Wave after wave

Or is it time and again, wave after wave. This song came to my mind when I read the word golf. We all fluctuate in our own experiences in our daily lives. It changes with each new period we go through.

Our lifespan is composed of both challenges and opportunities. We are growing up and becoming more aware of what life has to offer. The way it’s colored by new people coming into our lives, the birth of children, finding a partner, a lover, family relationships. Sometimes people also disappear from your life, in different ways.

It is expressed in the way we grow up, and how we are reflected in how our parents raised us. How our social network is reflected in the way we learn our lessons. Represented by the interactions we have with other people, in different roles and situations.

Our role as parents is different from that of an employee or lover without children. How we feel, in the way we evolve, also gets colored by the way we deal with change. The choices we make along the path we think we need to walk, or we don’t feel fit.

Sometimes things seem to repeat themselves as if it’s one wave after another feeding our sadness our fear, our fear, or even our anger. When it comes to relationships or situations that don’t feel safe, have a lack of control. Or when we’re dealing with financial problems that keep coming, over and over again.

Waves of emotions, rollercoaster moments of experience that can make us feel like we’re drifting. Losing solid ground under our feet, so to speak. It can be about repeating old patterns, creating the same problems over and over again.

Sometimes it takes us more time to understand what’s going on. What creates the feeling of loss of control, drowning in the emotional sea and wave after wave that keeps us suppressed? When we can see and recognize the main problem, we can change.

Get a grip on it, how else to deal with it. How to stop the pattern that has been created over the years through experiences. Time and time again we are challenged until we find the key to stop this and find new ways.

When I think about today’s reality, where we are all in some sort of lockdown, it can feel like every change is coming soon. Like wave after wave of new findings, news around the world, the universal problem at hand.

Each day is colored by the way we approach this challenge. How we can feel the energy, and recognize what is touched. Or are still moved because this news will come in new ways every day.

This learning process, and how to deal with it on such a grand scale, speaks to a completely different aspect of humanity. On a personal level, but also on a social level. Every time we turn on the news, there is a new wave of energy that instills fear in most people. All the different insights also cause more uncertainty, which also creates more triggers on a personal level.

It is also a wave of energy that is directly related to our health. Our health is directly linked to our way of life. Our way of life is directly linked to our sense of well-being.

Time and time again, there are messages that we must take better care of our planet and its inhabitants. This event clearly brings to light all the contradictions that exist all over the earth. We need to look at countries where hunger is an everyday issue.

Where hygiene is an issue, and where housing is often dangerous to health. We all know the images we see and watch on television or on our Internet channels. We’ve seen all the vulnerable being crushed in the systems.

Time and time again, we were challenged to create more stable and healthier ways for all humanity. There have been many posts about how we can change not only our own positions but also those who seem less fortunate.

Well, I don’t think they are less fortunate, they are just denied proper care in every area of their lives at the expense of a few. The way we deny every form of life to grow and expand. Lack of empathy even for those who fell between the wheels of fortune of others.

Wave after wave has passed over our planet to open our eyes. Our awareness is to realize we are all in this together. Each life is as precious as any other, there is no measuring tool that determines who should live healthily and who should not.

We as humanity have the decision to make whether we can create a different outcome this time after all those times we have closed our eyes and ears. We can make this Earth a better place for all who live on it. Furthermore, we can all take responsibility for owning our actions.

When we feel like drowning when wave after wave of bad news floods into our living rooms, it is time for a change of perspective. It is time to also change our perception of the needs we have which makes us happy. It is not the material wealth we can take with us when we make our transition.

Not only that, but it is about the messages of love that we share with those around us. The way we can honor and respect every member of our family, blood or not. We create our own reality, together as one entity.

Time will tell, even if the waves slow down, we must still be reminded to do our best. For the highest good of our family, for the highest good of all. We have to accept the reality that there are so many who have not been taken care of the way they deserve. We need to address those who only want to profit from difficult times.

Furthermore, we might have to stand out, to see what we can accomplish, if we all do this from the heart, so we can change the heart of the matter. Creating a healthy place for every living being, a sacred space for all, because it is our birthright.

In loving connection with each other, we can only show our true colors, time and again, wave after wave.

So it’s going to happen.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

Heartfelt Messages May 21, 2020

About rheadopmeijer

This Heartfelt platform is focusing on healing Self and has been created to inspire to change your life. It offers a place for you to grow your spirit I am one Self, united with my Creator. At one with every aspect of creation and limitless in power and peace with @Rhea Dopmeijer

Posted on June 28, 2024, in # Nature, #Breathe #Sacred #Heartfelt #Love #Unconditional #Unity #One #Creation, #Communion, #Family, #Healing #Universal #Compassion, #Inspiration, Consciousness, HeartFelt messages, Spirituality, What is Love and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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