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Stepping out of my comfort zone

Stepping out of my comfort zone

These past few days have been very intensive, because I could feel the way the energy was shifting. My love and I are always connected through the veil in very different ways to be acknowledged. To me, it is always a heart-opening moment of pure joy, when I receive a clear sign when I am processing. Especially when I question something about the next step I want to take in my life because it serves my highest good.

The moment I ask him to be at my side, I receive such beautiful answers through the visual world. I know it is time to change my life differently, stepping out of the comfort zone of our relationship it has been this lifetime so far. I was made aware, that he was planning a coming back, to be with his loved ones again, as well as to heal some unfinished business.

I receive some clear messages through several sources, to take me by the hand into a new and unexpected new adventure. Roles will be different this time, which is confusing as well, as a miracle that enables me to be here to witness. How many of us can say this. How this is going to unfold, still will be a mystery as well as a magical journey.

This also means to me, that my role in relationship will change. So to create inner space to be able to do so, I have to let go of the physical relationship we had as partners. I have been dealing internally with this challenge for some time now, the moment I was told this was about to happen shortly. So what would this mean for me?

Love has many faces, and ours has been about partnering up this lifetime initially. Although we knew deep down, inner knowing, this wasn’t going to last our entire lifetime together. It was also about a promise. To enable and love him through all the trials he was going to have. Dealing with the obstacles in his life on a personal level also brought up some challenges for both of us.

Yet, the deep inner love and knowing were enough to bring unconditional love into our relationship. In the end, he was done with this lifetime and had to go to the bottom of his own being. We knew we would see each other again, as well we would be connected through our love. Through the veil to share our love still in such a wonderful and magical way.

What does this mean for me? I struggled for a while on my personal level and my ego wished to be with him in the way we were before. Yet I know why he needs to come back into this reality to resolve whatever there was that needed to be acknowledged. So this big heart of his as well his soul essence is having another precious experience.

He will choose his parents who will enable him to fulfill his journey. His physical being will be different from this lifetime since he has cleared already so many wounds. His blueprint will be one of a teacher, no doubt, for that is what he has to give to the world. His deep knowledge as well, as experiences may as well through music and his talent to share his passion.

So these past few weeks and especially these past couple of days were all about goodbye, to the old and familiar way we were before. Not saying goodbye to our love, it will just be in a different form and I feel blessed to be able to witness this up close again from the start. It also enables me to create new spaces within me.

Letting the physical form be in relationship to me, also created a possibility as well. How this will unfold in my life to come, is still a mystery, as has been a lot for me. Never able to see into the future, always taking it one day at a time.

To be in this moment, to experience and receive what is being offered. His love for me, from his soul, remains the same. As does my love for him. When somebody reacted to a post with the response, he will love you forever and will arrange for you to meet another soul mate, I was flabbergasted, to say the least. His love is this strong for you, that he wants you to be happy with someone else to keep you company.

How grand and rich this will be if this will happen, or should I say when this happens. This creates an enormous trust and faith within my heart and soul as well. So today I am settling the dust so to speak, that was coming up with these messages. Dealing with the conflicting emotions at times, yet always knowing deep within my heart it would be another magical journey for the both of us, again.

So I see when I see you, will have a new identity so to speak. It will be about new beginnings for both of us to follow our soul’s journey. For the highest good of the 2 of us, will it bring in even more uplifting and enlightening energy? This is about a new phase, according to the energy, that is brought in these days as well, as with the new codes of vibration.

We are the creators of our life and we can create magic. Releasing the doubt as well the emotions about loss and pain, there will be clarity never experienced. New visions as well, as expanding love will be a new norm and love will always be the master key, the cement and the glue.

And so it will be done

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

Bring Home the Light of Love

Bringing Home the Light of Love

Bringing Home the Light of Love
Into my awareness
Through all the layers of subconsciousness.
I want to turn it upside down,
So conscious awareness will be My Compass.
It needs to quit a time
And stillness deep within,
So the knowledge can emerge
From the depths of my Soul.
Connected with my Heart to show
The true unique responses
That will enable me to learn and grow
And more than that,
To feel my willingness of myself,
Available when the thoughts disappear,
And the feelings are released
In this ongoing process of bringing in
More and more Love for Self.
By that, acceptance is no longer a word,
It is the energy that flows openly
And reaches every part of me
That is still to be unfolding.
Step by step, the tread gets lighter
And the joy of loving and releasing
Comes closer and closer to being brought
Into the world to see,
The full color of Me.
I am the Vessel that will shine,
Deep love is my guideline.
Courage and strength are given
As tools to step forward,
Bold and brave,
And by doing so creating a deeper connection
Ongoing sharing within my Essence of Light
Until I can truly say,
I AM HOME, yet again.

