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Standing in the in-between land of Awareness

Standing in the in-between land of awareness

When we stand in the in-between land of our awareness
There is always this hesitation within in order to step through
Into the forward motion of the created experience.
You know what you had and you don’t know yet
What is to come or how it will enfold.
There is you resisting and being reluctant at one hand,
To embrace the new in order to move forward.
On the other hand, there is also this need to change
The in between land in moving towards the new area.
Depending on your former experiences, the move
Might be easy or difficult, even though you know
This is a positive and necessary experience to go through.
Deep down, you know it is time to release and let go
Of the old and familiar ways.
Even if that comes with stuck energy or negativity,
The moment you are still in the in between space
of your awareness, it holds the possibility for you
to create a new energy field for your highest good.
You may not want to feel into the insecurity and
Vulnerability, yet it is all there in this present moment.
One foot in the old, the other foot already in the new,
And the hardest thing to do is to make the next step
When this brings up old fears and more insecurity
About your own ability to be able to handle the new.
So what do you do, in order to get out of the in between
Space of your awareness?
Are you ready and willing to make the necessary change
To embrace fully the new area of your existence?
Ask yourself, what do I need to make this transition?
What needs to be addressed within, in order to step
Forward without all that is holding me back, or wants to.
I know what the past experiences held for me and it all
Comes down to stepping forward fearless and bold.
Yet being fearless needs work most of the times,
Every time we make a turn or change in our life.
Not always is a change voluntarily, when it is caused
By the need to move or departure of a loved one.
It is important to stay tuned in with your inner knowledge
Which will assist you in making your next move to go
Through the challenges this change provides.
Are you willing and able to address the issues at hand
That provide the necessary clearing and cleansing brought
Up into your awareness in this sacred space of your
In between land. This is the time you created, even though
the sight might be scary and out of your comfort zone.
The outcome will make a lot of difference,
How you are able to handle the new life experience.
Even if the first impression of the new might
Not as promising as you would like it to be.
Be gentle with yourself during this phase,
So it will make the transition easier to step through
Into this new area and time in your life.
Love will be your greatest companion during this
Experience and will assist you in moving forward
And getting yourself out of the in between land,
Into the now and new way of awareness again.
Everything that wants to hold you back, is just there
To be loved, and through this master key, it will be
Healed and enabling you to expand and embrace
In a new order of consciousness.

And so it will be done.
High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages 1-3-2016

Do the Walk of Life

Do the Walk of Life

The Walk of Life is connected with all the different stages we come across in every lifetime in order to grow. Not to be part of a way of just moving through the days, You need to be aware and conscious about the deeper layers. Meanwhile every day is a day to embrace life to the fullest, Enjoy every gift which is presenting itself and rejoice The loving companions you are surrounded by.

From birth till we are going through a transition, We take the necessary steps growing up to be the best Version we had envisioned for ourselves before we Incarnated again, or in other words follow the next Stage to bring in more harmony, balance and healing. Healing of emotional wounds that have been building up, Lifetime after lifetime to remember where we came from.

In the meanwhile, back behind the veil of ignorance or Should we say lack of memory, we are lining up to live. The Walk of Life on this planet is something we as human Embodiment of our souls are giving us the chance to Fulfill the promises we made to ourselves to step through The wall of Fire in order to bring in the highest version Of God’s aspect, back into our awareness.

The Divine Spark within each of us is part of this journey To be remembered in order to evolve and grow into deeper And more higher perspectives as well. That’s to say, the souls that were feeling challenged to take On this journey, this walk of life in a 3D planetary consciousness. The Divine planning in order to bring in the highest Light And Love forward into the physical and material world. We are connected with our planet as much as we are With our fellow men and women alike.

Truth is we are all connected on this walk of Life Because of the energetic matrix we exist by. The signature of the Creator to bring in life in every cell Of every living creature in coexistence with each other. Non excluded, all included so the life on this planet could Evolve and grow in frequency and vibration, for every soul.

Sometimes the emotional status of the emotional body Prevents us to feel the most uplifting energy of Love. Yet as much as we breathe in Life we also breathe in Love. It is a natural energy flow which has been forgotten and Now to be remembered in its full extension.

