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Bringing the energy across the country
To the place you love the most
Where your heart felt the peace and calmness
As well as all the unsettling emotions, sorrow, and pain
That is where you need to be
So we could celebrate past, present, and future
In an ongoing stream of life energy
This is not an ending, it is just an awakening
Communication with the highest vibration
Is not the same as a union
You and I are creating a new commitment
And we will always prevail
We are communicating in the union
For our heartbeats are in sync
And our spirit runs free between the dimensions
We are being communion, the creators
Of a new unity and a lifetime-felt experience
This is no longer you and me
It is the coming together within this body
Carried in the Sacred Heart
The communion of two souls becomes one
In a new way to express our deep infinite love
Sharing this to be anchored this time in alignment
With the rising of the vibration of energy
In alignment with the awakening of the soul
To become the highest expression of the journey
In agreement with each other
The next step in fulfilling the growth of the soul
For the highest good of not just the individual
When 2 become one, as in my blood and my heart
Therein lies the ultimate service to offer
To one another to bring in unconditional love
That is being created through the release
And the way it had to be
Broken down to the ground
To rebuild again
Step by step, we go through the motions
Enabling the love energy to come forward
In a sacred communion with each other

And so it will be

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

How important is it to reset your belief system?

How important is it to reset your belief system?

While listening to and reading many messages in recent months about the shifts and changes we are going through as humans, one thing struck me the most. The way our belief system holds us in its grip. This is not new to me, as I have been working with this for about 40 years. At least on a conscious level, that is.

Starting my training as a spiritual healer and shaman, working with the elements, medicinal plants, and flowers, and working with energy. The latter was something that had to change my perception, as well as the belief system I grew up with.
Raised in the Catholic Church, I was also raised to believe in archangels, Mother Mary, Jesus, and many saints.

Be taught in the way of a loving God, be the best you can be, and also serve others when they need your help.
I have to give my parents a lot of credit for that too. Because there was a lot in the way of freedom and loving care, they didn't just teach us the basics. They were my role models in the way they shaped their beliefs.

So you could say, I was already raised outside the norm. My parents were liberated and thought that the way to be practical in your daily actions was part of believing in God. Growing up in the Catholic Church, I grew up with the Latin service and the rituals that were performed.

My belief system was colored, so to speak. Yet, always curious about how others experienced their faith, I also went to other churches. Growing up, I wanted to learn more about the differences between world religions, such as the way of Hindu Buddhism. Gradually, my belief system also changed.

It became even clearer to me that many paths lead to God, whatever name you are used to giving, the Source of All. It was important for me to learn and connect with the common factor of every religion I encountered. I don't want to be put in some box, this or that.

When I began my training as a spiritual healer, my belief system changed even more. Being able to feel and sense what kind of energy field we have around ourselves and others creates a new way of consciousness. This was an important reset for me. The way, I was familiar with it, but also learned more about conscious awareness.

For me, pieces of the puzzle fell into place. I've loved learning more and more about how it's all connected. Our own being, the physical, mental, and emotional body as well as the etheric body. Growing up with Archangels and Angels was not such a big step for me to become acquainted with the different energy layers.

During that period, the way spirituality was perceived was part of a new age movement. It has certainly changed a lot in the Western world. East met West, so to speak. Like The Beatles when they went to India to meet Bhagwan Osho, which inspired many young teenagers who were big fans.

It also changed the music world. The way our society changed along the way was also part of a major reset in belief systems.

Not only did religion change in perception, but the medical world did too because of the knowledge that was spread on such a large scale. It became more and more a norm to believe in the connection that nature has with every living being. Just like in the medical world, people increasingly made use of knowledge about the medicinal powers of plants and flowers.

In co-creation with the way this new knowledge emerged, it required a reset in the mindset of so many people. To create a platform, for this to flourish and also become more and more of a standard. Why is this important? Life is a constantly changing concept. With all the modern technology and the use of media, people all over the world are connected.

To coexist, shifts in perception were in order. Not to everyone's liking, we all know how the old regime wants to hold on to its belief system. Learning from each other also requires respect. Instead of judging someone for their beliefs, it is necessary to keep an open mind.

But even more important is that an open heart is needed to see the other, the individual, or society. This may be necessary to reset your own belief system about the way you perceive the world. Or religions, rituals, or spiritual connections. But most of all, I've learned how important it is to be ready and able to reset your own belief system.

