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Oneness – we are connected to everything

Oneness – we are connected to everything

When there is only Silence, no words come up, only the senses sharp, and you feel connected to where you are.

Every place you could hold in a loving embrace, filled with the birds singing, the dialogue between the pigeons, Some talking in the distance, and footsteps on the path. Feel the gentle breeze ironing through your hair and the warmth of the sun tempered by the shadows of the trees.

What a variety of trees in this magical, enchanted landscape. At every turn, you take pictures with a different stage Glowing green hills where the trees And parts of old and ancient forests divide them. Because even sitting here in silence, you still see fragments of every journey you’ve made through time.

You don’t even have to close your eyes, to see every print every scene made in your memory bank in your mind, so your eyes and vision can capture. We humans can use it for the welfare of all, or to use the landscape for various purposes.

It’s all in the eye of the beholder, what you want to see. Is the beauty you want, then is the beauty you get? Free choice and free have 2 sides to this medal, One and the same. Memories in the landscape of both are memories of them.

Anyway, you can enter a village along the hill, on one side this little chapel was built in honor of the divine feminine. On the other side, you will find this bunker, a symbol for everything that resists it.

This forms the deeper meaning we have within ourselves, created by duality. War and peace, male and female, you choose and make a way. Every thought creates a form in reality, even in a material sense. We keep the candle burning, high, so everyone can see the light. As a Lighthouse, we stand firmly on the ground.

Through free will service and through every storm mankind has endured. This is the time for everyone to wake up and see the beauty surrounding us, created by One, a New Word, which will create a New World, of Balance and Equality, instead of the duality and contradictions.

Because within the duality lies the key to bringing these contradictions together, Even as One whole, in energy they exist. So will the material be done, co-create within every realm and grid, together able to make a difference, to break the scale when humans can say, it is enough, it is done, we are connected to all as One.

And that’s how it’s going to happen.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

Heartfelt Messages

Ignite the Seed of Magic

Ignite the Seed of Magic

To keep it growing, this seed requires time, love, patience, harmony, and balance internally. So releasing old patterns, beliefs, and emotional wounds enables us to walk in grace on Earth.
Everyone has a special, unique seed within the Heart, which makes you a unique individual with unique abilities.
They are planted deep within the core to come to the surface at the right time, and that will be different to each one of You.

Experiences that will and can be used as stepping stones to come to a fuller understanding. Growing with each experience into the balanced Self, where the Soul is the tool to achieve this. It will bring you all back to your true Being, remembering, remembering, reunion with Your True Nature, leaving Home at the time just to re-discover the Essence of You.

Mastering this whole process throughout time and space, leaving your footprints on this planet you have chosen to be the playground, and learning and understanding the processes.

For every one of you, the time will come to remember, being a Member of this grand Family you belong to. From stardust You come, to Be-Come this Human Angelic Being, lasting to remain on Earth and bringing Home back into your Heart, instead of leaving to return to Home and start and re-invent again on Earth.
That’s the beauty of it, and it’s truly a New Day, A New Dawning of Awareness, Love, Joy, and Magic.

And so it is

High Self – @Rhea Dopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

My little black box

My little Black Box as a gift to My Self

I received a little black cube and didn’t know what to do with it.
Messages I received were talking about past life experiences.
So I had to check this one out for myself,
what kind of significance it had.

Experiences can crawl under your skin,
Making you feel unsettled or
Just wide awake and full of anticipation.
The feel you get with Christmas,
And you know you are getting presents.
This feels like that when there is an opening
Deep within yourself, ready to burst
And come into your light awareness.
Presence shining through and
Lights up your heart and lifts you up.
On the other hand, there are those feelings,
That can give you the creeps and you don’t want
To open the lit of the box.
This dark cube I was presented
With nothing in it, no presents,
No light, just dark energy.
This is the most difficult present to get from your Soul.
Preferably dormant and staying that way, I realized.
This is my Dark Angel’s gift.
And by receiving this little cube,
I also know this is a great gift from my Light Angel
And my Dark Angel together,
Both are present in me, deeply hidden within my core
And now is the time – this lifetime
To bring it back into Source.
My Source, wherein lies all the raw primal energy,
My root connection with Earth – Gaia
And Heaven was blocked because I made a choice.
So here I am, in this lifetime

And now I AM ready to fully understand,
Trust and rely on this perfect gift of Love.
Disguised as the Dark Side, which, in the Core, it was
My Divine Spark all along.
The Spark of Creation, of Duality, of Illusions,
The Teacher brings all the lifetime experiences
Finally, Home deep within my Core, all the way,
No holding back any longer, fully, allowing and accepting.
This is the greatest gift of Love
I decided to give to myself,
Soul and Spirit aligned to step into the
Experiences of being cut off from Source,
As the great Guide through it all.
The One who was always there to bring forth
Any new experience.
And Soul as the Doorman, the Keeper to shine on Me,
Every step of the way.

Step by step, lifetime after lifetime
The disclosure started.
Gaining more and more connection
With every breath and every experience
That brought me closer and closer
To this point in Time.
Etched and determination in My Memory
Held in this Safe and Sacred Place,
Deep within my cells and DNA
Up to this moment in Time,
All the dots are connected,
the grid has been set internally,
the doors are opened up,
The heart is ready to receive.
Fear is changed in Love,
Love for Self, Love for the Whole.
My existence as it was
It will never be the same again.
And This is just the beginning,
Grateful, Beloved, AM I.

And so it is.

High Self – @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

When I look at you

When I look at you

Sitting behind my laptop, I am looking at a picture of you, and it is still hard to get my head around it, you are not coming back. To me, you are so real. I was looking at the sky this morning and just saw your face appearing in the clouds, you took me by surprise there. I felt my heart leap at this sign and knew this was one of many more.

Everywhere I go and everywhere I look, there you are. In the window of a shop, or when I am looking for clothes, I automatically scan the men’s wear. These are the confronting experiences for me. Walking in the street knowing you will not go there any longer, and I don’t have to bring back a shirt or trousers. Things I would always do to please you, make you smile, those little gestures to let you know I love you.

Not the material form any longer, so this is unknown territory somehow how to show you, my love. Then it dawned, for as clear I can see every wrinkle in your face, your concentration when you were working, carefully, focused, watching every little detail, I can see you in every aspect of my life right now. I see it in the faces of those who love you, your children and grandchildren, your brothers and sisters, and mine as well.

Every time your name comes up, and trust me, that is quite a lot, I see you. Every memory they share with each other, there you are. The happy memories are being overshadowed a bit by this recent loss of your physical appearance, you are ingrained and edged in every heart you have touched. Just by being You.

My gentle giant, who could be so stubborn and self-interested at times. No, I am not going to make a saint out of you. We all know every aspect you have shown us. We will always remember your generous heart and caring for those who were not able to follow the pace society demanded of them.

Being a coach and a teacher, you have been for so many. Patience like an angel, someone said, when it came to teach someone how to do their job. This quality of you shines through your lifetime as a lighthouse, for those who were affected by your ways.

The beauty of all of this is, watching our son watching his granddad and seeing you in every gesture and reaction, as well as the recognition of his own manners through the two of you. This is how love works as well. By recognizing the things, they choose to incarnate by lineage, they also chose aspects of you and me, yet we are also part of our parents. The way you resembled your father in some respects, mostly the outer appearances and gestures, is pretty in their face now.

At the same time, I see you when I look at your dad, as I do when I look at our son. He takes after his father and grandfather as well in many ways, although he is his own unique self. Our daughter sees you as well in the way her grandfather is reacting, caused by old age and illness. Being so close to you during these last few months, watching your process day by day, and now being reflected in her granddad.

I see you in her as well, same nature in essence, although she also is unique and one of a kind. We raised our kids well, and I see how they both deal with this new situation in their lives. It is not by words but by actions, we show how much we have taught them to respond to negativity or loss and how they will be able to bounce back again.

The strength and courage you showed during your day-to-day fight is memorable for them as well as everyone else concerned. You are and always will be their role model, their hero, they call you. And rightfully so. The same courage they show, and I see you again.

You have made such an impact on their lives as well as mine it is not something that will wear off soon. It doesn’t have to, because every act and thought of love in your memory is just polishing it up even more. You are the modest one, the silent warrior, so no tribute in your honor.

I just want to express, that I see you in so many faces, in so many actions and memories, so much is triggering the love I feel for you. I can only describe how it feels to be on this side of the veil, for that is where my present lies. In every Now and moment.

Watching your picture on my laptop generates this writing, as well did the confrontation in the shop this morning. The bittersweet sensation when I see you. I guess it will take some time to adjust, and it will be sweeter than bittersweet, yet one thing I know, is it will never be bitter. I see you when I see you, that is our goodbye not so long ago.

This is true, I see you all around me, holding me up and supporting me. Showering still with so much love expressed by those who love you, that it is giving me the strength as well, as the courage to walk my path with bravery. Knowing you are with me all the way, till I see You

And so it is

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

Clear Vision

Clear Vision

Clarity brings in more knowledge
And not just in your thoughts.
Your Heart and Soul are involved
In the processing of experiences
To be brought into your awareness
And creating new perspectives.
You are the willing participant
In the game of life,
To receive the wisdom and vision
Bringing forth the greatest gift of all.
You’re a Divine Spark of Love,
and can cherish yourself.
By doing so, you cherish others as well.
It all comes down to accept
Your feelings and emotions.
Listen to the inner and outer reactions
So you become aware of the line,
That is connected with your Soul
Which creates your life experiences.
Just one goal, just one purpose
To bring you Home to your Self.
Reuniting all your aspects and parts
That has been hurt and needs to be cherished,
Loved and healed.
Every experience will bring you closer
Every piece of you sees unfolding
With clarity and love within
The Healing Essence of Love.
The Divine Force to become all that you are,
The newborn Earth Angel.

And so, it is.

High Self – @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

New Steps

New steps

Every day, new steps create new possibilities, creating more awareness of this inner spark and your little nudges. Take each day as a first day, with an open mind and wonder, curious and eager to receive messages to be revealed. Assistance through the message being brought to your attention.

Have an eye for detail, then you can be taken by surprise by all the messages you receive during the day. When something catches your eye, for instance. Walking in nature, hearing the sounds of the birds, the wind through the trees, the Sun peaking through the leaves. Birds are making their appearance to bring you a message if you pay attention.

Feel the ground beneath your feet. Sense the area around you while walking. What comes up, what piques your attention. Taking each step with conscious awareness creates a meditative state. To be in the Now moment. Mindful as well. Ask for guidance and to reveal what might bring you more balance within yourself. What do you need to know? Be open and ready to accept.

They will come in all different shapes and sizes. The messengers will feel familiar with you. Where you have found comfort in the past. Where your feet took you. The ability to read the signs, to trust and have faith in the outcome. With love, it will show you new ways, new paths to follow, and new steps to take.

And so, it will be

High Self @Rhea Dopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

Time to grieve my old self

Time to grieve my old self

When past times are gone
And new ways are shown
It is time to release all the old
That is left lingering behind.
Moving forward also means
Letting go of the old me.
As much as I feel blessed and grateful
For all the time spent together,
There are also some unresolved
Issues now ask for my attention.
My new me has to say goodbye
To my old me as there is a time
Before and a time after.
It demands grievance as well,
To be able to move forward.
For all I have experienced in those years,
Are now gone and will never come back.
Now on the bridge between the old and new,
It is not only time to take a look back,
Yet also to be ready to make a step forward.
Not losing track creating a new life
Making new friends and learning new ways.
Sharing Heartfelt all that comes straight
From my heart and spirit to
Let my soul speak its own language.
No longer the same person and not yet
Sure which I will become in the future time.
Yet it is necessary to say my goodbyes
And hold my old self close to my heart.
Let all her pain and sorrow come out,
To create a shelter for her
In my own way and in my arms
So to speak, as it is so much a part
Of who I was and not always enjoying
The circumstances that were created,
Through differences as well as loving
Encounters we shared together.
Being different and at times painful,
Other times it was just complementary.
Yet now the time has come to put
These to a place of quiet and peace,
To allow and acknowledge the past.
To bring it into the present to
Create a new future and a brand
New me, as in myself and I.
With so much love and willingness,
Not just saying my goodbyes to you
Yet also to the one I used to be
With you.

And so it will be
High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

What Beauty Can I See?

What beauty can I see?

Actually, the question was, what beauty can you see right now? What is working for you? Realizing it is in the smallest things, like fresh water in my tap. A bed to sleep in and a safe home to stay in. This is probably the one thing I am the most grateful for. Having the luxury of my own apartment.

The beauty lies hidden in the walls, and the paintwork on the doors and ceilings. The perfect flooring, we chose together before we moved in. It is in love, all this was accomplished by a group of people who haven’t met each other before.

At least most of them. Friends and family and generations coming together. The older ones are like brothers and sisters. The younger ones, like our children and their friends. All were willing to put in all the effort that was needed to create a home for us within 4 days.

Not just a home, everything was cleaned, painted, and moved into from our former home. 20 people or so who put their hands together out of love. Love for a brother, a brother-in-law, a father, a neighbor, who needed peace and comfort in his last days on this planet.

What beauty can I see? It is in every room, every space in my home. It is in the way we were able to build our memories. Not only that, but it is in the way we were able to live our life in its final stage together. It is in the energy in every room, watching the walls, furniture, or the way things still are.

Love can move mountains. This move proved it. We witnessed it with our own eyes. The beauty in the connections between strangers. The way they laughed with each other, as well as cried. The jokes they made. The fun they had. The fulfillment when it was all set and done for the most important move in our life.

When we take the time to see what beauty we find in our lives, it’s not always about the big things. Nor the most precious or priceless artifacts or art. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is in the seen and unseen. It is in a gesture, a loving smile, a wink of an eye across the room. Beauty is found in all the little gestures that color your relationship.

To me, that is what makes me grateful every day I wake up. The first thing I see is a special picture taken 3 years ago with so much meaning. Just for the two of us. The beauty I see in that tender offer, reaching out a flower in his hand. I still can feel the loving energy between our hearts.

The beauty I see reflected in the eyes of our grandchildren. Expressing love, they feel for this beloved soul. They know his essence isn’t gone, nor is his love for them. Watching those memories flow through time and space. Holding the beauty of the unconditional love that represented the last years. It radiated and touched everyone who came in contact with it.

It is an ongoing process that will spread like a little pebble thrown into the water. The circles that are created represent all the family lines into other family lines and so on. Watching the ripples of love that were created through time and space. Bringing people together, heart-to-heart. Bridging the differences, uniting, and creating one loving community.

That’s where I see the Beauty of Love.

And so it will be growing

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

Death and Magic

Death and Magic

Listening to the wind blazing outside I am trying to find the inner silence Within my heart to hear the words to come forth to be expressed.

My sense of belonging as well, as not being in the here and now are in constant flux and in charge of my mindset as well, as emotions. What is it that wants to come to the fourth and needs to be addressed

Other than the words that came to my attention just now. Death and Magic, as if they come together as partners of Life, As aspects of what we experience in these moments we let go.

Every time we let go of the old ways, of old patterns,
We die a little, letting go of the self as we know it.
When we are tuned in with the flow of Love and Life,

These moments naturally present themselves. We learn to be more and more aware of the shifts and changes In our consciousness and awareness of the way we create our lives.

In every Now moment, we are the creator of the way we perceive, patterns and challenges or experiences that are on our path. So how is death connected with magic, in our own life as well In the lives of those we love and have to let go at one point.

For me, it’s in the way it is all connected through our experiences As well, as with all there is we have felt along the way. In the moments of shifts or changes, there are these peeks of awareness, which enable us to see something new or maybe something unexpected.

Consider your life a magical gift and your experience a beautiful opportunity to leave the world a better place.
You give that gift back when death comes and ends your time on this plane. Experiences, relationships, projects, and even long-cherished dreams are all subject to the natural laws of death.

Now is the time for you to let certain parts of your life die
and recognize this process as something to celebrate as well as to mourn. Let go with love and gratitude. Leave your fears behind.

For in death, there is great magic where nothing can ever be truly destroyed. From the ashes of the old, a new life and new dreams will come to be. Be willing to be empty, a new world will be born for you.

This is the gift of the Divine for you when you surrender your resistance and allow things to be as they are.
We live through in the hearts of our loved ones as we hold them Close to our hearts in our memories, our thoughts, our smiles As well, as our tears, where through the shimmering sometimes A rainbow appears in the blink of an eye.

And so it will be

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

When memories keep flooding in

When memories come flooding in

On this day the memories are flooding in
Remembering the final phases of a lifetime
The breaking point as well, the surrendering
Yet still strongly connected through will and spirit
The dignity you held through the passing
Honoring those you held so dear
Each in their own way, sharing your love
And giving them gifts through words
As well as your intense awareness.
You are standing tall and bright
After releasing all layers that needed to be shed
Earning your wings through your courage
Enabling all of us to dwell in your love
So we are still so connected heart-to-heart
Being the standard for us in your transition
We bring you love, honor, and respect.
My love, so loved by so many for your big heart
Always present to assist and help out
Your work here isn’t done
It will continue on both sides of the veil.
You will be able to do your job as a teacher
And guide to everyone who holds you, dear.
When I saw you, I knew you were the one
I had been waiting for in my life.
Now I will be here to fulfill my journey
With your guidance through spirit and love
Until my bones become ash
And I will search for you through time and space
Until we are united again.
Fly my love and spread those big wings
Loved and beloved soul to soul
Heart-to-heart with every breath I take
Part of me from the beginning of time
Infinite connected and loved
I see you when I see you.

And so it is
High Self Rhea Dopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages
to my beloved Herman, our journey continues