Each one of us are making choices along the way because Of the gift of free will and accordingly the play will develop As well enfold itself with different outcomes in order to
Bring back healing as well the knowing of who we truly are. There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no river deep enough to keep me away from you, my angelic being, my angel Essence to shine through after the road has been walked along the spiraling pathways up on higher grounds.

Every time we choose to bring in more love into the challenges, We are healing not just our wounds, yet also those of our Loved ones, every encounter will change for the better. The more we allow Love shine on our wounds, either Physical, mental or emotional, the etheric body will heal as well. The ties will be burned down by the fire of loving energy In order to become this standard, this pillar of Light for all.

The Walk of Life is here as a symbol for every soul that Has started its journey one way or another for the release And celebration of the highest aspect of our being, The Love incarnation that is the Divinity within each of us. So do the walk of life, to honor and love yourself, to be Able to respect yourself, and to reconnect with this inner Love fire, that is a reflection of your Divine Angelic Nature.

Every time we connect with the joy, the happiness, the sense of belonging, the bliss of experiencing love. These are the healing energies we are using to bring in the balance again. The way we are experiencing the duality, our communities seem to be building upon.

Yet these are not the true nature of our ways to live together, neither how to walk together. Ancient societies were existing through the circle of balanced energies, not the opposites. The differences were seen as qualities, and also were been used to complement on every level. As it was in a love relationship between 2 people.

The way the differences were holding the balance were coming from this place of unity and understanding. This is our natural state of living, our walk of life which is feeding on love, equality and freedom, where lies are not of use because of the heart to heart telepathy.

We are walking the spiral of our evolution almost like it is backwards, to the ways were we knew. This process of remembering who we truly are is bringing up more memories of ancient esoteric knowledge, healing as well a difference in understanding the ways our frequencies and vibrational fields we are.

Our day to day walk is about the flow of energy, the cellular constructions of our human bodies are being influenced by the way our emotional, physical, mental and etheric bodies are balanced.

So in order to bring forth the highest possible outcome of ourselves, we have this opportunity to choose and create an amazing wonderful connected walk of Life with all of Creation, by doing so lifting it up to higher places and ways we now dream about.

And so, it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages 23-1-2018

Standing in the in-between Land of Awareness

Standing in the in-between land of awareness

When we stand in the in-between land of our awareness
There is always this hesitation within in order to step through
Into the forward motion of the created experience.
You know what you had and you don’t know yet
What is to come or how it will enfold.

There is you resisting and being reluctant at one hand,
To embrace the new in order to move forward.
On the other hand, there is also this need to change
The in between land in moving towards the new area.

Depending on your former experiences, the move
Might be easy or difficult, even though you know
This is a positive and necessary experience to go through.
Deep down, you know it is time to release and let go
Of the old and familiar ways.

Even if that comes with stuck energy or negativity,
The moment you are still in the in between space
of your awareness, it holds the possibility for you
to create a new energy field for your highest good.

You may not want to feel into the insecurity and
Vulnerability, yet it is all there in this present moment.
One foot in the old, the other foot already in the new,
And the hardest thing to do is to make the next step

When this brings up old fears and more insecurity
About your own ability to be able to handle the new.
So what do you do, in order to get out of the in between
Space of your awareness?

Are you ready and willing to make the necessary change
To embrace fully the new area of your existence?
Ask yourself, what do I need to make this transition?
What needs to be addressed within, in order to step
Forward without all that is holding me back, or wants to.

I know what the past experiences held for me and it all
Comes down to stepping forward fearless and bold.
Yet being fearless needs work most of the times,
Every time we make a turn or change in our life.
Not always is a change voluntarily, when it is caused
By the need to move or departure of a loved one.

It is important to stay tuned in with your inner knowledge
Which will assist you in making your next move to go
Through the challenges this change provides.
Are you willing and able to address the issues at hand
That provide the necessary clearing and cleansing brought
Up into your awareness in this sacred space of your
In between land.

This is the time you created, even though 
the sight might be scary and out of your comfort zone.
The outcome will make a lot of difference,
How you are able to handle the new life experience.
Even if the first impression of the new might
Not as promising as you would like it to be.

Be gentle with yourself during this phase,
So it will make the transition easier to step through
Into this new area and time in your life.

Love will be your greatest companion during this
Experience and will assist you in moving forward
And getting yourself out of the in between land,
Into the now and new way of awareness again.