To grow, to let go, and let go of those who are not in love. For me, love is the common ground with everyone I meet or with any religion. Love for life, respect, and love for every living being. Either the human or the animal world, plants and rivers, seas, oceans, mountains and valleys. It is all part of our world because we are all connected to every aspect of it.

For me to live in a world, micro and macro, it is paramount to be ready and willing to reset any belief system that is not functioning for my own highest good. It all starts within, within my own being, my own belief system about myself.

Not just for me, this is the common ground for everyone to build a healthy and happy life. Knowing yourself, loving yourself, respecting yourself, and having self-worth is some that are not accepted in many societies where duality is the way to emphasize the imbalance.

Where power is abused in the name of God, to maintain a false dignity. Respect must be earned, not through coercion and fear. The importance of this reset of belief systems is a global process. We can only live in harmony when this is reset in love and light. Any movement that calls for a change in authority is a reset of faith on a grand scale.

The world around us will change again, due to the growing awareness of the human world. Because conscious awareness always provides a reset in old belief systems that no longer serve their purpose. People want to live in harmony with each other. Every soul wants to be loved and connected to the world around them.

And so it will happen
High Self Rhea Dopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

It all starts with me

It all starts with me

Reading a New Message, actually, 2 from AA Michael, channeled by 2 different people. Honor and thank all Elementals of Water, Air, Fire, Earth, and Spirit who help to heal and recreate. It starts with Me, small things, day by day to tap into this Energy created and shared by the Divine.

Clean water, air, food, body, and body of light and clear mind. Always bring the Power of Love into every step you take, every choice you make to build on this New Energy. Everything you do creates a different result and has meaning for the entire environment: You in the Micro aspect and the Earth and Humanity in the Macro aspect.

Just like the Earth’s oceans and rivers, so are your veins.

Like the mountains of the earth, so are your bones.

Like the Thunder in the Sky, so are your nerves.

Like Spirit, so are all your senses.

Like the fire of the volcanoes, so do your organs to stabilize your temperature.

Like the Unconditional Love of the Divine, so is your Heart.

Like the air in the sky, so are your lungs and therefore the holy breath of the spirit.

Like the earth as a planet, so is your physical body.

It all starts within, it all begins with me

High Self – @RheaDopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

Do you walk away

Do you walk away, or make it your business to get involved?

When people say it is none of your business, they mean walk away and don’t intervene in any way. They don’t want you to mingle or to but in. It is the opposite of caring for each other and love as a guide to assist or lend a hand. When you are told to mind your own business, it comes from a place of fear, anger, worry, or whatever emotion you can come up with. So what do you do? Do you walk away?

Let’s say you see someone hitting their child in a supermarket, and you want to address them. Do you walk away, or are you reacting to the event and speaking up? We all know these moments, we already reacted by biting our tongue or being too afraid to speak up for the repercussions.

It is not your business, is a phrase that is used often when people don’t want you to intervene. Yet when is it your business? Is this something we learn through society, teachers, and parents when we are supposed to stay out of someone’s business? I was triggered today by the theme words we were given to write a new article. Always a challenge yet always a good way to just digest the words to see what comes up.

Because I know this will always trigger something I am passionate about. As well triggered, because a lot of people tend to ignore what happens around them out of fear. So what do you do when you come across a situation that is threatening as well damaging to someone else, not able to defend themselves?

I know a lot of questions to ponder. What do I do when I come across a situation that needs to be addressed. Anyway, in my point of view, something had to tip the scale in favor of the innocent or vulnerable one. Or make even numbers, so the situation is more of an even playfield. Yet, it also can take a lot of courage to step up to defend someone.

Especially when you don’t know them at all. Or is it easier to speak up to a stranger, instead of someone close, like family. All the child abuse within a family can be ignored. Every woman battering that is not addressed allows it to continue. We all see a lot of proof of this all over the world. During wars on a big scale, as well the domestic wars in our own surroundings.

If we want to be of assistance, we speak up and address it. If not for love, then for what else? How can we be part of abuse by ignoring and letting it escalate, if we choose to walk away. What does that tell us about ourselves, as well, as the society we create along the way? I cannot stand by and watch how someone is mistreated and has no means to stand up or defend himself or herself. You know how kids can play on a playground and start bullying another child.

