am ready to make my dreams come true. My desire to grow and develop is always present, yet it feels like I have no idea which way to go or what to do now.

I hear the song on the radio, what are you waiting for like you are inviting me to step up to the next level because you trust me, I can achieve that. As well, as telling me this, what I have been waiting for.

Tough to accept the way the Universe is telling me to trust my own ability when I still miss you being around me, especially today when there is no one around but me. I must stick to the deal I made before I came into this world. I always knew this would not end after you were gone to another plane of existence.

You will always be there to assist me when my energy feels low. When I am in pain or feeling sorrow for your physical presence. Sending me little messages, either it is a blue bird or a song that catches my attention as well, as the feelings I have when connecting with you. You are and always have been the only one to give me those feelings and sensations.

As well, as I am ready to make it to the next level, it is a bittersweet sensation not to be able to share it with you here in the material dimension until I can lift the veil of separation and illusion. Energy and its way of connecting us all together is one of my passions.

This is the way I will follow the need to learn more. Truth is another passion of mine. Enabling me to speak my truth without any fear, step up, and share it the way I feel and sense what is to be true.

Then there is the way of the projector, the advising part through my analyzing ability, the eye of the Eagle, soaring above high up. Meet up with the path of the empath, knowing without explaining, sensing without words.

Feeling the energy and emotions no matter what distance, or setting. All these qualities and gifts are to become wrapped in One, Love as the guideline to release any stuck energy I may hold and not yet be aware of.

Through the intensity of the loss of your physical companionship, you also gave me the tools to be closer within this energy field you also inhabit. Making me aware of my insecurity at times and creating this loving caring flow that it all will be alright.

I am taken care of, so no harm will come to me. What a magical and wonderful way of allowing me to remember, we are so much more than just this physical body we use to learn through our experience.

On a day-to-day basis, it all will come to light, no doubt. For the rawness, your departure has opened me up deep within my core of existence and allows me to be brutally honest with myself. I must live the truth, I must follow my heart and love that is part of me to truly fulfill my highest soul’s expression.

I am not the only one who is learning through solitude, grief, or pain what is our inner core, the ongoing need to be loved, to love and cherish the ones we love. This is always the cement and glue that connects us all, through time and space as well. Maybe not on this physical plane, our souls are as one, and will always recognize each other no matter where we are.

And I honestly believe, by your transition, not only my soul will develop and change. But yours will also be as well, For we are growing and expanding through this loving connection together. This togetherness we have always felt from the day we met in this lifetime.

For you are the one for me, I have been waiting for. The depth of our love we felt and recognized the moment we felt it was going to falling apart, the gift At that moment.

So every lesson I come across now in this time and space I live in reflects on yours as well. To heal any wound that still might be revealed, past, present, and future are involved as well as yours. Both chose the parental lineage to bring these wounds to heal in this lifetime as another soul’s expression, learning to find the middle way so to speak, where we became as One.

Each in our own way, walking our journey together, enabling each other to be the authentic personality we chose to be. The greatest gift we could give to each other, most lovingly, is the freedom to create our own experiences as well, as learn and release any old ways we were no longer in need of.

Love is the only tool that will enable anyone to express themselves as an authentic personality. The attributes of love are to be found in compassion, kindness, acceptance, unconditionally, in truth and honesty, in respect and sincerity.

Even at times, it is hard to find respect for oneself, unconditional love will always be there to assist in healing any stuck energy caused by shame, guilt, anger, or sorrow. This is the way we can exist within each other and as a separate individual person.

Truth, Belief, and Act create the pendulum to swing, and we have the choice, through Love and Understanding or through disbelieving and mistrust.

And so it will be done

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

Heartfelt Messages

About rheadopmeijer

This Heartfelt platform is focusing on healing Self and has been created to inspire to change your life. It offers a place for you to grow your spirit I am one Self, united with my Creator. At one with every aspect of creation and limitless in power and peace with @Rhea Dopmeijer

Posted on June 10, 2024, in # Nature, #Breathe #Sacred #Heartfelt #Love #Unconditional #Unity #One #Creation, #Communion, #Family, #Healing #Universal #Compassion, #Inspiration, Consciousness, HeartFelt messages, Spirituality, What is Love and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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