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When sadness becomes part of your daily routine

When sadness becomes part of your daily routine

This full moon is special, with emotions running high. For me, the absence of my loved one in my daily life here on this planet is felt with many different feelings. When the emotions differ from day to day and sometimes from moment to moment. There are days when His love and presence are felt throughout the day in messages brought through the veil

It might be the heron standing along the waterfront close to our house. Other times it comes through a song, or a word, or simply between my breathing when I inhale and consciously exhale. His love and energy is always felt by the people there. Then there is another part of being left behind on this plane.

The physical essence of a loving hug, the pillow, the sparks in the eyes when they connect. Also, the comfort that we have built in each other’s company after all these years. Telepathic and able to read the smallest signs developed over the years.

Knowing each other well, sometimes it was not necessary to talk, but other times when it was difficult, it was necessary to speak up and tackle what was hiding behind the walls. You can’t go through the changes in life without also being changed by the different experiences we encounter.

We had our ups and downs, just like every other couple that has lived together for so long. It depends on what you do with the difficulties that cross your path, which don’t have the same result every time. Also creating friction, so like every couple, we had to work within our relationship to keep the spark of love burning bright.

The biggest challenge has made us grow even closer to each other. For me as the best man and caregiver, for him as the one who had to dig deep inside and face the most challenging deal in his life. Walls collapsed until they all disappeared. Enabling me to reach a higher level of Love for one another, as the liberating and healing energy in the emotional body for my beloved.

Breaking down to the ground was necessary to rebuild. Not only physically but emotionally and mentally level as well. Watching this battle, I felt every emotion presented as if it were my own. Still, it wasn’t my journey to walk.

I had to step back to let him work through all the dark and negative places that were a part of this journey. I could cry with him, but what moved me the most was the sense of sadness I had for him to process this severely hard process and how much endurance he had to endure it to the end.

Still feel the sadness that came with it, not so much for his departure, but especially the enormous sadness that was at the root of this process. This is a part of me as well, as his, but for me now in different ways. Being alone, how much we are still connected, can still bring up this sadness and love for him. I can be sad, for no particular reason, knowing there is some sort of process going on in my beloved on the other side of the veil.

It took a while to figure out what was happening. It might surprise me, not related to what I was doing at the time. But picking up the memories that are part of this process and emotional connections. You can’t disconnect from the one you love and that’s the other half, even if there’s no physical presence. As much as he is present in my life, I am also present in his life.

How to deal with it has been a challenge because it is also related to the way we had to say goodbye to this physical level for now. Missing his presence and laughter, his acknowledgment of my being, and his deep love for me. So yeah, in many layers, sadness is part of my daily routine.

It doesn’t stop me from spending my days without the love happiness, joy, and laughter that occur. It sinks beneath the depths, the hidden or screened parts, until they are reactivated. Not only that, but it has also made me strong vulnerable, and also resilient enough to process the emotions that come up.

Letting me break down, through all the layers of myself. Until there was nothing left, and I could only feel the presence of Love. Knowing and feeling how these soul-to-soul and heart-to-heart connections re-established. No boundaries, just complementary and fulfilling.

When sadness becomes part of your daily routine, it asks for attention. It needs to be addressed and acknowledged. It also wants to be explored and experienced in all its different layers. Learning when it’s personal, or when it’s not about me, but about the sadness of the other one..

Part of being empathetic makes it easy to deal with others with this signature of energy, especially when it’s as close to home as it is to my loved ones. Sadness can arise from feeling lost, or a lack of love, which is actually created by fear. It takes an eagle’s view to fly above the emotional breakdown to identify it for what it means. Is it you, or is it the journey the other person is taking?

Not necessarily your journey to continue, because it has nothing to do with your inner world and reflections. Feeling the emotional wounds and keeping them in a safe space, to create a sacred space for anyone who needs it is crucial for healing.

Restoring balance requires space to feel safe and loved. My own feelings are also colored by the journey of my beloved. My tears flow here, both for him and for my own inner cleansing. The energy of mourning has changed over the years. It comes and goes when activated on special occasions

Allowing the tears to flow, to be in the moment, it always creates space. The inner connection is as strong as ever. The love for each other hasn’t changed as much as it did when the transition was made. My heart is filled with love and a sense of being supported as always. This always puts a smile on my face. It is a reminder of the connection through time and space.

And so it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

Heartfelt Messages

How one word can trigger old wounds

How one word can trigger old wounds

Sometimes it only takes one word to trigger underlying emotional wounds. Some deep others not so, yet if you pay attention to the emotions it brings up, there is a gift in it. Now, this topic has been shared in many ways as well, as layers, with different subscriptions aspects of the energy. Not that it has been suppressed as such, only it comes up through challenges or in this case one word, Family.

For as long as I can remember as a child, I always wanted to have a big brother. I was the oldest of 3 girls in our family, so that defined my role as well. Being a tomboy, I was playing with the neighbor boys, playing football, hide and seek, roller skating, and climbing trees. You could always find me in the little forest across the street I grew up in.