Mostly as a group with one leader. As a parent, what do you do while waiting for the bell to ring? Even if it doesn’t include your own kid. Do you step up, or expect the teachers to resolve it? Or the parents for that matter. Are you letting yourself be restricted by fear of opinions or repercussions? In other words, are you minding your own business, looking the other way, or walking away?

We have seen throughout history what happens if we walk away and mind our own business. The power a group has over one individual is way bigger than we realize most of the time. When there is social control within a group, one individual will not be allowed to abuse anyone who seems weaker. You can see this within every group of people, and every family as well. When it comes to overpowering or empowering, what would you choose?

We all want to be loved and sheltered, nourished and empowered. So when times are changing, we all can become involved. Not just because we care and are not afraid to speak up, but because we are responsible as well. Ignoring a situation is allowing it to continue.

If it is fear that is holding us back from getting involved, what would love to create. How can we be in service as well to ourselves as to others, to change this perspective of fear. What is it, you and I need to give the strength and courage as well to speak up and don’t walk away from it.

If it’s the perception, it is actually not our business which needs to be addressed, and become aware. Start looking within, to see how you would feel if you were in this position. What would you like others to do for you?

We can create a world together where responsibility is the connection between each other. Not by force, or fight. That is it our business how everyone we love is being treated with respect, kindness, and honor as well. We don’t have to allow others to manipulate or abuse those who are weaker and not able to defend themselves. Dominance is never out of Love, always comes through fear and misusing power.

This process starts within ourselves first. Love and respect for ourselves, as well, as being worth it to be loved and respected. This knowingness will change every perspective we have about the impact it has had on our inner lives.

Through the compassion of the Heart as well the kindness we can give to ourselves, to be gentle with ourselves as well. Then we will be able to make it our business, to step up to the plate and be the ones who will create change.

It is a fine line to know when you step back or walk away from any kind of abuse and danger. Trusting the inner change of self-love and self-worth will enable us step by step, to address the issues at hand. Not to walk away, but lend a hand and get it out into the open. All of us, every soul wants to be loved, so it is our business.

And so it will be done.

High Self Rhea Dopmeijer (c)
Heartfelt Messages

No harm will come to thee

No harm will come to thee

Waking up this morning and still wrapping my head around it, I am alone. The first thing that came to mind, was this phrase, “No harm will come to thee”. Very old-fashioned language, yet it felt very deep, and profound, as if spoken to in angelic language. I felt the comfort within these words and energy. There is a message included as well, for it means I must take notice of these little messages that come through, unexpected mostly, yet always on target and all I have to do is trust and believe.

And then the next message was: “You will be taken care of”, surrounded by 4 angels in a square standing around me. 4 Tall beings standing each at a corner of our north, east, south, and west direction, representing the 4 archangels as well, as protectors and guardians.

Asking the Universe and Angels to give me an answer about my current situation as a widow, or window, with different income and outcome, in so many ways, I received a beautiful message by this phrase, no harm will come to thee. For the first time in my life, I must learn to live on my own. So at the age of 60, this is quite a challenge, I can assure you. Married at a young age, and we have always been together, I have to find a way how to give it a whole new meaning.

Still Young at heart and hopeful for my future I will follow my Heart’s nudges, I know the angels will send me to keep me safe and sound for my highest good. Most importantly, I have to stay tuned in with my spiritual guides as well, as my guardian angel to listen to their advice. You can call me crazy or disbelieve me, yet I know I am not alone and well taken care of. In every time of need, someone stepped up to the plate, answered my call, intervened in a difficult situation, or came to my rescue when I needed it most.

Earth Angels as well, as my spiritual ones are connected through one thing, and one thing only, it is pure Heartfelt energy. There is recognition of need, an empathic ear at times to hear the cry for help or can relate to the situation. I have met many in my life along the way and always feel so grateful to see how much assistance is being brought in.

Even today, when I think I had to fight another battle, just one phone call and there was my Earth Angel assisting me with my question and immediately reacted and responded to help me out with a question before I had to go to battle the system again. When I let go of control and just get in the mood of doing something, no matter what I do, then miracles happen and angels appear.