Everything that wants to hold you back, is just there
To be loved, and through this master key, it will be
Healed and enabling you to expand and embrace
In a new order of consciousness.

And so it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages 1-3-2016

What is it about Awareness?

What is it about awareness?

You need to be aware,
In order to change the pattern.
Connection is something to offer
In a loving way and respect.

You and I are not that different
As you seem to believe at times.
When fear is part of the situation
Or insecurity steps in.

There will start the process
Of assuming and projection
Of the way you perceive yourself.
Lack of self-worth and misunderstanding
And therefor misinterpretation,
Causes internal friction.

Even with love in the equation,
The thoughts can run into the opposite
direction away from the loving relationship.
Awareness is your tool in order to change.

In order to create a new perspective
And understanding of each other,
Lesser room for assumption to rise.
It all starts from within how you will
Perceive any situation or experience.

Being confident and filled with self-love
There is a space, where you can check and ask.
Without the dualistic way of competing,
there will be a harmonious way of
receiving and interpretation of the messages.
Communication is getting transparent again.

How you want to be treated,
So you should treat the other as well.
In defense caused by friction,
You will find no transparency nor a loving exchange.

Become aware of your inner insecurities
And the causes that lie underneath.
For they are the triggers internally
That will create the assumption and believe
The way you are being perceived.

In a loving connection the need to be different
Conscious of your inner actions
Will create the greatest opportunity.

It will open up the dialogue with your inner
Counterpart you believe you see in the reaction
Of the other, that feeds the uncertainty within.
Misunderstandings can be avoided again,
Where the perceptions are being unfolded.

In order to have a relationship with yourself,
In a loving unconditional way,
You address your aspects that are in need
of understanding with compassion and love.

Healing starts with the internal communication
Through awareness and consciousness.
Then it will be easy to ask,
To be really interested in a loving way.

With an open heart and ear,
To listen without judge-mental thoughts
Or fears causing the emotions to erupt.

This will bring space to communicate
And exchange points of views.

Love will be the key in this process
To be able to get rid of the emotional turmoil.
It will bring clarity and peace of mind,
As well an open and caring attitude.
As it is within, so will it come forth.

And so it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages 5-8-2016

Some days I can feel you closer

Some days I can feel you closer


Coming across old video from last year as well getting in tune with music and songs I never heard to find you there. Amazing how stuff can come together when you least expect it. Watching you going through your changes caused by getting rid of all these layers upon layers. Even your voice had to suffer from it and you disliked the sound of it at the end. It also made me realize this is a trip down memory lane not so long ago and I need to move forward again. Not lingering in the things that have been, nor worry what might come or will be. I have to make a choice, make a decision again over and over even when it means I have to let go of another layer.


Every challenge brings up old memories as well experiences along the way. Some happy and some not, some easy feeling others still painful. When you think you can release all emotional wounds in one big sweep, let me tell you from my experience, it takes time to do so. For like the way we are walking the spiral of Life we come across these pebbles along the way. Each representing an experience that has left a mark in our emotional body as well our soul. Sometimes it is a small cut, others go deeper and need more time to heal. The way it has been affecting my day to day life is also about the way I need to have clarity and some kind of control getting there. It is out of my hands is something that is felt literally right now in this phase of my lifetime.


Your journey was one that needed to be, as well our journey together. We travelled a long way with many curves as well up hill moments and valley lows. There were times we could read each other’s minds and were telepathically connected. Other times it was if we were finding this wall between the two of us that prevented the immediate connection. Our lives were connected with each other and entwined as well our individual journeys during these years. Both coming from a different background and a different soul’s mission to bring to fulfillment as well. You being grounded and sensitive as well, me being sensitive and grounded as well. You being the musician and craftsman, me the one with the writing qualities and counseling people. All of our qualities were connected with this thread of Love. Enabling us to be not just a couple in Love, we were also learning through the experiences to bring the opposites to the center of our own being.


We both had different learning experiences and we were teaching as well learning each other how to handle a challenging situation. Sometimes were extremely difficult, others were comforting and all created a new way of sharing and caring. Our Love evolved along the way not just towards each other. We were happy to be able to do the things we loved, each in our own way. Music has been an important part in our life and still is. So many songs remind me about you. So many lyrics are able to express my feelings and emotions, as they did for you in the last period of your lifetime her on earth. Bringing up tears of joy and happiness together, as well touching the pain and sorrow for the upcoming goodbye. Our language to show and share the depths of our Love between the 2 of us. The music is a magic tool, that is assisting in connecting with you, no matter where you are. It is in the tune, the words, the love expressed as well the translator for emotions and state of mind.


There I find your comforting words as well for me and it makes me realize how many people have been going through the same experiences we had together. It enabled other creative minds to put words to an emotion or challenge we all can relate to. I wished I could put in words as in a song how much you mean to me, as well how much you are being missed. Yet close as well in my heart and so easy to find in my memory bank. You can be as close as if you were sitting next to me and I can lean against your breast, or standing on the stairs just a little higher in order to be as tall as you for a big hug. It is in the physical that I miss the contact and the connection to be able to share my love for you at times. I remember those intimate moments we had over the years, where there seemed to be no border between you and me. No way to sense where you began and I ended. As One Heartbeat and as One Organism, two souls that seemed to be as One in those ultimate surrenders of Love and Expression of Self.


You, my rock and anchor through my lifetime, are soaring now in another realm and dimension , wearing your own light body. Maybe it’s time for me to hold my own ground, rooted and soaring at the same time. For I know, I stand my ground on this beautiful Planet Earth, deeply connected with her in every aspect. To me this is exactly how we learned and grew together on the physical plane, yet now it is reversed and gets a totally new dimension for the both of us. Once I have grown in my light body, there will be no more veils to hide you from me within the Illusionary material world, as we are being taught. We are so much more and you will be closer as ever before. Then I truly can say, I see you when I see you. Once we are able to see our unique soul imprint energetically we can all see the beauty each of us represents.


There are days you are as close to me as if you still were in my day to day moments, other days you are more distant. Feels like you are the observer, not so much the participant. Yet you always are tuned in. In the moments I need to hear or feel some acknowledgement, or just a hug , a song comes up, or a trail of little white bird feathers in front of my feet. Somehow there are always ways to keep me in your loving energy. It is up to me to be aware of them. We all get hints and gentle nudges along the way through our intuition or spiritual guides. I just have to be open, to receive them to make the distance between us as small as possible.  That means listen with my inner ears, seeing with my inner eyes and sensing with my inner Heart. There I will always be connected with your soul and our Love.


And so it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

Heartfelt messages 29-9-2016

Communion on the highest level

Communion on the highest level

So that’s the theme of Today, Communication, Equality, Breath and Spirit.

We were talking about equality between people, choosing some role to play, just for experience, to step out the old patterns of duality. By making yourself more or greater than the other person in any relationship, it is always based on emotional patters and needs. Not from the recognition you find within each other.

This play will end at some time when changes appear through the experience, dependency lies within both partners, dependency of the feed of energy, searching for acknowledgement, strength or just power play.

Don’t make the mistake to see yourself as a victim in this roleplaying. For you choose to be on either side of the game, just for the experience to learn how this is effecting your inner being.
Joy and gratefulness should play a big part, not the repressed or suppressed emotions.

For we all are student and teacher, there is equality in this if you can see the experience as a soul experience, just to bring out the best of you, to experience the beauty that lies within and embrace the evolving awareness that it can bring. Mirroring one another, for that’s what is happening.

You always mirror and by doing so, you will be able to see beauty in any experience. Learning to see the real you, not identifying with the emotion and then you will be able to release and heal anything that lingers within the depths of your Human Being to Become the True Self.

Your search for the Re-Connection and Re-Membering of the real You, the I AM that is part of You to align with again in all its splendor.

The torch of Fire as a sacred tool to release any barriers and to bring in the Ancient Esoteric Knowledge, so you can use these tools with Joy and Excitement, with Love as your Compass, to lead you to communion on the Highest Level.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages 10-4-2014

What is it about anxiety and our senses?

What is it about anxiety and our senses?

I was wondering these days, how come so many people have to go through situations, that cause so much anxiety and what does this mean to our own physical system, as well the emotional and mental part. With all the images we are being showered so to speak, about all the human misery by television and internet, it is hard to stay focused on our own inner connection and stay grounded in the heart of our self, that place where love is the front door. So we can handle these harsh situations with a different eye and from a different perspective.

Why am I writing about this? Because I can sense what kind of effect this has on my own senses and how much effort it cost at times not to be influenced by all the negativity, that is being presented through behaviour as well footage. The images so brutally being portrait at times it has lost any kind of respect, or they show show the lack ofrespect towards any form of Life as it is, being human or any other form of creation.

To me this sensitivity started, no it didn’t started, I became aware of it at an early age already, when I was watching a report on television. A bombing had taken place in some distant country and the footage was showing the impact it had. The images were pretty graphic showing the body parts that were lying around, the blood, the rumble and the screams. I was shocked to my core as an infant and asked my father to shut down the television. His answer was short. No. His explanation made more sense when I grew up and could understand, you cannot shut your eyes for reality.

This is true, we don’t live in a bubble of our own little world. Because television and internet brought the whole world in our livingrooms. We were connecting with eachother on so many levels in such a short period of time during the last 50 years. Yet I never got used to the images of brutal behaviour, the agression people were showing towards eachother. When a crowd stampeeded and lost all control. When it wasn’t about reason and reasoning with eachother, the yelling and chanting of negativity towards others.

When did we got out of control in such a bad way? Where did we lost respect for one anohter? When did anger won from reasoning and dialogue? When did hate became more powerful seemingly then love? What to think about war and mutulating eachother, our world, our children, our animals, our nature? At one point in time it became clear to me, if I wanted to make a change, all I could really do is starting within myself. For every negativity or emotion, that was not coming from love in my own micro-cosmos internal world, was being reflected and mirrored through the outside macro-cosmic world.

There is no difference between our inner and internal warfare and the reflection we see micro/macro cosmos wise when it comes to proces and understanding. The experiences by growing up, starts within our own family we grow up in; the members of the families around us; the society we grow up in with its set of morals and ethics, religion and gender or racial issues .Unto the culture we are being raised, our hometown, our schools, our jobs, our surroundings, our country. It makes no difference, small or big, essentially we all go through the same experiences one way or the other.

Sure there are people who seem to have an easy life, not much problems financially or health wise. We always wonder how do they achieve that state of balance some how, when everything works in their favor. I came to the understanding growing up, how much difference it already made looking at our neighbours and neighbourhood. Some fathers maintained a higher position on the social ladder, some had more kids then my family, some were catholic, others not. Some were nice to eachother, some not so much. And I learned to stay away from people around me, who were sending out the negative vibe, caused mostly by the way they handled their own experiences through life.

What became clear as well, is the impact negativity has on our emotional system. Some of the kids I used to play with, didn’t had a very balanced family to grow up in. They had to learn to deal with situations , which created anxiety within themselves caused by a lack of safe feeling. If one thing is definetely clear, is we all need one basic concept. A safe home, where the needs are being met. In every area, physical, mental and emotional in order to grow up into a balanced human being. If those needs weren’t met, the level of anxiety within grew and was visible in the way people could react to situations. Sometimes they got ill when the anxiety within was to hard to handle.Sometimes this anxiety expressed it self by acting out in a verbal or physical manner.

Being highly sensitive , to me it was a necessity to keep my anxiety level as balanced as possible, because any sense of anxiety within seeks an outlet. For me it was through crying that enabled me to release a higher level of strain on my nerves system. Or my anger was being expressed in an outlet of verbal raising my voice up to yelling at times. Specially when someone deliberately crossed my boundaries and ignored my needs or wants. Even, or should I say especially when they were expressed. Being denied of my needs always created anxiety within. It triggered somehow emotions I not always knew or understood where they were connected with. No knowledge about any kind of experiences, that raised some emotions from a very deep core witin my self.

So my life was pretty comfortable and the issues that caused anxiety, were minimal in compare to the stories we see on television about war victims, about refugees, the reactions of anger, misunderstandings and judgements. The violenece that even continues amongst the people who are hoping for a safe place to live with their family. The little ones, the infants, the young women and the effects all of this turmoil has on their life. As well the rolmodels such as the agressor is for the youngsters. They are being taught and learn by example the effects, when all is out of balance between gender, race or politics. The impact of anxiety is so high, it can only be a journey of survival, not a journey through life the way it is supposed to be.

All senses are involved during this proces. The images we watch and see, the smell of the burned down cities, the cries and crying we hear, the pain we feel in our heart when we are watching this from a safe place. In our own comfortable homes behind a television. And yet this already has its impact on our own well being, our own level of misunderstandings and judgemental receptions. It touches us deeply in our heart. And more than that. It touches us deep in the heart of the matter. When ever we are being confronted with anything that isn’t love, it will create anxiety on so many levels, through all our senses. All we can do at times is to adress our own anxiety and heal our own emotional, physical and mental wounds.

Or is this the way we can create a change, not just within ourself, yet also around us. Even if we reach one other person through a heartfelt smile, a small gesture of being acknowledged, that already creates a difference. Even if we are not able to heal the world from all anxiety, we never should stop our attempt, to heal our own inner anxiety on any level, through love, compassion and kindness towards ourself first. This way we can share this with our own family, our surroundings and by doing so, we can be that little stone, that was thrown in the ocean and created ripples of Love and understanding towards eachother.
For we all are connected with eachother, we all are family and we all need to take care of eachother. There is only one way to heal any wound, and that is through Love, unconditional Love inwards as well outwards.

and so it will be done.
High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)
Heartfelt Messages 26-9-2015

Each Soul knows what to choose for the Highest Good

Each Soul knows what to choose for the highest good

Each soul knows what to choose for the highest lesson
or experience to take up in a life time.
To think otherwise or take it for granted will create another gap
between people in their perspective of being awakened or
spiritual awareness.

The ego will step up again to create a difference between
awakened and not awakened, evolved and not evolved,
spiritual and not spiritual coming from judgments and our
perspectives originated in duality as we see the world as it is.
The need to feel better or higher, more turning into a separation
between our self and the other from integrated values.
We see enough people being so developed, awakened and proud
of it to create the same play only by changing their playground:

* The missionary attitude – we will bring you the message,
* The truth – our way is the only way
* The new religion –

Is it not so that each spark of our own Heart is a unique spark,
colored with its own unique signature holding or containing the
exact same amount of Love and Life, and life’s expression created
by our Soul for the highest good for ourselves and all we encounter.

So here is a new awareness coming of the high horses attitude
looking down upon those they belief are not yet as awakened
or spiritual as they are, and reacting to the basic simplicity
of this process we call Life. Forgetting how it was to start
our own awakening process, the beginning of becoming aware,
of being conscious every step along the way of cause and effect.

Grounding process you ask – it’s easy, just take of your shoes and socks and stand barefoot on the cold and dirty soil can be one answer you receive, yet what does it tell you about the underlying process and meaning. It is one way to look at it.

The whole process of connecting Earth and Heaven within our own body structure, our human vessel as a way of bringing those energy ways together is more than just taking of your shoes and socks. Or is it not? Depending on the point of view you take.
Anyone who thinks it is this easy, has either lost their own connection with the awakening process – or is more attuned into it.

It depends on the way you bring in the message to the one who asks and of you take this high stand of knowing, Just wanting to be higher and ethereal, you are missing the point and connection
and by doing so going backwards to the old ways eons ago
or maybe they have forgotten their own travelling during this whole process of clearing and cleansing, becoming aware of what lies hidden deep within ourselves. By putting yourself way up high, you are no longer the way shower, or the energy holder.

There is a big difference between being the teacher and student
at the same time, the moment your mind plays tricks on you,
saying how highly evolved you already are and you have to save,
educate all those who haven’t reached your stage of evolvement.
We can see the same play we see in the “material” world.

World leaders who want to stay in their own comfortable place where they can rule with money, power and distancing themselves from the common people.
Yet this is the duplicate in het “spiritual world” if we are not careful about the ways of our ego play tricks with our minds. If I believe I AM better, will say a lot about me, not about the other party.
For as long as we don’t have a clear picture of every Soul’s expression, We are not able to deceiver if this is more or less worthy, more or less evolved, more or less awakened in its Full Expression. So all we can do is to make sure we know our own imprint of expression.

To release any dual lingering thoughts, feelings or senses that creates another I – then profile as much you think you are spiritually more advanced. Just this thought should be the trigger to you, To watch your own inner world and particles that are still playing
Their Game of thrones, spiritual or not, It is about Love, unconditionally, And where there is Love – Fear cannot exist, for fear creates distance, fear creates duality.

So as long as we are not LOVE, we will find differences in every experience we encounter, without being judgmental towards any individual we come across. It will teach you to come closer into becoming this capital LOVE where there just are Being and Connection and Compassion and Kindness.

Knowingness will fall upon us to see with clarity, with the Divine Vision of High Self, which is just another part of Self. Yet now bringing it Home again within the awareness of us human beings,
no more division, no more racial, gender, culture, religion differences.

Then we will be able to establish a New World without hierarchy or
judgments, no more distance even among Star seeds as we are being taught. Every Ray is connected with the other equally connected with its unique part of Creation. All have a unique signature and part in this Grand Play.

So may this be a warning.
Every time you get on your high righteous horse so to speak,
Be humble, Be grateful, Be loving, Be supportive to each and every being you encounter. Always for the highest good of both, for without the one the lesson cannot be learned by the other and vice versa. One Love, One Heart, One Breath.

And so it is.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages 14-11-2014

What is it about disappointment ?

What is it about disappointment?


You can see the vision of the high ground

And still feel the emotions of disappointment.

It will be something to be dealt with as well

The feelings of love and compassion.

Each time in space you have been wounded

By neglect or just simply abandonment

You can reason and release the discomfort.

Yet the emotions over the past lives

That hasn’t been healed will be addressed

In your emotional body as well.

Time to take a good look at what it is

That Is creating this sense of sorrow.

You are responsible for your own creation

Over time and time, to be all that you can be.

Yet there are always challenges in the new

Experiences as well the ancient ones,

For they all are inner connected and entwined.

So if there is something going on right now

That is triggering this old emotional wounds

Of disappointment in the way people reacted,

This will also be reflected during this life path.

You will and can learn the difference

Between expectations and disappointment

For they are connected with each other

As well singular and standing on its own.

The way you can clear your path from expectations

Will tell you a lot of how your resilience is

Against disappointment, unless it’s a lesson to learn.

There is always this connection where you can  hold

A high standard for yourself, were the other is not

Able to do the same, caused by the experiences

Or due to lifetime wounds as well to heal.

It still will be connected with your own needs

At that moment to feel nourished or taken care of

That might create this sense of disappointment.

You make an appointment with your soul

In order to learn the lessons through disappointment

So you can heal this need or dependency on the other

Would you be able to know you can find this within

It would change the outcome of your experience.

It takes courage and boldness to let go of this entirely

Because it means the love you have for yourself

Is strong and big enough to make the appointment

With yourself instead of being depending on someone else.

Along the way you will learn through the life lessons

Where you can trust yourself enough to hold on to

Your own standard and while doing so, will heal and

Release any old emotional wounds that are still lingering

And waiting for you to come forth and bring in the love

And care for yourself as an appointment made in your

Souls agreement every life time you will have.

Knowing the safe and loving inner space within

Will shield you from any disappointment,

Past, present and future wise.


And so it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

Heartfelt Messages 19-9-2016


When I am done, it all will be alright

When I am done, it all will be alright

Why am I feeling sad today on this beautiful
sunny morning, with no one to take care
of besided myself?

What a freedom this gives me,
to be fully aware of whats stirring up
or is it the freedom that gives me this
sense of loss and sadness,
the paradigm between being needed
and just be whole within as one.

This feeling of not being
and seeking for my purpose in life.
How to deal every time with all
the emotions being brought up by lack of
health, pain and feeling alone.

It is like a battle inside,
a constant proces in refinding the balance
which always has to do with 2 key issues:
accepting and allowing.

Let it be, feel through, breathe through,
see what it will bring up in awareness
to see the full extensions of the issue at hand,
being in the world, yet not belonging
to the world.

No longer part of society,
either because of age or through health issues,
your earthly role seems to be ended.
No more parenting, no more teaching,
no job to go to, or places to be seen.

So what to do with all of your knowledge,
your way to live Life,
showing you love, if no one is there
to take notice, or is seen.
Just one leg over here in earth awareness,
the other already trying to step throug the veil,
where everyone close you loved already has gone.
So feeling all alone, just wanne go home.

And then you discover your soul has always been
your guiding light where love is to be found,
deep within like a treasure,
for you to hold on to, shimmering and sparkling
like a little gem, and then you will know.

I AM that spark – that Light – that Love
and that’s all there is to Know –
One Love, One Heart,
Let me come Home, baby I’m done,
it all Be alright,
I am coming back Home.

And so it will Be.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)
Heartfelt Messages 28-8-2014