And so it is.

High Self – RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

Share your love and be loved

Share your love and be loved

Share your love and be loved. This is a phrase I see daily. At first, it was posted on the wall in our former home when entering our home.

Now it is on my table, next to the lights and cards I received after Herman made his transition. At one point it was placed somewhere else, and I missed it, so placed it back again on the table.

Why is this so important to me? How important is this also in our relationship with each other as well, between the two of us. The importance of having this inner relationship within ourselves as a result of sharing our love for one another.

Even still today, years later, sometimes a remark reminds me of something or a period in our life that wasn’t always easy. It is shown in the way people can judge and keep holding on to a belief or grudge they hold.

The first thing I learned was the importance of letting go of grudges, for it was always obstructing my flow of free love and care. It didn’t matter if it was something that was connected to someone else or something I did. Holding a grudge is obstructive. It will always cast a shadow.

More importantly, even when other people hold a grudge against me, the negative energy can influence my own wellbeing. So to me, it is very important to let go of any grudges I might hold.

To know we all are on our journey together and connected with each other, makes a big difference as well. Over the years with every encounter I have had, either with family members or at work, what tends to stick is the negativity by treatment.

When this isn’t done out of Love, we all get bruised along the way. We choose our family and our parents because, from the soul’s perspective, they are the most qualified to teach us to expand our qualities and learn from life experiences through the fear, anger, sorrow, and insecurity that only one thing matters at the end.

Love is and will always be the only key. Maybe not throughout our lifetime we are always able to learn, how to let go and release those anxious emotions or fears of being betrayed, or hurt in any way.

Sometimes we have these intense and hectic experiences that work like a slap on the wrist or a highlight, to wake up. Sometimes illness and death create these turn-around lifetime experiences.

Going through this whole process of letting go of abilities and working through every layer backward, will leave us naked and bared. Yet when the heart is filled with love, we can also embrace every encounter.

Even the little, precious moments that bring joy and gratitude at the same time. For those are the moments when you love and share it with your loved ones. In return, they will give back the love they hold for you.

So: share your love and be loved.

And so it will be
High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages


What do I want?

Sitting in the shade on the balcony, looking over the green trees and the small water that runs alongside my apartment, there is only one question on my mind. What do I want? Not what I need, or what I like.

No, this is very specific today. Not what it is I want to have, although some stuff would be nice to have. The deepest question that wells up is coming from a different source. As if I am questioning myself to take a deeper look into my current and present life.

Lost a bit in memories, flashes that pass my mind’s eye, bringing up emotions as well. Time spent on that beautiful lakeside in France. One Love, 2 hearts that were so connected with that region, that special place and energy.

Looking through my mind’s eye, I was coming down the hill, crossing the bridged way that divides the 2 parts of the lake. Turning to the left and passing the camping side, turning corners and passing the beach area, the green area where people are sitting and using the BBQ. Up to the end of the lake, the dam has been built.

This is where we brought part of the ashes of my love home again. No longer able to be there in the flesh, yet always present and united with that wonderful spirit of the lake. Deeply connected through time and space, bringing back past lives and present together again. Images that come up spontaneously of the roads we took there, through the hills and forest areas.

What do I want? Return to that place where we have spent so many years? Knowing it all has been changed as well, and it will never be the same again. The question sitting here goes beyond that. It is about my most inner need, or about what I am missing. It’s not just about the missing of my loving companion.

Realizing he wasn’t able to sit on this balcony, So, we haven’t been together in each other’s company outside. It’s my area, although he was very clear about how he wanted it. The grass on the ground, the boxes for the birds, the bird’s feeders. Everything that connected him to this outdoor area has been removed due to the renovation. Now it’s all gone, and I cannot bring it back the way it was.

This feels like a new start for me, to create this space the way I feel at ease and with a peaceful sense as well. So my hanging garden brings the outside in, my crystals and Buddha sculptures as well, as the rocks I brought back from France. It has become my safe space, filled with my energy.

Which is totally fine by me, cause it also felt like a new step forward. So what brought this up, is this question, what do I want. Not just the images I watched unexpectedly of the lake and the scenery in that beautiful part of France.