Faith and belief are all it takes for me to know I am well taken care of and never alone. My heart knows, and I have come to learn and trust my Heartfelt messages. Not just the written ones, the ones only my inner ear can receive, and the ones I receive when I step aside to let the energy work through me. Whatever it takes or is needed, all I have to do is align with the loving energy. For that is what it is, a loving energy, always there for my highest good and for my best interest.

So, from time to time when emotions get the better of me, and I am in a state of sorrow and pain, all I must do is remember. Remember to be quiet and silent within, I can sense, feel, and know the truth. No harm will come to thee, and you are being taken care of. What more can I wish for. This is truly unconditional Love given to me, without restrictions, and without orders or commands. With the message I received from Archangel Uriel, I will finish this message, truly Heartfelt, with overflowing loving energy.

Insights of Absolute Presence Now~

In the Heart of Humanity lay Infinity

Infinite Thoughts, Emotions, Wisdom, Power and Love.

In the Heart of Humanity lay Eternity

Eternal Peace, Prosperity, Freedom, Harmony and Beauty.

In Pure Grace here dances the Sacredness of All Life

With Playful Beings exploding with Divinity.

In the Empty Void lays Absolute Consciousness

And within every Human Heart lives an Infinite Flower of Love.

As the Eye in the Middle of all Storms,

With Deep Stillness, Rooted and Clear.

With the Electracies of Deep and Intense Ecstasy,

All Beings be Blessed with Absolute Delight.

Everyone blessed with Epic Exciting Experiences

Beautiful Timelines, ever Intensely Flowing with Heavenly Ease.

All Beings ever Walking the Path to the Sunlight, and Growing Infinitely Heavenwards

All Beings ever Shining in the Infinite Sweetness of Eternal Magnificence

By the Seed of all Human Thoughts, Emotions, and Deeds,

May they bring a Magnificent Heavenly Reality.

Here then plays the Infinite Potential of Ecstatic Miracles,

And there plays the Eternal Simplicity of All Things.

May these Blessings Share, Amplify and Grow

These Beautiful Seeds, of Perfect and Confident Flourishment

By the Un-trembling Loving Will of the Immortal Suns.

No more ignorant hierarchies of crazy pyramidal structures,

And their unloving spiritual non-sense.

Here comes the Power of Spherical Encoding,

By which all Above and Below become One.

All as the Eye of Absolute Consciousness, Absolute Presence,

All Circles Joined together, to form the Beautiful Flower of Life.

And what a Beautiful Strong Unified Field of Collective Consciousness it brings.

From an Infinite Eye,

That Sees All Equally as God,

And Blesses All with Infinite Love and Eternal Life.


And so it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

Heartfelt Messages

Whenever you are ready to surrender

Whenever you are ready

Whenever you are ready to surrender
Into your own Divine Energy,
Particles of Love and Wisdom
Will be activated to bring in more Light
Into your Being and integrating

The Divine Love deep into every cell
An atom of your physical body as well.
By allowing the income of this High Energy,
You will be changed on so many
Different levels of your Total Being.

Connection with all of Creation
Is an important aspect.
You will see the connection
And bring in this realization,
Which you always have known
To be part of you.

For you are built with the same unique
Sparks of Divine Source
And how it will Be apparent
To you nothing is dividing
You any longer with all of Creation.

Your body is built in the same way
As planet Gaia and the sea life and four-legged ones,
As well as the winged ones are built.
Life Force is flowing now directly
Through your veins,

No more distractions to seek outside
Your Beautiful Self.
Know now that you are loved
By no measurement,
You are beloved within all of Creation,

Every one of you, no exceptions
And you will be all part of this great plan
Created by God/Father/Mother to bring all the
Aspects of you Home again.

No more dividing, no more separation,
Since you and I are One
In all of Creation.

And so it will Be.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

Expressions of Love

Expressions of Love

What greater gift is it to see the reflection of your love for someone else reflected in their eyes, or in the actions you both share? Isn’t it just that we seek, not just to love, but also to be loved? And most of the time it seems easy.

When you take a look at your grandchild playing with his grandfather and see the love and connection, you know that this love came naturally, with no force, no need, nothing but existing right there and then at the moment, in the Now, flowing and returning each other’s love, sharing unconditionally right there and then.