I felt the camaraderie, as well, as the energy of acceptance in my youth because the boys were allowing me to express my natural being. Unknowingly of the deeper aspect of this, of course, this awareness came up years later. I noticed the change in the relationship with the boys when nature stepped in, in the way of hormones, and physical changes. Although I still had a boyish look when I was 16, this didn’t stay hidden through my change of energy.

From being one of the guys, I became another topic of interest, so to speak. My teenage years were challenging, to say the least, for me. It also made me aware of my natural being, not being part of a group, standing out in ways I couldn’t comprehend at the time. Always felt different from the groups’ energies.

Yet still there was this longing for a big brother within me. By the time I was 18, I met the love of my life. The oldest of 7 brothers, and in my innocence, I thought how lucky I was to get 6 brothers, instead of 1. Nothing was further from the truth. There I was entering a family with a hidden secret and trauma, as well as a different take on authority and roles.

So I triggered a lot of emotional upheaval because of my own authority. Which wasn’t acceptable within the masculine group energy. The family has a whole new meaning for me. As much as I wanted to be part of this family, I never felt accepted. Nor was I fitting into this group. As a family it looked close and in reality, it was walking on quicksand. No true connections despite all the efforts that were made.

So this experience was cause for many challenges, emotional wounds as well, a calling in my warrior nature. So along the way over the years, we could come to terms with the differences as well, as the way the emotional wounds were coming to the surface. After so many years, yesterday this emotional wound of not being accepted, which isn’t the worst actually, was ripped open again.

I guess we all want to belong to a family of loved ones, as well as the need to feel loved and protected, sheltered. During my years of working with women in women’s shelters, being abused and molested, I learned a lot about the patterns as well as my own inner nature. You cannot work with people who are being hurt in the inner core, without having empathy and recognizing the wounds.

Through all the studies it became clear, that the imbalance between man and woman in this earthly 3D world is causing wounds on both sides. Going to my studies I met men and women, wanting to learn more about the way this also works on different levels as well. We all had a common factor, the love we have for our fellow men and women.

Learning the deeper meaning of the connections between our emotional, mental, and physical as well, as etheric bodies brought in more than awareness. It also brought me the connection with members of my soul family as I came to know them. The ease and the love that was experienced was a 2-way street, and equal between some men as well, which I could feel as brothers in a different sense.

Not in a sexual sense, just the deep love that could flow without any expectations. This was something I knew deep within myself, as well, as brought into this lifetime again to be healed again. My family isn’t always by blood, it is connected through the heart and soul. The love that can shine through in these encounters is of a new vibration as well.

Yesterday during a visit to my father-in-law I had a conversation with a caretaker about the way he is reacting at times. She validated and confirmed my signals and mentioned there was a meeting scheduled, where he would be discussed. The importance of a family member to attend was brought up, and she only said if the contact person cannot be there, you can, you are family.

Now, this was a trigger for me on a very deep level, and it brought up the sorrow and pain I had experienced since the moment I entered this family. My longing then, which was destroyed painfully, to be part of this family, was rising to the surface again.

Although I know the how and the why, this was the residue of my 20-year-old me. The gift that was presented to me yesterday, in that one word, family, brought it to the surface to be healed and loved.

Triggers are precious tools, we give to ourselves to become aware of what still is lingering and unresolved within our emotional being. Sometimes it comes in fast and hard, other times it is just one word. It was a feeling that drew me back in again, to feel and sense what the emotions were and how I could change the negative sensation into a loving one again.

For me, it is to be held in the loving knowledge, that my need or longing came from a different kind of source. The way we are connected with each other through our heart and soul essence is one of pure joy. There is no need to adjust, to fit in.

No need to explain, because you are already understood. No need to feel left out, because you already are part of it. My family of love and light, on more than one level, personal as well energetic, through the veils and other dimensions.

I am loved and so it is

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

How to walk through life with grace

How can we go through life with grace?

When we are up against unexpected situations that need to be addressed, it is always asking a lot from our flexibility in how we can deal with the emotions that come with it. When it is a very loving and joy-filled experience it is easy, this will come naturally because our innate state is one of Love and Joy, so we are more than capable of reflecting this to the outside world and encounters.

Yet when a situation is straining, difficult, or dangerous, how much more effort will it take to be as easygoing. Because the joy-filled encounters are also symbols of easygoing. We would like to be like that most of the time. Yet most of us are not able to be that way, especially when it is asking more of our inner balance.

The way we experience our day-to-day life will show this ongoing flow through the motions, positive and negative emotions that are demanding our attention. The more we can expand our innate nature into the challenges, the more we will be able to handle the negative emotions with more ease. Yet it is a big step from ease to grace.

So what is grace anyway? What is it you expect yourself to be or able to handle difficult situations? We all grow up in different surroundings, in different families and social environments with all the different roles caused by duality in our world. To learn how to connect with our innate nature of love and grace, joy and abundance as we are being told, it can take a lot of effort on our part to even get close to this ideal outcome

I know by experience how it is to feel balanced and joy-filled, loved and beloved, at ease with myself, and grateful for my blessings. The moments I feel like this are not everlasting, they always seem to have some kind of highlight momentum. Then it will fade into a sense of contentment, or at other times the joy will last for a longer time.

