Alignment within Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul

Alignment of body, mind, heart and soul

For most people, it is normal to take care of their bodies and usually also for their Heart of Heart matters I could say. Not everyone feels the connections between body, mind, heart, and soul and the importance of cooperation between them. Some may have heard of the chakras concerning the body, but for Western society, this is a fairly new way to look at the holistic energy field we represent as humans.

Can I give a lecture on how the Chakras work, yes I probably could? But the most important thing is to realize that the signals we receive from our body, in any area, are also related to our mental, emotional, and ethereal well-being. This is not about the way you should take care of your body. It’s about accepting your body as your ally, and being good friends with it because it wants to be your companion on this journey called Life.

It’s about realizing that your body is wired by its design to help you and show you what is happening in your life. Emotions, both positive and negative, are energy, and they will have an effect on your body and your well-being. We have so many expressions in our language that show the role certain organs play in our body concerning the emotional state we are in.

When we are not in love with the outcome of experiences in our lives, we have to make this choice. What type of energy do we choose to keep our balance in every aspect of our being? Do we choose the loving and caring energy, with the gentleness and kindness for ourselves? Or we take the one filled with fear, the one that throws us off balance and creates more negativity in the way we perceive ourselves.

Every bump in the road is an opportunity to choose, so to speak. As life presents itself to us, we must realize that we are both the creators and the creation. Through our experiences, we learn to make choices that allow us to grow and expand. Whenever we ignore a signal offered to us, even a very subtle one, there is a reaction to every action we take.

Most likely, it presents itself as a negative emotion, which will also have an effect on your body. Don’t forget to mention your heart and loves energy stream. We tend to get stuck, which causes blockages in our body, mind, and heart. In the holistic view, we cannot separate them. Any stuck or blocked emotion will cause an imbalance in our cells and organs. Even in the smallest atoms, it will have an effect.

When we choose the way to balance the emotional and physical body, we must also work with our mind. There we will find all the traces of social behavioral lessons and the emotions that came into our lives as well. The sabotage we can inflict on ourselves when there is a lack of trust. The thoughts about ourselves are as much a part of our overall well-being as the emotions and physical responses to daily experiences.

As much as we want to be happy and balanced, sometimes it’s hard to just shut up and sit for a while to just listen to what’s going on. This is why so many people are talking about meditation and mindfulness too. To understand the inner connections on every level, it takes time to stop in your tracks and become aware of what is happening internally.

So many impressions we get every day from the time we get out of bed to the time we go back to sleep. Not everyone is the same, and not everyone needs the same tools to find inner balance. Each of us is unique and has chosen our own life experience to express our Heart and Soul connection through Love. We all do it. We all want to heal, when all energy is stuck or blocked to create the flow of Energy or Life. To do this, the body, mind, heart, and soul must reach an alignment where energy can flow freely.

Through every channel, either the physical level or the emotional and mental channel. This is what we will face when we are born in this world. To learn to look past the illusion of separation. To learn to bring back this unity in our whole being. Using the greatest tool we possess, Love, and then we will be able to bring in this powerful instrument capable of healing even the greatest challenges in the body when divorce disappears.

The moment we restore the inner connections by revising our mental and emotional awareness, we create another reality for our being. For some it might be easy, for others, it might be hard work, which also varies depending on the challenges we choose.

Nevertheless, there is this big challenge for each of us to take home. The love we have for ourselves is an important healer for any kind of stuck energy. In every area, physical, mental, or emotional, love for the self will be the first step in bringing energy into motion.

This moving energy is also called life or life force. There we will also find reassuring the promise that this change will be for your best self. We are here to serve, yes we can be of service all our lives, but if it’s not directed towards us, it will be an empty vessel. Our service must also be for our own higher well-being through loving tender care.

This will enable us to attune more and more with every aspect of our being to express our Soul. Alignment in each area will ultimately result in higher vibrational energy, expressed through Love and Compassion, Truth and Knowledge, to someone else as well.

It may take courage, it may take a lot of strength, and sometimes it won’t work, but every choice we make will be the teacher if we have made the right choice in that experience. We create, therefore we decide which path to take. As long as you have Love as your direction, you will bring healing in every way and in all matters. This will be the glue between all parts and love is also the cement between the physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies.

Use the tools given to you. Listen to the signals they give you. When you feel tired, there is a reason and you need time to listen and learn what it wants to tell you. When you feel sad or hurt, you will find the cause, once you sit down and start listening, and it gives the loving attention to bring in the healing and moving energy of Life Force. You can see these signals in every area of your life. It’s up to you how you handle them. What will you choose?

The moment stuck energy is cleared, you immediately feel the energy flowing and your heart grows bigger. These are the moments needed to bring about the alignment, and you will be able to be the Creator of your Life with a capital L for Love. This will bring joy and excitement to propel you forward for more letting go and re-balance.

These steps will also make you feel good and proud of yourself, full of self-esteem, which is not the same as being arrogant. Knowledge is something that enters through the heart and soul. Not of others or their opinions, knowing is part of the alignment between Body & Mind, Heart & Soul connection as a whole being.

And that’s how it will happen.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer

Heartfelt Messages, June 2013

About rheadopmeijer

This Heartfelt platform is focusing on healing Self and has been created to inspire to change your life. It offers a place for you to grow your spirit I am one Self, united with my Creator. At one with every aspect of creation and limitless in power and peace with @Rhea Dopmeijer

Posted on June 15, 2024, in # Nature, #Breathe #Sacred #Heartfelt #Love #Unconditional #Unity #One #Creation, #Communion, #Family, #Healing #Universal #Compassion, #Inspiration, Consciousness, HeartFelt messages, Spirituality, What is Love and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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