Remember the Unity within yourself

Remember the unity within yourself

Today is about fulfillment,
to ME-Member the unity deep
within yourself with the Vast felt Love
as a Spark of Divinity.
The energy you are aware of
when you can still your mind and go
deep within your state of Heart.
The sudden emotion that stirs up
when you get in touch with the
Unconditional Love from the source.
Which you can only recognize
because you understand the feeling
that has been ignited from within.
Keep it simple.
No fancy words are necessary
to understand what is going on.
The more words you are willing to give,
the more space you create for turmoil
And that is not what you are going
to experience.
Since deep within the experience
and awareness of the feelings of Love
there will be silence.
No need to explain to yourself
because you immediately will understand
and recognize in this Sacred Space
within your Self.
Just feel the unconditional Love
and Know this is You,
connected with All that Is.
Whatever Name you were giving it,
there is no more need to put labels
or names to this experience.
Just knowing you are loved
and beloved without any limits
or boundaries, in an unmeasurable Way.
To Be in the Center of Your Heart
Expanding and exploring the
Depth of Love.

And so it will Be.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

About rheadopmeijer

This Heartfelt platform is focusing on healing Self and has been created to inspire to change your life. It offers a place for you to grow your spirit I am one Self, united with my Creator. At one with every aspect of creation and limitless in power and peace with @Rhea Dopmeijer

Posted on June 28, 2024, in # Nature, #Breathe #Sacred #Heartfelt #Love #Unconditional #Unity #One #Creation, #Communion, #Family, #Healing #Universal #Compassion, #Inspiration, Consciousness, HeartFelt messages, Spirituality, What is Love and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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