When I am deeply connected with myself, and others through love there is always that sense of gratefulness, being touched to my core and tears can run down my cheeks, just from pure enjoyment at the moment. And how I long for that sense of feeling when I face challenges that bring up my fears, of anger like my fire within is being triggered.

How easy is it to judge myself at times, for the expectation I put on myself is asking perfection in every situation I encounter. I know by heart I don’t have to be perfect, I know through all the lessons I encountered this is not demanded through Love, it is always caused by messages from the outside or the drive I have to do everything for the best I can be.

This is also the way I have learned how it is always bringing up the experiences in my life to help me rebalance again. The different layers we need to address every time, still walking my spiral upwards when I encounter another bump in the road.

There are moments I can handle the situation with acceptance and allowing. Other times I have difficulty with it and then the emotions erupt like the magma within a volcano. I can feel the fire energy rising up within my body and emotional state and I know this is leading to more release by acknowledging it as well as allowing it to be.

My nature and innate state are not always even balanced, yet I like the way they both can communicate with one another as well as learn from each other. This is my way of healing my own inner emotional wounds, by crying and releasing, by getting angry and releasing, and by allowing myself to be in connection with my nature.

Denying my emotions, even those I would rather not feel or like, is only causing more damage and never brings any good. It is an ongoing process in which I can trust my inner connection through my loving heart, for myself, because I know I am worth it.

This, to me, was my major acknowledgment, knowing I am worthy of being loved. Easier to give than to receive, it took me some challenging experiences throughout my lifetime to learn how valuable and necessary it is to be in connection with my innate Nature.

So for me, it works through all the emotional challenges to start creating a more loving flow to embrace all that is coming my way, my own creation I call life, as well, as the Love I feel and can share with others around me. Every challenge brings up its own lesson or experience, and how I will encounter it is up to me. I chose Love and Compassion for myself.

This way I can walk my bumpy road with more and more ease because I understand that the inner process that is working every day in every experience is peeling off the layers that prevent me from being in a constant flow of ease and love, joy-filled and blissful.

When all the layers are being dissolved, and maybe not this lifetime achieved, there is still this drive and purpose in my life to go full throttle ahead. Gracefully walking through the earth is more than a dream, it is a magical way of walking through life, and it will spread its light without any boundaries anymore.

This will be my creation, to be all that I am, and as loving as I possibly can be, balanced with my Innate Nature, Heartfelt Love and Compassion, walking with Grace.

And so it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

What can more magnetic than to be loved?

What can be more magnetic than to be loved?

I have been listening over the years to many spiritual messages. One in particular, Kryon of magnetic service. This always resonated deep within me, with the messages he passed on through his channel, Lee Carroll over 30 years now. What also made me aware, I also step aside so to speak, when I am writing these Heartfelt Messages of my High Self.

Not in the way it is with all the channeling of the group of energies called Kryon. Yet, to let the message, come forward as it is intended, I must quiet my mind. Just allowing the words to come on paper, so to speak. I know when it is about the deeper layers of the message about a topic.

It is also in connection and combined with my own journey and all the lessons I have learned along the way. These past few days have been somewhat challenging, not in a personal way. More like the energy is affecting the way I perceive the emotional waves on a bigger scale.

I am more emotional as I have been for a long time, as all my nerves are more sensitive towards the emotions that are surfacing within other people. Even when the fire blazed in Paris and the Cathedral was burning, the emotions of sorrow and pain were immensely powerful.

I had moments when the tears would well, the sorrow was coming through my body, yet it was not mine on a personal level. How to explain the way you perceive these energy waves on such a big scale as an empath, or highly sensitive. All I can do is allow it to come up and breathe through the waves that come up.

Humanity is affected deeply by this event, even though there are many other dramas all around the world. So why is this on such an enormous scale? I was questioning myself this the evening and next morning, what it was that made such an impact on so many people, all around the world.

It is also in the energy of the upcoming full Moon, as well, as the Easter Weekend coming up, creating a different vibe altogether. So, what feels not normal in the way things will unfold themselves, is also feeling within me. There is this inner sense of something that wants to come up, or out if you will.

This feeling of anticipation of something big that is still out of reach, yet I know is about to happen. Love the way it already has transformed this within myself. Able to make new memories again, aligned with the memories that will last for a lifetime. And then some.

My love, always close and nearby, is going through some changes in himself as well. Even though I do not know all the time what he is dealing with, I recognize it through my own reactions. Out of the blue sometimes, memories come flooding in when I am not expecting it. Nor thinking about it, because it is not on my mind.

This is something I learned along the way we are connected over the past 3 years we were parted on this material plane. The lessons learned in ways we never would or could have imagined. Heart-to-heart connected, living as 2 bodies with one Soul, so to speak.

That is how we felt it, so love was the magnet between the two of us, from the moment we met 46 years ago in this lifetime. We were being pulled together as the two sides of a magnet. The yin and the yang, the male and the female, the way we remembered through past lifetimes.

The way we were able to work through so many challenges, all in the name of love. Now with him on the other side of the veil, the magnetic pull is still feeling as strong, maybe even stronger.

There seems to be no distance between us, through the little nudges, the messages, and the words spoken in my mind. The way I feel his love is powerful and strong. His life is to be celebrated, and I can only keep smiling thinking about this beautiful encounter between the two of us.

Going through the valley as well as standing on top of the hill, we have learned them both and survived it magically. The depth of our love was so profound, that it stood tall in all the storms life through at us. Breaking all the walls, standing naked in front of each other, as one, pulled together in the energy of love. My life here now on earth is as much a tribute to him, as well as the Love that pulls us together, time after time again.

Like the powerful energy of a magnet, we are drawn to each other through the love we share on a deep soul level. Every time we meet, we fall in love again and again, deeper, and more profound every time. The way it will be in the future is yet to be revealed. All I know is the way the love will draw me close to him again, in another lifetime perhaps, differently of form.

The magnetic pull of our deep love will always make sure we will never be apart. The bittersweet feeling of his love, without his physical presence, are the parts of missing and grievance. The knowing is the magnetic force of love that is keeping me going. Trusting my intuition as well as my inner world of senses, which brought me this far.

There cannot be anything more magnetic than love, the pull between every living being in every dimension in a loving relationship. Not just the love between 2 lovers, it is the way we all are drawn through this pull of Love. The way the magic of a newborn shines through and pulls you in. The way of love is creating a safe and harmonious family to live in.

Through the love for nature, the animals in every form and shape, the way we feel when we are in the forests and mountains, at the seaside, or the lakes. The magnetic pull of our deepest inner connection with all that lives, through the love we share and makes us feel connected with all creation.

Love in someone’s eyes is drawing you in, the magnetic force of love. It makes you want more to explore, more to experience, more to grow and expand yourself. The healing power of Love is well known. Love will always draw us in, into the heart space, the need to be loved and love touching. Love is the most powerful energy we can experience, which can change whatever we need to heal or overcome.

Love is the master key to rise above, step aside, and embrace fully our soul’s mission and journey to bring in healing and harmony. On either side of the veil, in every dimension, love is a never-ending flow of energy between souls.

And so, it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

Letting go of old issues to find wisdom

Letting go of old issues to find wisdom

Sometimes I am so focused on the emotional wound and the sorrow and pain that is attached, It is hard to see the wisdom that is hidden by it. Knowing the emotions or experiences that I have had in the past, all I could do at times was just stick to the emotional wound. Trying to explain, to see with detachment so to speak, to understand.

Because that is where my focus lay. Trying to understand the way human nature functions. What makes us tick, how do we react and how do we respond to others. Love is the easy part, we all are feeling sheltered and taken care of when we are loved. Love myself is at times a different matter. Sometimes more feeling guilty about what has happened because I was told so.

It has been playing inside my head so many times, what had happened and how I still react to the event that took place. The image that came with it, the intense sense of fear as well as the physical infliction. My hands were tied, and I had no control over the situation, let alone the outcome. All I knew was the emotional wound that is manifested in my body still, even now.

Yet it is a memory of something that happened to me a long time ago. So I was presented a gift as a matter of speech, taking a look at the real manifestation. To find the wisdom that was beneath it, I had to let go. Not forcing, not working hard to make it so. I had to let it go, as a rock that tumbles in the riverbed created by the flow and force.

I held my breath when it dawned upon me. Yes, beneath the experience of abuse also lies a message and truth, creating a clear view of the event and the ones involved. When innocence is been taken by force, physically, it shows a lack of insight as well as respect. I discovered it wasn’t me that lost my innocence.

It was all about power, or at least an image they had about power. Yet the amount of force they had to use to empower, shows how little respect and self-worth, let alone self-love existed. It dawned on me, that even though I was a victim of the abuse, I wasn’t the one inflicting it on myself. I didn’t lose my innocence, for I am more than just a body. I am a spark of light and love, which couldn’t be destroyed.

Truth is, the one who is no longer connected with this light and love inside, lost a lot more. They lost their innocence, respect for life as well, as the ability to have compassion, kindness, and empathy. I understand the impact this has on their soul. It is way harder to regain that core connection when you are separated from it.

I didn’t lose my connection, although I had a difficult time dealing with the consequences. I still feel love, compassion, and kindness. Not just for other people, but also for myself. My truth didn’t get damaged by this brutal attack. They lost more than just their dignity. If you can only create a life by fear, domination, brutal physical attacks, as well manipulation to feel stronger, then there is a lack of love.

So every experience I came across through lifetimes expressing this attack on my innocence as a soul, there was always the opposite to be learned. How can I have compassion and love for my oppressors, while they are not showing any kind of those elements that are connected with the heart, we call love.

So all the time I hold on to these disturbing emotional wounds, it has an impact on me as well. Can I change the situation? Do I have control over them, no. These are the key emotions that are draining me energy-wise, as well as bringing up the need and will to change and have control again.

