How can we achieve Balance?

Balance: how can we achieve that?

Only when there is a complete correlation between what you feel and think, between what you say and do, can there be balance? Only when there is balance can one experience absolute peace, never-ending joy, and all-encompassing love – complete fulfillment and abundance.

Reading this text, I feel how difficult this is. Not just what I want to say and react to in a way that reflects my actions and thoughts. Is there a way to achieve absolute inner peace?

There are times when I have my heart on my tongue. Sometimes I have to bite my tongue to keep quiet. It depends upon the situation that’s for sure. Safety is an ingredient in the mix. It’s not always easy to keep myself out of the danger zone when there are concerns for someone else’s safety. Despite bullying, when one person is selected by multiple others.

I have risen on many occasions to help or defend someone, especially when they are vulnerable and vulnerable. It’s always a matter of power or empowerment. To be balanced.

It would feed my need to protect and help in the best way possible. The way you bring in the energy is always different. Depending on the situation, it also requires a moment of reflection. What would be the best way to intervene, with the best possible result?

Inner balance reflects outward balance. Choosing the words, or just being there, creates an energy-efficient attitude. We all know those moments, I think, when you make a decision in a split moment. It’s also a matter of trust. To trust and have the confidence that you can make a difference

Not by using so much violence. Sometimes just leveling the playing field is all it takes. How do you balance this in yourself? Mechanisms about self-esteem and self-love also play a role in this. To know what drives you when it comes to justice or injustice.

With a world that is so out of balance at the moment, it is even harder to maintain an inner balance. Affected by internal wounds, it will certainly evoke emotions. They cause an imbalance within your own system. These are also the tools to take into account to work on your inner balance.

They will undoubtedly show what is still dormant and still needs healing. The only way to do so is to pay attention. Bring more love and compassion into yourself. Healing comes from love and understanding. Forgiveness is also a part of the process. Working on your inner balance will bring more love and joy if you can love all parts of you unconditionally.

To bring forth the joy and acceptance of oneself in every possible way. This is a process with a lot of steps to take. Invite them with love, and embrace your parts filled with fear or concern. Create a safe space within yourself. Let the emotions pass through, triggered by circumstances and experiences with love.

Every time you can take home an aspect of yourself, it will bring more joy and harmony. Don’t judge yourself if it’s too hard or too painful to accept. Give it time, take kindness and compassion with you. When speaking, stretch out your hand so that it feels safe enough to come forward.

Balance is a thin line. The only thing we can do is balance talking on the rope to keep this as safe as possible. Sometimes we have to adjust when there is a lack of confidence in ourselves. Or as for a lack of love. To feel the joy when you can let go and let go. The energy that radiates through your whole being.

That’s the moment when you can feel the inner balance. Integrate this energy into your whole being. So next time, you can trust it to make a step ahead. To bring in this loving and healing energy. Creating your inner balance step by step. It’s a continuous process, and we call it Life.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

About rheadopmeijer

This Heartfelt platform is focusing on healing Self and has been created to inspire to change your life. It offers a place for you to grow your spirit I am one Self, united with my Creator. At one with every aspect of creation and limitless in power and peace with @Rhea Dopmeijer

Posted on May 23, 2024, in # Nature, #Breathe #Sacred #Heartfelt #Love #Unconditional #Unity #One #Creation, #Communion, #Family, #Healing #Universal #Compassion, #Inspiration, Consciousness, HeartFelt messages, Spirituality, What is Love and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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