What about ancient Stone Formations

What is there to be said about Stone formations?

For men of consequence, a mound should be raised to their memory, and all other warriors distinguished for manhood a standing stone, a custom that remained long after Odin’s time.
—The Ynglinga saga

Everyone has heard of Stonehenge in England and dolmens and menhirs in France. But who knows of even older and more numerous megaliths in The Netherlands? Even most Dutch are unaware of the richness of the prehistoric monuments in their own country. But they exist. And they have been there for over 5000 years. Older than the Egyptian pyramids! Built of huge granite stones, some of them weighing over 25,000 kilograms, dragged to the spot and piled up to form a rectangular stone grave. Unbelievable, but true.

There are still 54 of them. 52 in the province of Drenthe and 2 in the adjacent province of Groningen. “Hunebedden” as they are called in this country. But not built by Hunen (or Huynen = giants) and not beds but graves as we know now. So Drenthe, in the northern part of the country, is the hunebedden-province. It’s a province of outstanding beauty with sand dunes, woods, moors, heather, picturesque villages, 200 years old farmhouses with thatched roofs. And mysterious stone graves!

In Drenthe, there are no mountains or rocks. But hunebedden are made of huge stones. Where did they come from? The answer is: from Scandinavia. About 200,000 years ago, during an ice period, most of Northern Europe including our country was covered by a thick layer of ice. The big boulders of which the hunebedden are made have been transported to The Netherlands by slow-moving moving glaciers. Even today, digging in Drenthe’s soil, smaller and bigger stones emerge.

About 4000 BC the hunters that visited Drenthe before, changed their culture and lifestyle radically. They learned to grow wheat, to domesticate cattle, and to build farmhouses. They settled here as the first farmers in the region. Archaeologists call this period the Neolithic or New Stone Age. This did not happen only here but also in the south of Sweden, Denmark, and the northwest of Germany.

These farmers cut the woods with stone axes and cultivated the arable land. About 3450 BC they started building huge stone graves using the big boulders that were scattered all over the place. They also made all sorts of earthenware, many of them in the form of a funnel. Because of that, archaeologists say these people belong to The Funnel Beaker Culture.


A megalith is a large stone that has been used to construct a structure or monument, either alone or together with other stones. The word “megalithic” describes structures made of such large stones, utilizing an interlocking system without the use of mortar or concrete, as well, as representing periods of prehistory characterized by such constructions. For later periods the term monolith, with an overlapping meaning, is more likely to be used.

The word “megalith” comes from the Ancient Greek “μέγας” (transl. megas meaning “great”) and “λίθος” (transl. lithos meaning “stone”). Megalith also denotes an item consisting of rock(s) hewn in definite shapes for special purposes. It has been used to describe buildings built by people from many parts of the world, living in many different periods.

A variety of large stones are seen as megaliths, with the most widely known megaliths not being sepulchral.[4] The construction of these structures took place mainly in the Neolithic (though earlier Mesolithic examples are known) and continued into the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age.

There is a huge variety of megalithic tombs. The freestanding single chamber dolmens and portal dolmens found in Brittany, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, Wales, and elsewhere consist of a large flat stone supported by three, four, or more standing stones. They were covered by a stone cairn or earth barrow.

Source: Wikipedia

I was asked to write something about stones as a topic, and immediately the formation of Stonehenge appeared to my eyes. So I started searching and since my Nation of Birth is The Netherlands I wanted to share with you these hunebedden we have in our country. They are found in the northern part and are related to the stone graves found in Denmark and Sweden.

This brought another memory back to my mind. An experience that was pretty intense, to say the least, and quite unexpected as well. Whenever I go to a different countryside on holiday, I tune in with the spirit of the region and offer my assistance and energy for the time of my stay to be of service any way I can.

Just my way of connecting with Gaia, and the needs or gifts she has for me and anyone else for that matter. Since we spent all our holidays in France for 30 years in the same region, we have seen many sights and visited many places. This trip we made was different in its outcome and unexpected. We have heard about the oldest burial site, a dolmen near a small town, up on a hilltop, surrounded by grain fields.

So 9 years ago we were on holiday in France, in the region Ardennes, one of the areas with a lot of energy caused by the First and Second World Wars. In every town or village, we could see the memorials and lists of civilians or soldiers from different nationalities who lost their lives.

We went for a tour and ended up at the foot of a hillside, on top where the oldest burial side was to be found. While getting out of the car, a beautiful red/brown/orange colored butterfly appeared in front of us and guided us up to the hill where we found the big megalithic dolmen.

Overlooking, we could see in all four directions, clear sight, and saw the hills surrounding this one, the little village we just passed, and the woods on one side, as well as the large grain fields. It was a clear day, so we could see for miles and miles around. While standing there, this huge wave of sorrow welled up within me and I started to cry.

Feeling all the sorrow and grievance that was such a major part of this area, with all the fights, personal losses, anger, and pains, all buried deep within the earth, I was asked to be part of this healing process by the spirit of the hill and the valleys surrounding us.

With an open heart and filled with compassion, the crying went on till there came a point where the energy changed. All the while this happened, I rested in the arms of my husband, who understood and didn’t intervene, allowing me to be part of this cleansing and healing energy.

I could feel how the love and compassion for all sides who were part of these events and experiences came to some sort of ease in the surrounding energy. So after a while, I returned to my own time and space, at least it felt like that.

Walking down the hill the big colored butterfly appeared again and with it a little white butterfly, coming in closer and closer and almost sitting on the shoulder of my husband, they both accompanied us down the track and back to where we had parked the car. It was a magical trip with lots of significance for both of us.
So connecting with the ancient energy of the Dolmen immediately after I asked the Spirit of the Region in what way I might serve and be present I received this intense experience to participate in a healing and cleansing way, so grateful and humbled I have been feeling this within my bones for a long time.

I really and truly believe whenever we come near any kind of burial side, we can bring in love and compassion for all that have lived and loved, through past, present, and future. Because we can heal ancient and maybe less ancient wounds caused by extreme events if we tune in with the spirit of the region wherever we are, in any country all over the world. This was triggered for me by the old dolmen we found on top of the hill.

The dolmen and megaliths are part of our history, as well as all the burial sites that have been created since humanity started to bury the dead in the ground. Yet that is a totally different topic to discuss. This wasn’t an impressive site as maybe Stonehenge or any other well-known Stone formation. Yet to me, it spoke volumes.

And so it is.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)
Heartfelt Messages 22-5-2015

About rheadopmeijer

This Heartfelt platform is focusing on healing Self and has been created to inspire to change your life. It offers a place for you to grow your spirit I am one Self, united with my Creator. At one with every aspect of creation and limitless in power and peace with @Rhea Dopmeijer

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