I also realized, we never had the opportunity to sit together in each other’s company. Missing a companion next to me, no need for words, just knowing without speaking. Just the love that holds our relationship together still.

Am I ready to welcome someone else to enter my space? Is this part of the question, what do I want? Going through all the phases of getting to know someone. The aspects you like or not, the discovery that is known again after so many years. I am fine on my own, held by the love of so many I can sense. I love to be independent.

Making my own decisions, doing my own thing. I can create my own safe space as well, as a sanctuary for those who are part of my day-to-day life. Holding the inner balance within. Do I want this to be disturbed by another person in my life, or is it just the deeper energy that might prevent me from accepting someone else in my heart?

I know, it’s more a personal and ego-oriented journey, yet my soul is in control as well. How to open up again, to invite someone else within this sacred space of my heart. It’s not about appearances, not the insecurity about looks. It’s about the deep soul-to-soul and heart-to-heart connection, nothing less. That will be the standard.

There is no karma to be worked through in another new relationship. There is an inner understanding and respect to be all that I can be, and more. Which will work both ways. For sharing is caring, heart-to-heart, to enable the partner as well, as myself, to be all and more. Growing and expanding as equals through love.

I can see this with my soul’s eye and through the knowing in my heart. I would love to encounter this soul that will enable me to be myself. To be held in loving arms, as well as the exchange of experiences and challenges. In every possible way, to be the partner I want to be. I am not alone in the sense of feeling lonely.

Yet, I would love to be part of a partnership again. It’s about the willingness and readiness. Which will come from both parties, to fulfill each other’s destiny and path that has been chosen. I think I have answered my question, what do I want? I know deep down, now it’s been said, written, and acknowledged, I can let go and the intention will be met, some way, sometime.

And so it will be

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

What is it about being indifferent?

What is it about being indifferent?

Lying in bed last night, I was thinking about topics to shed some light on. Like the way people sometimes can treat each other without any sign of compassion, or kindness. Being totally indifferent towards the other human companion. Nor affected by gender, race, or age they will walk by everyone.

See them mingle, being no part of this world, because they show no affection. They are acting as if they don’t even care about the welfare of those who are wounded or injured by violence. I guess this topic doesn’t show up just by coincidence. It is something we have a hard time dealing with. The lack of response of someone else in tough situations.

Yet what lies underneath that exterior indifferently? Is it a numbness of emotions, or apathetic behavior caused by trauma? It feels against our human nature to have no feelings or empathy in any way, shape, or form. We are a social creature, the human. We love to hang out with our loved ones and celebrate with family on every occasion we have the opportunity to do so.

Not only that, but we love the little ones, the kids who need our care. Yet this isn’t always a given. We have seen this a lot, where kids were being abused and tormented by their parents, or other adults. No sign of compassion or consideration.

War zones are also great obstacles to conquer when it comes to natural behavior. People are always living in fear, no one is safe, not the old and not the young. Not the women nor the men. There is this lack of any kind of emotion when it comes to the most damaging wounds, emotional, physical, and mental.

The way people seem to have lost their connection with their emotional world. The brutality that is unleashed the moment this connection is lost. No regard for what they inflict on others, the pain they cause, and the sorrow that comes with it. It has been puzzling me, and no doubt a lot of people, to find some kind of understanding.

Is it part of a survival mode? The homeless seem to lose their connection with the outside world, as does the outside world lose the connection with those who live on the outside of our vision. We can walk past toddlers, without any care or protection.

Past people who are seniors have no facilities to shelter them, take care of them, and have any kind of support they need. It is a culture that causes people to shut down somehow when there is no respect or any kind of responsibility towards each other.

Am I my brother’s keeper? We know this phrase all too well. We are afraid to get hurt along the way when we get involved with the outcasts of our society. Stepping up against the tyranny or brutality of officials, and governments takes a lot of courage. The more people show they care, the safer it feels as well, even when this is an illusion.

What makes the difference, is for us to care for each other, our neighbor for instance. Taking care of those who get sick or are unable to take care of themselves any longer? We all share the same birthright, to be loved and respected. No one is excluded. We all have the same rights to live a life of health, good fortune, and education.

I am not talking about intelligence, as being smart or quick on your feet with thinking. I am talking about the emotional IQ. We all can care for another other than ourselves. At least, in an idealistic world, we would have. How can we change our own attitude towards the indifferent acts across our beautiful planet? 