It is this Love we seek, loved by a child, a parent, a lover, this constant flow of unconditional Love. Accepting, and allowing to be just who you are, with all your characteristics, flaws, imperfections, and qualities. In the same way, you should look at yourself in the Mirror, seeing this unconditional Love for your Self reflected in your own eyes.

And why is this so hard at times? Why do we seek the imperfections instead of the unconditional love for our own being, in all facets and colors, shining our true Self through our eyes into the World, most importantly your own inner World?

It may feel easier to give your love to someone else, and harder to accept the unconditional love that comes your way. Is it about the imbalance between your ability to receive and give, the duality within yourself that enables you to share more freely outward than to give it to yourself?

Expressing your Love for your Self has many faces. Self-love is the most important part of your expression. If you can love yourself freely, then you can love others as freely as well. No judgment on your part creates non-judgmental love for others as well. And it starts with You.

This is the most important expression of love in your Life. Be who you are, express your feelings freely, and don’t misunderstand vulnerability for weakness, as others may have told you.
Fear is the key to expressing your Love freely. Where there is Love, there cannot exist Fear.

So express yourself with Love, connect with your inner Heart, your guide in this journey that will lead you to new expressions of Love and self-love in the greatest expansion you can create, being the Human integrating your highest good,

Love, as your birthright. Expressing from the inside out, never failing you, and never abandoning you, nothing to fear for any longer in trusting this Guidance of Love.

And so it is.

High Self – @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

When silence is too hard to endure

When the silence is too hard to endure

We all know the phrase about finding this inner silence within yourself to connect with your higher spiritual connection, as proof we can communicate with other dimensions as well. Don’t know if it is a phrase or a phase. At the moment, silence is sometimes hard to endure when reality kicks in.

Only two weeks ago, we were hearing your voice and were able to talk and share our love. Now your voice is silent, and for some reason, this felt harder today than on other days. Missing your laugh and jokes, the wink in your eye, and the playful nature you had as well.

You had trouble finding this part deep within, the further the illness got her grip on you. The playful and joy-filled person you could be when you lived your passions, your family, your music, and your cars. The passion we all saw when you were talking about these topics. This still is part of your legacy my beloved, and we all will remember, even when time is passing, this warm and gentle nature you had.

Reading about the afterlife of Billy, and how his sister could hear his voice, also made me realize this isn’t given to everyone. Hearing your voice again out loud is something my heart yearns for, the timbre of your voice when you made that bear growling noise, the deep and rumbling sense it gave within me. I know it isn’t all gone, none of it, just the audio version of you is.

This is pretty remarkable for a guy having 100% musical hearing, and yet his hearing was getting worse in the last few years. Sound changed because you had to adjust to the changes they created, caused by your deafness. You loved to listen to the birds and the rain on our sunscreen, which reminded you of the camping side. Sitting in our tent, listening to the raindrops.

You could enjoy the silence and peacefulness on the camping side at Lac de Bairon in the French Ardennes. Our place to be, where we felt at home and enjoyed every trip we made over the 30 years we returned every summer, even in spring and fall. For us, it is the place to be and to reconnect with our inner self again. Like a big source of energy, we were always able to recharge again, both of us.

As we did last summer, even when the chemo already affected his strength and power, we still were able to drive through the countryside, visiting our favorite places, as if his soul was already making peace with the outcome at the end. The hills and woods, the green scenery this area has in abundance. Every turn you took along the way would show a new view, spectacular to us with the panorama this countryside was blessing us with. A feast for the eyes, every time never stopped amazing us.

This is something we will be going to bring to closure for this lifetime anyway. We agreed that when the time would come to say I see you again, we would take the ashes to Lac de Bairon, with our kids, to bring you home to the area we fell in love with 30 years ago. The water you loved so much, as well as swimming rowing, or with the canoe, all the memories we created in that place.

His ashes shall be united with the water and the soil. There will be healing of the ancestor lineage as well, and the spirit of the Lake will rejoice with your reunion. Your aspect of your soul’s journey will be brought Home again in the green hills and lakeside. Your wish will come through.

Hence, my own wish to be with you in silence, as well, as to hear your spirit speaking to my heart and soul. To hear these whispers, I will have to dive deep within the inner spaces of my heart. There we will be united, yet only when I can step aside to bring your essence in.

This isn’t something that can be done all the time, for reality and life’s journey will have their own pace and directory as well. There will be times, when I will find the silence outside, sometimes too hard to bear. This will be a signal to connect within my inner asylum deep within my heart to find you, and I know I will.

So it will be done

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

Heartfelt Messages 1-4-2016

Memories of my dear beloved soulmate, who made his transition on March 17, 2016

Expressions of Love

Expressions of Love

What greater gift is it to see the reflection of your love for someone else reflected in their eyes, or in the actions you both share? Isn’t it just that we seek, not just to love but also to be loved? And most of the time it seems easy.

When you take a look at your grandchild playing with his grandfather and see the love and connection, you know that this love came naturally, with no force, no need, nothing but existing right there and then at the moment, in the Now, flowing and returning each other’s love, sharing unconditionally right there and then.

It is this Love we seek, loved by a child, a parent, a lover, this constant flow of unconditional Love. Accepting, and allowing yourself to be just who you are, with all your characteristics, flaws, imperfections, and qualities. In the same way, you should look at yourself in the Mirror, seeing this unconditional Love for yourself reflected in your own eyes.

And why is this so hard at times? Why is it, we seek the imperfections instead of the unconditional love for our own Being, in all facets and colors, shining our true Self through our eyes into the World, most importantly your own inner World?

It may feel at times easier to give your love to someone else, and harder to accept the unconditional love that comes your way. Is it about the imbalance between your ability to receive and to give, the duality that lies within yourself that enables you to share more freely outward than to give it to yourself?

Expressing your Love for your Self has many faces. Self-love is the most important part of your expression. If you can love yourself freely, then you can love others as freely as well. No judgment on your part creates non-judgmental love for others as well. And it starts with You.

This is the most important expression of love in your Life. Be who you are, express your feelings freely, and don’t misunderstand vulnerability for weakness as you may have been told by others. Fear is the key to expressing your Love freely. Where there is Love, there cannot exist Fear.

So express yourself with Love, connect with your inner Heart, your guide in this journey that will lead you to new expressions of Love and self-love in the greatest expansion you can create, being the Human integrating your highest good, Love, as your birthright.

Expressing from the inside out, never failing you, and never abandoning you, nothing to fear for any longer in trusting this Guidance of Love.

And so it is.

High Self – @RheaDopmeijer ©

Heartfelt Messages

Expressions of Love

Expressions of Love

What greater gift is it to see the reflection of your love for someone else reflected in their eyes, or in the actions you both share? Isn’t it just that we seek, not just to love, but also to be loved? And most of the time it seems easy.

When you take a look at your grandchild playing with his grandfather and see the love and connection, you know that this love came naturally, no force, no need, nothing but existing right there and then in the Moment, in the Now, flowing and returning each other’s love, sharing unconditionally right there and then.

It is this Love we seek, loved by a child, a parent, a lover, this constant flow of unconditional Love. Accepting, and allowing yourself to be just who you are, with all your characteristics, flaws, imperfections, and qualities. In the same way, you should look at your Self in the Mirror, seeing this unconditional Love for yourself reflected in your own eyes.

And why is this so hard at times? Why is it we seek the imperfections instead of the unconditional love for our own being, in all facets and colors, shining our true Self through our eyes into the World, most importantly your own inner world?

At times, It may feel easier to give your love to someone else, and harder to accept the unconditional love that comes your way. Is it about the imbalance between your ability to receive and to give, the duality that lies within yourself that enables you to share more freely outward than to give it to yourself?

Expressing your Love for yourself has many faces. Self-love is the most important part of your expression. If you can love yourself freely, then you can love others as freely as well. No judgment on your part creates non-judgmental love for others as well. And it starts with You.

This is the most important expression of love in your life. Be who you are, express your feelings freely, and don’t misunderstand vulnerability for weakness as you may have been told by others.
Fear is the key to expressing your Love freely. Where there is Love, there cannot exist Fear.

So express yourself with Love, connect with your inner Heart, your guide in this journey that will lead you to new expressions of Love and self-love in the greatest expansion you can create, being the Human integrating your highest good,

Love, as your birthright. Expressing from the inside out, never failing you, and never abandoning you, nothing to fear for any longer in trusting this Guidance of Love.

And so it is.

High Self – @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages