When time is stretched out

When the time isn’t stretched out and effortless is the theme

Sometimes there are those days
You can feel everything being at ease
and everything works itself out effortlessly.
Savoring it, every moment of it,
As you know, change can come
within an instant and the energies can feel
less effortlessly, until one day you realize,
It’s not just a minute or an hour,
it is almost the entire day.
Now this takes you by surprise and realize also
this is what is meant when they speak of changes
from within, doing your daily business and at the same time
you come to realize your world has changed and
shifted, leaving yourself in wonder,
when did this happen?
Knowing it didn’t come overnight
for you to remember all those moments
you were dealing with so much pain or sorrow,
before it became effortless and the moments
they did you cherished with all your heart.
They were like glowing beans on a strand
knitted together from one to the other,
time and space in between,
creating sparkles of light in your heart
and twinkles in your eyes, noticeable
for others to see and for yourself to feel
and at one point in time the beans
are becoming one.
No more space and time-divided moments,
just one strand of ease,
knowingness, love, and understanding.
It doesn’t matter how or when any longer
this moment in time and space
there is this deep understanding of
the ease, joy, and effortless feeling of being
alive and loved, from within your own Heart,
True Spirit and Love.

And so it is.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

About rheadopmeijer

This Heartfelt platform is focusing on healing Self and has been created to inspire to change your life. It offers a place for you to grow your spirit I am one Self, united with my Creator. At one with every aspect of creation and limitless in power and peace with @Rhea Dopmeijer

Posted on June 23, 2024, in # Nature, #Breathe #Sacred #Heartfelt #Love #Unconditional #Unity #One #Creation, #Communion, #Family, #Healing #Universal #Compassion, #Inspiration, Consciousness, HeartFelt messages, Spirituality, What is Love and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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