To make sure, in our own surroundings, nobody is an outcast. Everyone has a right to good food, healthcare, and a home. Just a safe place to belong. The indifferent actions can only be tackled when we take up the responsibility to do something, Don’t accept the way you might shred your back when the situation asks you to stand up against injusticelack of lovebrutality, and abuse

Being indifferent towards the world also means a lack of connection and a lack of commitment. All emotions are being blocked in order not to feel the pain and sorrow. It’s a survivor mode. Block everything that might bring you out of balance.

That will make you feel insecure, or maybe worse, bring up emotional wounds that lie buried beneath the walls of indifference. Numbness of emotions, apathetic reactions, not being touched by the actions. Or worse, be part of the acts of brutality and attacks on humans. Being so numb, there is no connection any longer, even with the innocence one had being born.

So most importantly, what to do if you sense your own indifference towards what is happening to other people around you. Do you know, how to step out of this situation within your own emotional state? Or is it caused by trauma, maybe that isn’t dealt with or healed even? 

Do you care about yourself? Because that’s where it all starts, isn’t it, within each one of us. Like that game of dominoes. Touching one creates momentum, which causes every stone to fall. We all need love and support. Sometimes it is about forgiveness, the ability to forgive yourself, or others who caused the trauma.

Indifference is a root that we have to weed. Humanity is suffering the most, caused by indifference. We need to pay attention to our own emotional world, our thoughts, and our actions. Every time we realize we act out of indifference, it is a tool that will enable us to look for its root cause.

This is a way of learning how to deal with the underlying issues. For, if you live your life from a place of apathy, and indifference, that’s not what Life is about. You deserve way more than that. This is your birthright, to feel what it is to be loved unconditionally. It starts with self-worth and self-love if we want to make a change.

And so it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

Standing at a cliff at dawn

While standing on a cliff at dawn

My heart responds to the sight and view
Standing on the cliff high up above the sea
Moved to my core, I am welcoming the unknown
The energy that awaits me on the horizon.
How will this new way of life be
Expanding into the future of this lifetime?
It feels like the wind is picking up my spirit
On the wings of an Eagle to soar and fly
Above the endless plane of light and love.
Wandering through my memories of all
These experiences have been part of me.
The challenges and emotions that came
With the way, it was felt, endured, and handled.
Those with love and compassion shine their Light
Ever so brightly through my inner heart core.
Others were more painful and dimmed,
To be restored and healed again.
So bringing back the different aspects
Of all those lifetimes, all enveloped within
This past of mine up to now
Light-hearted, I stand upon the cliff,
At the dawn of my new way of life
To start with a deep breath and allowing
To come in the higher energy of High Self,
More and more incorporated within.
The visual aspect of standing up high,
Catching the wind, almost leaving me
Breathless and in awe of its powerful energy.
My Blue Storm signature is expanding
And acknowledging its qualities as well.
Lifting my arms, embracing the sunlight
Of the rising Sun over the horizon,
Coloring the sea with orange and yellow
Light sparkles, the pink ray of compassion
Holds it all within my own being.
In every cell and atom, the energy is being
Received and welcomed, to bring in healing
As well, as a new light of knowledge and wisdom.
Taking a deep breath, feeling the solid ground
Underneath my feet, and the endless sky
Above my head, I know, I will embrace it all.

And so it will be

High Self Rhea Dopmeijer (c)
Heartfelt Messages

Moving house, or is it coming Home?

Moving house or is it coming home?

Amid all the turmoil of this life experience

almost on the edge of this life,

The necessity of cutting loose ends is essential.

Creating indoor space is necessary to develop.

Order in chaos, not only of emotions but also of thoughts.

With every step in this unfolding, the experience unfolds itself

Release and release control of the situation,

we are also creating an increasing sense of content.

This physical test expands through the various stages,

There is also clarity within every cell of the affected organs.

The necessity or urgency to gain clarity and certainty.

Helping is such a great miracle to come to a peaceful understanding.

The emotional body also reflects the inner process.

As the mindset, and yes there’s the illness and fatigue,

There is also leaving the old patterns to step into

the new world of the unknown.

There’s also a curiosity about how it will unfold in the end,

because there’s a fear of how the end of this precious life

will be on a physical level. But through all these steps, I see

the light glow as the material gets lighter, which reflects.

Himself also on the material level.

Less and less are brought to the new house where no one can do that

living, but the presence of the personal impression and the experience of the soul

leaves his footprints indisputably in every heart and soul.

It has hit the road.

One comes Home, while the other creates a new Home,

in our case, literally, we both are having a new beginning.

Approaching the ending on the physical level, this material world.

Internally connected when we are, there is no doubt that we will communicate.

Even after you’ve gone through the veil again in the energy field.

Not lost, just expanding, leaving behind any darkness or heaviness,

finding his way back home, to the Source, to expand.

Energy is not held by walls or beliefs,

there will be a never-ending stream of Love and understanding.

So my Love will never be lost, and we will always be connected.

As we have always been through time and space.

Both of us will create a new Home, expansive and excellent.

Through our Love Connection from Heart to Heart,

always be part of each other and also on our own territory

stand tall and be the ray of light, the spark of gold,

to shine through me like a Lighthouse energy,

guiding and inspiring as always.

And that’s how it will be.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

Clear Vision

Clear Vision

Clarity brings in more knowledge
And not just in your thoughts.
Your Heart and Soul are involved
In the processing of experiences
To be brought into your awareness
And creating new perspectives.
You are the willing participant
In the game of life,
To receive the wisdom and vision
Bringing forth the greatest gift of all.
You’re a Divine Spark of Love,
and can cherish yourself.
By doing so, you cherish others as well.
It all comes down to accept
Your feelings and emotions.
Listen to the inner and outer reactions
So you become aware of the line,
That is connected with your Soul
Which creates your life experiences.
Just one goal, just one purpose
To bring you Home to your Self.
Reuniting all your aspects and parts
That has been hurt and needs to be cherished,
Loved and healed.
Every experience will bring you closer
Every piece of you sees unfolding
With clarity and love within
The Healing Essence of Love.
The Divine Force to become all that you are,
The newborn Earth Angel.

And so, it is.

High Self – @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

New Steps

New steps

Every day, new steps create new possibilities, creating more awareness of this inner spark and your little nudges. Take each day as a first day, with an open mind and wonder, curious and eager to receive messages to be revealed. Assistance through the message being brought to your attention.

Have an eye for detail, then you can be taken by surprise by all the messages you receive during the day. When something catches your eye, for instance. Walking in nature, hearing the sounds of the birds, the wind through the trees, the Sun peaking through the leaves. Birds are making their appearance to bring you a message if you pay attention.

Feel the ground beneath your feet. Sense the area around you while walking. What comes up, what piques your attention. Taking each step with conscious awareness creates a meditative state. To be in the Now moment. Mindful as well. Ask for guidance and to reveal what might bring you more balance within yourself. What do you need to know? Be open and ready to accept.

They will come in all different shapes and sizes. The messengers will feel familiar with you. Where you have found comfort in the past. Where your feet took you. The ability to read the signs, to trust and have faith in the outcome. With love, it will show you new ways, new paths to follow, and new steps to take.

And so, it will be

High Self @Rhea Dopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

Which way shall my feet take me?

Which way will my feet take me?

The little nudges or whispers you receive are the ones that are easy to miss. These are the important messages you receive deep inside. Whether you call it the angel's whispering or the nudges from your own intuition, inner knowing, these little messages are worth paying attention to.

Because they always lead you in a direction that your mind can't always perceive, or your ego isn't ready to hear. The more you become aware of these subtle messages, and the more aware you become of the message it holds for you. Then you learn to trust them.

Perhaps fear or expectation can intervene. That's all the more reason to follow them. Because emotions tend to keep you from following the inner guidance of your heart that always comes from the space of love. It always leads you to a new experience that will benefit your growth and expansion.

What's new? Look back on the past years and see how you become more and more involved in these experiences. How do they help you on your way to greater understanding of your true self?

Every day new steps create new possibilities, new possibilities make you more and more aware of this inner spark and your little pushes. If you have an eye for detail, you will be surprised by all the messages you receive during the day. They will come in all shapes and sizes.

Whether it is a blackbird sitting in your garden waiting to be noticed and welcomed. A shape like a heart in the clouds. The smile of a stranger, or a hug from a loved one, all these little miracles create a feeling of joy and vibrancy from within.

It no longer comes from outside, a declaration of being loved comes from within your own source of love; the Chalice Well, where you can find all the love, joy, and abundance, and all the strength you need. All help to guide you on your life path.
And that's what's new.

And so it is.

High Self @Rhea Dopmeijer (c)
Heartfelt Messages