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Innate Nature of Life

Innate nature of life

When we are faced with difficulties, it is up to us to choose how to respond. Within every action and reaction, the intention of our thoughts and feelings is the compass for the outcome of every experience.

We are the mirror reflection of Life’s highest expression of creation as human beings. In every encounter, we can see our outcome from the intention we choose to make.

Our innate nature is one of Love and Expression of Light. Yet, it is so often blocked by the opposite energy as a standard, after choosing the dualistic way to experience both the positive and the negative, both the feminine and the masculine energies within to bring back the balance and reunification of our innate nature, our inner divine spark.

By connecting with the highest good in our development across centuries and stages of our lives, we can create a different outcome because we also can change our polarity.

Our inner Core Presence relates to the Energy of the Field from which we come. Supreme Energy is a neutral state, and we choose how we use it. So, by listening to our direct Channel with Source, our innate Nature will shine through our Heart’s Essence and self-love.

From our natural flow of unconditional love, we will connect and reflect in every encounter we have with every part of creation, in any form.

Because this is the natural state of creation.

And that’s how it is.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

Dance is the Elixer of Life

Dance like the Elixer of life

Let dance be the elixir of life. Let your life dance lightly on the edges of time, like dew on the tip of a leaf – Rabindranath Tagore.

Everybody loves to dance, but yet we feel that not everyone is good in performing. Our body automatically responds to both the rhythm and the music. All our senses are tuned at the moment we listen to music, we can feel emotions being expressed. The way the tones are uplifting or down to earth.

Connecting with our emotional body and memories. I know as a kid I was always touched deep in my heart when the fanfares walked our streets. At a concert by a band with only one rhythm section, the first song they played opened my heart so wide, that tears started flowing.

We are so creative in our lives to go to the edge of music, combining the tones and the rhythm. There is nothing like music to connect so many people in one place. It connects each of us from our heart and soul and even brings about euphoric moments. It’s all about the balance between what feels comfortable and what feels tight, which gives you shivers down your spine. Music is the expression of life experiences.

We can convey our emotions through the text, the song, and the music that is created to match it. Life has that effect on us. As if the drama creates a completely different song and tune compared to the happy moments in our lives. It’s all so connected to our physical and emotional bodies that we are invited to move to the music.

Dance is also an expression of how we want to express our emotions. And while it is a universal way we respond to the invitation, the expressions are diverse and almost infinite. Originated by the norms and values also in all those different countries and religions. Freedom to make music or restraint has a lot to do with how we can express ourselves.

What makes us happy feels a lot lighter and will be felt through music and rhythm. Our diversity around the world is a magical way to see potential come to life. Deep in our ancestral lines, we find the deeply rooted and anchoring way of expression in dance. As well as the very uplifting and almost ethereal ways of expression. And everything in between.

Life is full of changes, just like the way people express themselves over time and in different eras. How we can develop and develop our new insights is always evident in our ways of expressing them through music and dance. Dance represents our ability to also face challenges and changes in our daily lives.

We are all influenced by the way music is incorporated into our lives. Wherever we are, in every corner, music and dance are part of our life expression. So dancing on the edge of time, like dew on the tip of a leaf, can certainly be a challenge.

We all know how delicate the balance is before the dew hits the ground. Just a whisper of the wind can make it fall. But the light in the dew also refers to our inner light, pure and subtle consciousness. Going through life once in a while on your toes, sharing moments of joy expressed in happiness in the beam of dance and movement.

Let your Life dance means nothing but keep moving in ways that will make you happy and fulfilled with joy. Allow the changes in your life to be filled with the challenges that come with them. Every movement is a way to express yourself. You are the conductor and creator of the way you dance through life.

Maybe it feels limited or undesirable. It is an invitation from your soul to seek other ways to dance your life. Limitations are part of the process of creating a life filled with freedom. The challenges will apply to your courage and heart’s desire to be in harmony with the joy and love you deserve. Every soul begins this journey we call life with choices to make the best of it.

Along the way we can get distracted and go off track, changing the rhythm in our hearts. Life is to enjoy to the fullest. Life is about abundance and heart-to-heart connections. Then we can light dance and reach the limits of the limits we think we have. Dance your Life, with a capital letter L. Allow yourself to step forward and shine and dance light, just seeking balance like dew on the tip of a leaf.

You don’t have to be good. You don’t have to walk on your knees, a hundred miles through the desert, repentant. Not only that, but you only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves – Mary Oliver said this. It’s also about giving yourself permission to let your inner passion work through the motions of life.

Adapting to the rhythm of experiences, but always looking for the best and highest result. Time is a constant flow and works in mysterious ways. When you’re having fun, it seems to go fast. When things get tough, time is ticking away slower than usual. Like, the rhythm of Lifetime can shift. We go back in time and dance our way down memory lane.

Let your life dance. The way that makes you feel happy and joyful is the best way to light dance. In every challenge you encounter lies the opportunity to turn things around for the better. In the light of time, dance your life as easily and balanced as possible, to bring forth the purity of your heart and soul. Listen to your own rhythm, make your own music, and tune in whenever you want.

Express yourself through your dance of life. Bring in every tempo and every musical expression that will raise your vibration and frequency. Light will help you stretch your life to the edge of time because Love is the key to finding balance at the end of your leaf. Dance your life so you can let your life dance.

And that’s how it’s going to happen.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

Heartfelt Messages

Stepping out of my comfort zone

Stepping out of my comfort zone

These past few days have been very intensive, because I could feel the way the energy was shifting. My love and I are always connected through the veil in very different ways to be acknowledged. To me, it is always a heart-opening moment of pure joy, when I receive a clear sign when I am processing. Especially when I question something about the next step I want to take in my life because it serves my highest good.

The moment I ask him to be at my side, I receive such beautiful answers through the visual world. I know it is time to change my life differently, stepping out of the comfort zone of our relationship it has been this lifetime so far. I was made aware, that he was planning a coming back, to be with his loved ones again, as well as to heal some unfinished business.

I receive some clear messages through several sources, to take me by the hand into a new and unexpected new adventure. Roles will be different this time, which is confusing as well, as a miracle that enables me to be here to witness. How many of us can say this. How this is going to unfold, still will be a mystery as well as a magical journey.

This also means to me, that my role in relationship will change. So to create inner space to be able to do so, I have to let go of the physical relationship we had as partners. I have been dealing internally with this challenge for some time now, the moment I was told this was about to happen shortly. So what would this mean for me?

Love has many faces, and ours has been about partnering up this lifetime initially. Although we knew deep down, inner knowing, this wasn’t going to last our entire lifetime together. It was also about a promise. To enable and love him through all the trials he was going to have. Dealing with the obstacles in his life on a personal level also brought up some challenges for both of us.

Yet, the deep inner love and knowing were enough to bring unconditional love into our relationship. In the end, he was done with this lifetime and had to go to the bottom of his own being. We knew we would see each other again, as well we would be connected through our love. Through the veil to share our love still in such a wonderful and magical way.

What does this mean for me? I struggled for a while on my personal level and my ego wished to be with him in the way we were before. Yet I know why he needs to come back into this reality to resolve whatever there was that needed to be acknowledged. So this big heart of his as well his soul essence is having another precious experience.

He will choose his parents who will enable him to fulfill his journey. His physical being will be different from this lifetime since he has cleared already so many wounds. His blueprint will be one of a teacher, no doubt, for that is what he has to give to the world. His deep knowledge as well, as experiences may as well through music and his talent to share his passion.

So these past few weeks and especially these past couple of days were all about goodbye, to the old and familiar way we were before. Not saying goodbye to our love, it will just be in a different form and I feel blessed to be able to witness this up close again from the start. It also enables me to create new spaces within me.

Letting the physical form be in relationship to me, also created a possibility as well. How this will unfold in my life to come, is still a mystery, as has been a lot for me. Never able to see into the future, always taking it one day at a time.

To be in this moment, to experience and receive what is being offered. His love for me, from his soul, remains the same. As does my love for him. When somebody reacted to a post with the response, he will love you forever and will arrange for you to meet another soul mate, I was flabbergasted, to say the least. His love is this strong for you, that he wants you to be happy with someone else to keep you company.

How grand and rich this will be if this will happen, or should I say when this happens. This creates an enormous trust and faith within my heart and soul as well. So today I am settling the dust so to speak, that was coming up with these messages. Dealing with the conflicting emotions at times, yet always knowing deep within my heart it would be another magical journey for the both of us, again.

So I see when I see you, will have a new identity so to speak. It will be about new beginnings for both of us to follow our soul’s journey. For the highest good of the 2 of us, will it bring in even more uplifting and enlightening energy? This is about a new phase, according to the energy, that is brought in these days as well, as with the new codes of vibration.

We are the creators of our life and we can create magic. Releasing the doubt as well the emotions about loss and pain, there will be clarity never experienced. New visions as well, as expanding love will be a new norm and love will always be the master key, the cement and the glue.

And so it will be done

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

Bringing all Home

Bringing all Home

Just sitting outside with the Sun ever so Bright
And still feeling off, just like the moments when
The clouds are creating an empty space
Within, blocking the Sun
Like the outside world is just another
Reflection of my mood today.

Rain is falling, the sun is shining
Clouds are blocking the view
What is it today that keeps
Me in this mood
And what kind of mood is it?

It’s not sadness, it’s not fear
It feels like fatigue, tired to the bone
At times literally, where the density is the thickest
And hardest to let the energy
Come through, the Light of Healing
and Love, so easily felt in my veins,
Is this blocked feel deep within
that needs to withhold some kind of
barrier to be brought into the Light
Into the surface of my existence

Making me aware it isn’t over
Till it is over, last trembles, last old
the twitching feel of tiredness by
Breathing through the inside into the
Outside my Being, still in need of
Healing and taking into the light
Of Source to be free at last and reunited
again, with all my other parts that
already have found their Save Home
and sheltered in the Light of Love.

So dear one, if you are holding on
Then make sure you really want this
Release since the releasing of Self is the
The last frontier, the last Portal you are
going to walk through to find Your Self
On the other side and inside out again.

Bringing all Home, Home to where the
Heart is, Your Sacred Heart with all the
Love and Compassion for you to be held
In comfort and abundance in every particle.
To come out and dazzle the world
When You step forward and shine Your Light.

High Self Heartfelt Messages
Rhea Dopmeijer (c)


Guidance – silence yourself and listen to the whispers of your Heart

A most important lesson for me was to let the wanting go, let go of the forcing, even when I feel the urge to write and not know what will come out of it. Just trusting and relying on, just open up to Be the channel and to serve the way it was intended to be.

Shine some light on basic perceptions and create a bridge to the Inner Center of Self, firing up the flames of the I AM, releasing any old aspects with love and clarity, so people may re-connect with their own Soul and Spirit.

Create more awareness within themselves of their own inner Sparkle of Light seated deep within the Heart.

For they are the Creators and therefore have to take up responsibility for their creations, to become the best they can Be, Sparkle of Source, connected within themselves and with All of Creation,

Remembering their own purpose and goals, the reason for their Being here on Earth, to participate in this Grand Process of letting Source know all the facets of Her Own Being, shared with all the Realms and Arch Angels, angels and teachers, messengers, counselors, or just Be the Best you can Be-Come.

Be-Come whole, Be-Come Home, bringing Home back within the Sacred Heart of all Being – Love – Compassion – Light – Kindness – Understanding and Freedom of all ancient emotional wounds so all bodies ethical, physical, emotional, and mentally.

Be-Come the Body of Light.

And so it is Dear One.

High-Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

Equinox, Springtime, the Arrival

Equinox, Springtime, the Arrival

I am a bit restless, like I am waiting for things.
To Come, or some energy to come in.
Equinox, Springtime, the arrival
of New Energy Wave.
A Ray of Green Light, they say, creating more.
Creativity leads to great ideas,
quotes, fulfillment of Self.
See the whole picture from every angle,
So, you can really clean up the House,
That is to say,
Your Own Inner Household.
Using Springtime Energy
that urges you to clean up your House.
Open the windows so fresh air can come In.
Dust every corner in every room,
Check for any figments of that.
Still might be lingering.
And bless your Space with Love,
Compassion and Kindness.
Like you wash the windows
of your House to get a clear
and clean look,
Inside and out.
So can you clean up your
Vision of Sight,
Enabling you to go even deeper.
Within the layers, you already have discovered
and yet are still to be resolved,
To See with Clarity
and remembering the Beauty
that lies beyond the clutter.
Of your Household on all Levels
of your Inner Being.
The Light you hold within
will shine ever so brightly,
outside for anyone to recognize.
And connect with from the depths.
Of their own Inner Sacred Place.
It will Be a joint effort.
To clear, not just your own Household,
yet it will accelerate immensely.
The Remembering within the Collective
As a Whole.
And so, it will Be.
High Self – @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

Een nieuwe energie frequentie creëren

Een nieuwe energiestructuur creëren

De waarheidsgetrouwe luisteraar zijn

Een platform opzetten

Voor wie een oor nodig heeft

Om te luisteren naar de intieme gevoelens

En geef gewoon bevestiging

En een liefdevol begrip.

Dat is alles wat iemand wil.

Om gehoord en erkend te worden,

Een stem krijgen om te spreken,

Om de emoties te laten gaan, ga vrijuit.

En zet de zaken weer in perspectief.

Er kunnen dus nieuwe manieren worden gevonden.

Loslaten en opnieuw in evenwicht brengen

De innerlijke kennis kan worden geopend,

Gewoon om een ​​open zicht te creëren

Over hoe om te gaan met problemen.

Er kan dus genezing zijn.

Op een dieper niveau,

De ziel bevrijden en innerlijk creëren


Dat is alles.

Vriendelijkheid en mededogen zijn een

Krachtige combinatie met Liefde.

Om de nieuwe energie binnenin te implementeren

Zowel het fysieke als het energielichaam

Creëert een nieuwe structuur van wijsheid,

gezondheid en bewustzijn.

Met liefde, compassie en begrip.

We kunnen niet alleen de celstructuur veranderen,

Maar we veranderen ook de uitkomst van onze ervaringen.

Alles is verbonden, elke cel houdt de waarheid vast,

Over de zielenmissie en onze expansie.

Om een ​​nieuwe structuur van ons Lichtlichaam te bouwen

Bevat ook alle lessen die we hebben geleerd,

De uitkomst veranderen door liefde en mededogen

In elk aspect van ons wezen.

En dus zal het gebeuren.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

Oprechte Berichten 2 juni 2021

Hart op Aarde

The truth about your Inner Strength

The truth about Your Inner Strength

When you are connected with your Heart

Listening to the whispers and nudges,

Not even doubting what to do next,

You are tapping into your inner Strength.

It is sometimes really subtle to hear

And it requires a certain tuning in

Ready to listen with a different kind of hearing.

When you can step aside

The essence of the inner truth will be revealed.

If you are debating or doubting what you hear

You only have to ask yourself, is this love?

What will be good, not just for me,

But also for the other one as well.

How can we benefit the most in a non-dual way?

The moment you step away from the force

Or even from a fight to make your case

You can step aside to hear what the best solution

Can be in any kind of situation.

The more you can rely on the voice of intuition,

The clear hearing and vision that comes with it,

It will also strengthen you as a human,

As the person you are, and you want to be.

Truth is if we can drop the drama in our life

And realize we are the creators of our experiences

We can take responsibility for our actions as well

The choices we make along the way.

Followed by trusting the inner voice to encounter

Your day-to-day life with others and challenges

The way we can step up and allow ourselves

To express our truth from a different kind of perspective,

The way we can rely on it, the way it will be revealed

Even though we don’t know the outcome yet.

We also experience that this is giving us more

And more confidence to trust in it, which then

Builds our inner Strength.

Where doubting is no longer needed.

Standing for the truth of your heart and vision,

to be outspoken and shared,

Is creating the inner knowing.

That’s where your true Inner Strength

Is seated, in the knowing of the true Heartfelt

Messages that are being shared are to be heard.

Love creates the bridge between the inner and outer world,

The balance within without the duality felt before.

And so it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

Wait for the Invitation

Wait for the Invitation

I’ve got to wait for the invite

Someone told me years ago.

When you step into a situation

Without being invited,

You will probably rub

Against the wrong way.

Invitation freely given

Is a door, a gate?

In the way of speaking.

I am allowed to come in

At the heart of the business

And also to listen to answer

Because of the confirmation

And the willingness that came with it.

I invite you into my energy

In my deepest being.

It works both ways, I know it,

Because the reaction can only come

When I’m ready to listen.

There is no difference in this

For me to wait for the invite

If it comes from a good friend

Or someone I only meet online

Everyone is stretching out

Also looking for attention

As I stretch out my heart

Looking for the response of

My Higher Self or spiritual guides.

Stand open to be able to listen

With my inner ears and senses

So the love can flow along

Opening up new gates

And create a new level of energy

To explore once again.

I invite the love and light

That has been consumed by every soul

Also, the ones that are gone

Before us as well.

I invite my past, present, and future

To step up to this higher level

To become the highest

Version of who I can be.

I’ll be quiet, take my rest now

So there will be space and space

To let this sink into my being.

In the deep inner silence

This will be known.

And that’s how it is.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

Heartfelt Messages

Standing at a cliff at dawn

While standing on a cliff at dawn

My heart responds to the sight and view
Standing on the cliff high up above the sea
Moved to my core, I am welcoming the unknown
The energy that awaits me on the horizon.
How will this new way of life be
Expanding into the future of this lifetime?
It feels like the wind is picking up my spirit
On the wings of an Eagle to soar and fly
Above the endless plane of light and love.
Wandering through my memories of all
These experiences have been part of me.
The challenges and emotions that came
With the way, it was felt, endured, and handled.
Those with love and compassion shine their Light
Ever so brightly through my inner heart core.
Others were more painful and dimmed,
To be restored and healed again.
So bringing back the different aspects
Of all those lifetimes, all enveloped within
This past of mine up to now
Light-hearted, I stand upon the cliff,
At the dawn of my new way of life
To start with a deep breath and allowing
To come in the higher energy of High Self,
More and more incorporated within.
The visual aspect of standing up high,
Catching the wind, almost leaving me
Breathless and in awe of its powerful energy.
My Blue Storm signature is expanding
And acknowledging its qualities as well.
Lifting my arms, embracing the sunlight
Of the rising Sun over the horizon,
Coloring the sea with orange and yellow
Light sparkles, the pink ray of compassion
Holds it all within my own being.
In every cell and atom, the energy is being
Received and welcomed, to bring in healing
As well, as a new light of knowledge and wisdom.
Taking a deep breath, feeling the solid ground
Underneath my feet, and the endless sky
Above my head, I know, I will embrace it all.

And so it will be

High Self Rhea Dopmeijer (c)
Heartfelt Messages