What can more magnetic than to be loved?

What can be more magnetic than to be loved?

I have been listening over the years to many spiritual messages. One in particular, Kryon of magnetic service. This always resonated deep within me, with the messages he passed on through his channel, Lee Carroll over 30 years now. What also made me aware, I also step aside so to speak, when I am writing these Heartfelt Messages of my High Self.

Not in the way it is with all the channeling of the group of energies called Kryon. Yet, to let the message, come forward as it is intended, I must quiet my mind. Just allowing the words to come on paper, so to speak. I know when it is about the deeper layers of the message about a topic.

It is also in connection and combined with my own journey and all the lessons I have learned along the way. These past few days have been somewhat challenging, not in a personal way. More like the energy is affecting the way I perceive the emotional waves on a bigger scale.

I am more emotional as I have been for a long time, as all my nerves are more sensitive towards the emotions that are surfacing within other people. Even when the fire blazed in Paris and the Cathedral was burning, the emotions of sorrow and pain were immensely powerful.

I had moments when the tears would well, the sorrow was coming through my body, yet it was not mine on a personal level. How to explain the way you perceive these energy waves on such a big scale as an empath, or highly sensitive. All I can do is allow it to come up and breathe through the waves that come up.

Humanity is affected deeply by this event, even though there are many other dramas all around the world. So why is this on such an enormous scale? I was questioning myself this the evening and next morning, what it was that made such an impact on so many people, all around the world.

It is also in the energy of the upcoming full Moon, as well, as the Easter Weekend coming up, creating a different vibe altogether. So, what feels not normal in the way things will unfold themselves, is also feeling within me. There is this inner sense of something that wants to come up, or out if you will.

This feeling of anticipation of something big that is still out of reach, yet I know is about to happen. Love the way it already has transformed this within myself. Able to make new memories again, aligned with the memories that will last for a lifetime. And then some.

My love, always close and nearby, is going through some changes in himself as well. Even though I do not know all the time what he is dealing with, I recognize it through my own reactions. Out of the blue sometimes, memories come flooding in when I am not expecting it. Nor thinking about it, because it is not on my mind.

This is something I learned along the way we are connected over the past 3 years we were parted on this material plane. The lessons learned in ways we never would or could have imagined. Heart-to-heart connected, living as 2 bodies with one Soul, so to speak.

That is how we felt it, so love was the magnet between the two of us, from the moment we met 46 years ago in this lifetime. We were being pulled together as the two sides of a magnet. The yin and the yang, the male and the female, the way we remembered through past lifetimes.

The way we were able to work through so many challenges, all in the name of love. Now with him on the other side of the veil, the magnetic pull is still feeling as strong, maybe even stronger.

There seems to be no distance between us, through the little nudges, the messages, and the words spoken in my mind. The way I feel his love is powerful and strong. His life is to be celebrated, and I can only keep smiling thinking about this beautiful encounter between the two of us.

Going through the valley as well as standing on top of the hill, we have learned them both and survived it magically. The depth of our love was so profound, that it stood tall in all the storms life through at us. Breaking all the walls, standing naked in front of each other, as one, pulled together in the energy of love. My life here now on earth is as much a tribute to him, as well as the Love that pulls us together, time after time again.

Like the powerful energy of a magnet, we are drawn to each other through the love we share on a deep soul level. Every time we meet, we fall in love again and again, deeper, and more profound every time. The way it will be in the future is yet to be revealed. All I know is the way the love will draw me close to him again, in another lifetime perhaps, differently of form.

The magnetic pull of our deep love will always make sure we will never be apart. The bittersweet feeling of his love, without his physical presence, are the parts of missing and grievance. The knowing is the magnetic force of love that is keeping me going. Trusting my intuition as well as my inner world of senses, which brought me this far.

There cannot be anything more magnetic than love, the pull between every living being in every dimension in a loving relationship. Not just the love between 2 lovers, it is the way we all are drawn through this pull of Love. The way the magic of a newborn shines through and pulls you in. The way of love is creating a safe and harmonious family to live in.

Through the love for nature, the animals in every form and shape, the way we feel when we are in the forests and mountains, at the seaside, or the lakes. The magnetic pull of our deepest inner connection with all that lives, through the love we share and makes us feel connected with all creation.

Love in someone’s eyes is drawing you in, the magnetic force of love. It makes you want more to explore, more to experience, more to grow and expand yourself. The healing power of Love is well known. Love will always draw us in, into the heart space, the need to be loved and love touching. Love is the most powerful energy we can experience, which can change whatever we need to heal or overcome.

Love is the master key to rise above, step aside, and embrace fully our soul’s mission and journey to bring in healing and harmony. On either side of the veil, in every dimension, love is a never-ending flow of energy between souls.

And so, it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

About rheadopmeijer

This Heartfelt platform is focusing on healing Self and has been created to inspire to change your life. It offers a place for you to grow your spirit I am one Self, united with my Creator. At one with every aspect of creation and limitless in power and peace with @Rhea Dopmeijer

Posted on April 17, 2024, in # Nature, #Breathe #Sacred #Heartfelt #Love #Unconditional #Unity #One #Creation, #Communion, #Family, #Healing #Universal #Compassion, #Inspiration, Consciousness, HeartFelt messages, Spirituality, What is Love and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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