We all know this mechanism, that what we don’t have, we want. In releasing and healing, it is about letting go of the elements we cannot change, nor have any control over. So if we let go, what will remain? Some might believe that it will not change any about the situation itself. Yet I feel and realize, that by letting go, the potential of learning and seeing the truth.

Because as long as we hold on to the pain, sorrow, anger, and maybe even hate, we still feel stuck and not able to move forward. I have tried this numerous times, by working hard, by forcing myself to let go. Only to discover, the only way I really can let go, is to let it happen. Intent to release and then let it happen. It feels against all we need, control, and change if we let it happen. Yet truth is, we can undergo and let it happen, without being the guilty one, the one who is ashamed or abused by default.

We gain wisdom through the process of letting go of the act, without holding on in any way, shape, or form. Because it doesn’t serve any purpose for my highest good. Honoring my emotions as well, as all the negativity that is connected with it, I can let go through love and compassion. First and foremost to myself, releasing the image of control or lack of it.

Then I can see the wisdom and message that comes with it. Whenever I lack of control in a situation, it isn’t about control. I can always change. I can always believe in the higher good and nature of mankind. Furthermore, I can always love myself as well as anyone else because it is my choice. Not only that, but I can change any outcome for my benefit if I stay connected with my true inner nature, loving heart, and soul.

My challenge may have been extreme and intense in many ways. On emotional, physical, mental, and energetic levels. Yet, as long as I am connected with love and live my life from that perspective, I am no victim of defeat. Defeat is not part of my lesson in this. Defeat is inherent to those who have lost their connection with love.

They lost more than just their self-worth. They lost their innocence and self-love. This is causing a deep internal trauma within, as it comes from deep trauma within. When you lose your trust and believe in love, you lose life itself. So how can I not have compassion and love for those who are so lost and disconnected from their inner self?

And so it is

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages 28-4-2017

When Life turns out to be a Feast

When Life turns out to be a Feast

When life takes a turn, and you think it isn’t in your best interest, it will trigger a lot of negative emotions. We tend to feel upset or angry, filled with fear or doubt if we don’t understand what happened. Or how it possibly could benefit your existence. When things crumble under your feet, there you will find the challenges.

As well as what kind of choices you will make to deal with the new situation. Awareness is part of this way of your perception. The observer is possibly more adept at viewing from a different kind of perspective, to notice what takes place. To be in a different, more detached place to see the picture more broadly.

What does it take to see how certain circumstances are assisting for a better outcome? When your life is at stake caused by nature’s eruptions or human ways of violence and disrespect is part of your day-to-day life. These are challenging times for every soul. It comes down to the way we relate to each other as well as to our surroundings. 

This way, we can love ourselves as well as others. In our different roles within relationships. Loving family experiences will create more abundance, no doubt, compared to those who are harsh and bitter. So, how can we achieve a new way of perceiving the things life is dealing us with.

The difference for me lies in the way I see my own contribution. If I took everything that has happened over the years as being the victim of them, I would be stuck. I would become bitter and hard, unable to see with a loving perception. What they did to me attitude, is one that creates a stuck energy within our heart and emotions.

The way I experience the challenges that crossed my path makes a lot of difference in the way I can see them as being positive. Or aspects that will allow me to grow to be the best of me. My choice in every moment enables me to overcome the setting of victimhood. I know that love is the only way for me to see how I enfold my life up till now and further down the road.

It also has to do with the way I was raised. Take responsibility for the choices you make and the actions you take. As a child, I was always questioned mostly by my mother, not only about what happened but also about what did you do. When I get into a fight or dispute, it is not about the other as much as it has to do with my own way of reacting to it.

Each of us has a way of dealing with life’s challenges. This is colored by character, upbringing, social rules as well gender roles. Yet it is also colored by the way you want to express yourself in your life. Not just how you want to be perceived by others, but the main thing is how you perceive yourself. Would you like to have you as your best friend? If not, for whatever reason.

Self-reflection is part of the process, which we don’t always appreciate or are being taught to do. It takes some awareness about the way the world around you is affected by the way you react. The moment you realize you have an impact on those around you, just by the way you respond, your perception will change. You will come to the understanding life doesn’t just happen to you.

It will create more consciousness towards the action and re-action participation you chose to behave from. Needless to say, your way of dealing with the challenges will have a major impact on the outcome. Instead of taking everything for granted or just the opposite, it will color your behavior as well.

I learned, sometimes the hard way, how to have a positive influence on the way I perceive Life. This didn’t happened over night I can tell you that. And what works for me, doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for you as well. Or in the same matter. Learning how important it is to have a healthy and loving self-image. You can only give what you have to give.

I was raised in a loving family and was taught the importance of being self-supportive as well as using the talents I was given. For me, it was the ability to learn and write, which came with a chronic interest in human behavior as well. The way psychology worked was of great interest to me from an early age.

Looking at causes and effects the interactions had between people, was something that fascinated me. Curious by nature, I always wanted to learn the root cause of the events that colored my path. Where fears came from, why certain things are upsetting or made me angry. Like injustice. Yet also the ability to look at both sides and understand both parties in difficult situations.

The more I learned about compassion and how important this attribute of love is, the more I learned about myself as well. Taking responsibility for my choices and actions also taught me that I have the power of influence. Every choice you make creates a different outcome. Every action you take will enable you to change the outcome.

So how does life become a feast? Most of us are walking through life with a heart filled with anxiety, or fears. When you come to the understanding it is all about limits and limitations, learning to set boundaries, yet staying flexible and ready to change, things are starting to change as well.

So if you choose Love as your first priority, self-love, and self-worth, you can deal with your challenges differently. It will bring in more positive and uplifting experiences in your day-to-day life. One small step at a time will eventually grow into a major distance. A road of joy and happiness, when you allow yourself to fully love and live.

Make a party of your day-to-day life, and start it with love and gratitude. Just for the gift of breathing and being makes it already a gift to treasure. Watch your thoughts and emotions, and create loving ones instead of fear-filled ones. You will find a way to be grateful and thankful for even the smallest gifts life presents you.

The more you can allow this to grow, the seeds of love, the more abundance within you will perceive. It will be like a banquet filled with fruits. You will be able to trust this process and will take your responsibility without fear. That’s part of the experience life has to offer you. To be fulfilled with love and joy, abundance and happiness. Never settle for less.

And so it will be.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

How can we go through Life with Grace?

How can we go through life with grace?

When we are up against unexpected situations that need to be addressed, it is always asking a lot from our flexibility in how we can deal with the emotions that come with it.

When it is a very loving and joy-filled experience it is easy, this will come naturally because our innate state is one of Love and Joy, so we are more than capable of reflecting this to the outside world and encounters.

Yet when a situation is straining, difficult, or dangerous, how much more effort will it take to be as easygoing. Because the joy-filled encounters are also symbols of easygoing. We would like to be like that most of the time. Yet most of us are not able to be that way, especially when it is asking more of our inner balance.

The way we experience our day-to-day life will show this ongoing flow through the motions, positive and negative emotions that are demanding our attention. The more we can expand our innate nature into the challenges, the more we will be able to handle the negative emotions with more ease. Yet it is a big step from ease to grace.

So what is grace anyway? What is it you expect yourself to be or able to handle difficult situations? We all grow up in different surroundings, in different families and social environments with all the different roles caused by duality in our world.

To learn how to connect with our innate nature of love and grace, joy and abundance as we are being told, it can take a lot of effort on our part to even get close to this ideal outcome.

I know by experience how it is to feel balanced and joy-filled, loved and beloved, at ease with myself, and grateful for my blessings. The moments I feel like this are not everlasting, they always seem to have some kind of highlight moments.

Then it will fade into a sense of contentment, or at other times the joy will last for a longer time. When I am deeply connected with myself, and others through love there is always that sense of gratefulness, being touched to my core and tears can run down my cheeks, just from pure enjoyment at the moment.

And how I long for that sense of feeling when I face challenges that bring up my fears, of anger like my fire within is being triggered.

How easy is it to judge myself at times, for the expectation I put on myself is asking perfection in every situation I encounter. I know by heart I don’t have to be perfect, I know through all the lessons I encountered this is not demanded through Love, it is always caused by messages from the outside or the drive I have to do everything for the best I can be.

This is also the way I have learned how it is always bringing up the experiences in my life to help me to rebalance again. The different layers we need to address every time, still walking my spiral upwards when I encounter another bump in the road.

There are moments I can handle the situation with acceptance and allowing, other times I have difficulty with it and then the emotions erupt like the Magna within a volcano. I can feel the fire energy rising up within my body and emotional state and I know this is leading to more release by acknowledging it as well, as allowing it to be.

My nature and innate state are not always even balanced, yet I like the way they both can communicate with one another as well, as learn from each other. This is my way in healing my own inner emotional wounds, by crying and releasing, by getting angry and releasing, by allowing me to be in connection with my nature.

Denying my emotions, even those I rather wouldn’t feel or like, is only causing more damage and never brings any good. It is an ongoing process in which I can trust my inner connection through my loving heart, for myself, because I know I am worth it.

This to me was my major acknowledgment, knowing I am worthy to be loved. Easier to give than to receive, it took me some challenging experiences throughout my lifetime to learn how valuable and necessary it is to be in connection with my innate Nature.

So for me, it works through all the emotional challenges to start creating a more loving flow to embrace all that is coming my way, my own creation I call life, as well, as the Love I feel and can share with others around me. Every challenge brings up its own lesson or experience, and it’s up to me how I will encounter them.

I chose Love and Compassion for myself. This way I can walk my bumpy road with more and more ease because I come to the understanding that the inner process that is working every day in every experience is peeling off the layers that prevent me from being in a constant flow of ease and love, joy-filled and blissful.

When all the layers are being dissolved, and maybe not this lifetime achieved, there is still this drive and purpose in my life to go full throttle ahead. Gracefully walking through the earth is more than a dream, it is a magical way of walking through life, and it will spread its light without any boundaries anymore.

This will be my creation, to be all that I am, and as loving as I possibly can be, balanced with my Innate Nature, Heartfelt Love and Compassion, walking with Grace.

And so it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)
Heartfelt Messages

Humor as a healing tool

Humor as a healing tool

There may be two people who have been dealt the same cards in life. Two individuals with all the same life circumstances. One is miserable, stressed out, and looks twenty years older than he is. The other is the happiest guy you could ever meet and looks twenty years younger than he is. How can this be? 

The answer is that it is not our life circumstances that make life difficult, rather it is the attitude that we view our lives with. Those who are capable of seeing the humor in life and take life lightly will be able to do their best in the circumstances they have been given.

We don’t all have the same sense of humor, as I discovered from an early age. The kind of humor that is at the cost of others always escaped me. Never could I understand why watching videos of others who fall and hurt themselves along the way could be perceived as humor.

There is this way of laughing at the expense of someone, making fun of in a group. Humor is something very personal as well as part of a group dynamic. To me, the best way is to be able to laugh at myself, not take myself too seriously. 

This enables me to deal with situations and challenges in a more heart-lightened way as well. Making jokes about serious events to create different, more lightening energy. During all the turmoil life presents at times, it has helped me to maintain my inner balance as well.

Over the years, a sense of humor develops or evolves so to speak into a different type of energy. The lessons along the path of our life, are also coloring our way to perceive and through them adjusting it as well. It will also be part of the lesson, you have to be careful about the way you speak out your feelings.

For one, it will be acceptable, for another, it will be confronting. Actually, it says a lot about the way we are handling any type of situation. The more we can receive as well as give from the heart, the more softening our humor will be as well. Consideration is one pillar, and confronting is another one. Using humor as a statement or as a weapon will alter the energy as well,l as the way the message will be perceived.

When it is part of our family upbringing, we adapt to the way humor is presented to us. Sometimes it is more down to earth, other times it is to create an uncomfortable situation for someone. In the way, humor is being used as a weapon to harm someone, even groups for that matter, to ridicule so to speak, the energy shifts. 

There is also another element present within the way people use humor. It is about denigrating someone to get the majority alongside. Making fun of someone, being hurtful in words, group mentality is also part of the equation. It is layering upon layer, sometimes the way humor works in favor or in a way to bring someone down.

Many professional artists use humor to address issues of social character. The way this is been done is always an expression of the way people perceive the topic at hand. So we can use our sense of humor to uplift, conform, catalyze, or trigger actions or emotions. 

The way we perceive ourselves, to choose which way we are going to express ourselves, is making a difference. So instead of using it as a kind of weapon, we can choose to be part of the healing spectrum. To uplift our own inner feelings about the way we can act at times, it is helpful to do this with the use of humor.

I love the way how humor lightens up the energy and the laughter is broadening the hearts of all that are touched by it at the moment. Laughing about yourself is an amazingly powerful instrument. It will assist you in the more difficult moments to see the relativity as well as the perception of that situation. 

It is also about healing because that is what joy and laughter bring. Using it like the Clinic Clowns for instance, or the Clowns in a circus, it also connects people heart to heart. What better way than to be able to connect this in positive action. Not making fun of someone, just laugh and smile together, showing you are bigger than that.

May we all share much laughter together, pulling each other up from difficult moments. Let the tears of pure joy enrich your relationships with the love that is part of it. Humor is a tool of love and will bring up the best in each one of us.

If we want to change a different outcome of our present lifetime, humor is a tool and a force of healing you might not have been thinking of. Love the way we can uplift each other, and we can create magical moments and life-changing events.

And so it will be done

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

How to achieve Balance?

Balance: How do we achieve it?

There can be balance only when there is complete coherence between what you feel and think, between what you say and do. And only when there is balance can one experience absolute peace, infinite joy, and all-encompassing love—complete fulfillment and abundance.

Balance: How do we achieve it?

Reading this text, I feel how difficult this is. Not only what I want to say and respond to it in a way that reflects my actions and thoughts. Is there a way to observe absolute inner peace?

There are times when I put my heart on my tongue. Other times I have to bite my tongue to shut up. Depends on the situation, that’s for sure. Safety is an ingredient in the mix. It’s not always easy to keep me out of danger when there are wires for someone else’s safety. I despise bullying behavior when a person is chosen by multiple others.

I have often stepped up to help or defend someone, especially when they are vulnerable and vulnerable. It’s always a matter of power or empowerment to be in balance.

It would feed my need to protect and help in the best way possible. The way to attract energy is always different. Depending on the situation, it also requires a moment of reflection. What would be the best way to start, with the best possible result?

Inner balance reflects the outward-oriented balance. Choosing the words, or just being there, adopting an energy-efficient attitude. I think we all know those moments when you make a decision in a split second. It’s also about trust. Trust in yourself to be able to make a difference.

Not by using so much force. Sometimes just leveling the playing field is all it takes. How do you balance this within yourself? Mechanisms about self-worth and self-love also play a role in this. To know what drives you when it comes to right or wrong, for example.

Within a world that is currently so out of balance, it is even harder to maintain an inner balance. Being affected by internal wounds will definitely cause emotions. Which creates an imbalance within your own system. These are also the tools to keep in mind to work on your inner balance.

They will no doubt show what still remains and needs to be cured. The only way to do that is to pay attention to it. More so, bring love and compassion for yourself. Healing comes from love and understanding. Forgiveness is also part of the process. Working on your inner balance will bring more love and joy if you can share unconditionally. All you share starts from the Heart.

To bring joy and acceptance of oneself in every possible way. This is a process with many steps. Invite them with love and embrace your parts filled with fear or concern. Create a safe space within yourself. Allow the emotions to come through, triggered by circumstances and experiences with love.

Every time you can bring home an aspect of yourself, it will bring more joy and harmony. Don’t judge yourself if it feels too hard or too painful to accept. Give it time, bring in kindness and compassion. Reach out your hand if it’s true, so it feels safe enough to come forward.

Balance is a thin line. The only thing we can do is to balance the truth. Walking the rope we call life, to keep this as safe as possible. Sometimes we have to adjust if there is a lack of confidence in ourselves. Or lack of love, anyway. To feel the joy of being able to release and let go. Energy spreads through your whole being

That’s the moment when you can feel the inner balance. Integrate this energy into your entire being. So next time, you can count on it to take a step forward. To bring in this loving and healing energy. Creating your inner balance step by step. It’s a continuous process and we call life.

And that’s how it will be

High Self Rhea Dopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

When Life throws you a curveball

When life throws you a curveball

What are you expecting to do with it, you wonder. Over the past 5 months, one thing led to the other and there were so many things to get my head around. All I could do was to anticipate as well as I could be aware of what this would bring up. In all the different areas, a lot was happening.

Me becoming a young widow, well young is relative of course. Yet, I had expected I would be way older, even when the odds came against us. So how to deal with something that is taking my breath away, and strips me of any kind of safety and safe haven been shared and given so profoundly by my loved one who made his transition.

Letting go of someone we love is part of our life’s journey. If there is life here on the planet Earth and the afterlife in all those different dimensions. We will have to say our goodbyes, will see you again, or whatever image you have with the afterlife. For me, it was like he stepped through the veil just into the other room.

This experience has a mighty powerful force on me, for it confirmed something I thought might be true, yet needed to be confirmed. I have had a near-death experience already, so the way I felt before returning to the hospital bed afterward reassured me already.

The way I could still be connected as if in the other room was a strong and powerful energy sensation in my heart, bringing up tears of joy and as well sorrow. Missing the hugs, the lovemaking, in any way shape, or form, is an intense experience.

I could only tell how it felt for me, my kids, and my family when asked. I could write down how it all comes together in my physical world as well. Yet it still is my experience. Sometimes words are not even affected enough to describe this overwhelming wave of joy I could feel, that brings tears to my eyes and a wide big smile. What can you say to people who do not have this experience?

How to respond to the way people only experience the heavy weight of loss, the letting go of someone, and losing the connection heart-to-heart. What answer was there to give if people doubted my experience.

These were the curveballs that caused me to go inwards to the core of myself. If I did not trust and have faith in my own experiences, everything I feel would be a travesty of sensations.

This also created a diversion between me and other people who were involved in their own grievances in their own way. Another curveball so to speak, because when I am at my weakest and lowest point emotionally, I need understanding and compassion as well.

In this case, I could not rely on the confirmation of the outside any longer, so I had to turn inward again and remain focused on my own way of handling and dealing with a situation we all came to at one point in our lives.

I choose the way of Love and Energy, which to me is always the major key in my existence. Not only that, but it is also a great communicator as well, connected with all that is. Our life here on earth as well as the afterlife we do not know so much about. Unless you have experienced connections with those who have already gone before you and can communicate still.

I went through some roller coasters of emotions, up and down the ramp, so to speak. To be able to handle this curveball, I had to accept and allow the emotions that not only were being stirred by the transition of my love, but I also had to come to an understanding and agreement with the outer world’s reactions towards it and me. Love is the only thing that keeps me going.

Love my children, and my family members yet most of all, love myself. I only can work my way through all the emotions and issues that were created by this curveball in my existence, lovingly. Even the anger, the sorrow, the misunderstandings, the miscommunications, and the denial of my inner core from the outside world, all of these were countered by Love.

Allowing them to come up, accepting what everything caused in my physical and emotional well-being, and bringing in love and light in every moment and experience. Is it easy, no.? Is it taking its toll at times, yes? Yet, it also reminded me how powerful love is when you bring yourself into the equation as well.

It showed me how much I can endure; how much strength and courage I have every time I tackled each emotion and experience to bring back the so much-needed balance.

My inner core is where I can stand on firm ground, in the eye of the storm so to speak. There is my highest connection with not just myself, but there is also the highest form of communication with my love. In every breath I take, there he will be, between the inhale and exhale.

So, when Life throws you a curveball, just throw in a lot of Love. Starting with yourself. The best way to be able to handle any curveball is your self-love, self-worth, and commitment to be the best you can be in a loving way.

Every corner brings in new possibilities, and everyone turns to new options. Use it to your advantage to bring in Love in every situation you come to encounter. This will always be your best guide and will serve you for your highest good.

And so it is

High Self Rhea Dopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages