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What is there to say about Forgiveness?

Forgiveness, what does it really mean?

If you feel hurt by someone, you will have a hard time finding forgiveness in your heart, because you are not yet able to see there is nothing anyone can do to hurt you. You only react to the incident and the feeling of betrayal, in what kind of sense this will come to you.

You are hurt in trusting and relying on the other one, this need inside you wants to be validated. Or maybe you are dependent on the opinions or love you want to receive.

And I am not talking about the little incidents. I am talking about the real incidents in life where you as a child already learned to rely on the love of your parents.

The love of your family and, if you were lucky or should I say deserving in your own opinion, it would teach you how valuable it is to be loved and safe.

If the situation was not safe and healthy it taught you to mistrust others, keeping up walls to safeguard your heart and keep everyone at a safe length, but the hurt existed nevertheless.

Now, if we are talking about forgiveness, what is it that you need or want to forgive? Is it the way you were treated, is it the way you didn’t feel loved at that time, or maybe you were lacking just that most important part for you to feel safe in your existence – just loved and beloved.

It creates this great discrepancy within yourself if you haven’t learned to love and trust yourself and feel this Love in your Heart that is being hidden behind the walls you have built around it.

Are you ready to break down these walls, ready to open up and experience and feel that there is this deep inner connection that loves you and always will?

To step up and be willing or want to free yourself from any experience that didn’t make you feel wanted or loved. The best way is not to walk away from the feelings built up inside.

The best way is to accept those feelings, to allow them to come forth and by doing so you will see that there is so much more love for you to obtain, not from the outside, not from within Your Self.

Give yourself all the love you might have missed. Give yourself the space to come to terms with it and release it, not by anger or fear, but by loving yourself, and accepting yourself fully.

This can create so much energy that is released, that it will also give you the strength to step aside and become the observer and see that all the hurt and pain you carried can be washed away through love.

Forgiveness is nothing else then releasing all hold in energies towards others and yourself, and by doing so you will create Freedom. Freedom to love and receive, freedom to care and take care of yourself, and that is the best part. Love of your Self, for you, is by Nature Love itself.

And so it is

High Self @Rhea Dopmeijer (c)
Heartfelt Messages,

Share your love and be loved

Share your love and be loved

Share your love and be loved. This is a phrase I see daily. At first, it was posted on the wall in our former home when entering our home. Now it is on my table, next to the lights and cards I received after Herman made his transition.

At one point it was placed somewhere else, and I missed it, so I placed it back again on the table. Why is this so important to me? How important is this also in our relationship with each other as well, as between the two of us? The importance of having this inner relationship within ourselves as a result of sharing our love for one another.

Even still today, years later, sometimes a remark reminds me of something or a period in our life that wasn’t always easy. It is shown in the way people can judge and keep holding on to a belief or grudge they hold.

The first thing I learned was the importance of letting go of grudges, for they always were obstructing my flow of free love and care. It didn’t matter if it was something connected to someone else or something I did.

Holding a grudge is obstructive. It will always cast a shadow. More importantly, even when other people hold a grudge against me, the negative energy can influence my own well-being. So to me, it is very important to let go of any grudges I might hold.

To know we all are on our journey together and connected with each other, makes a big difference as well. Over the years with every encounter I have had, either with family members or at work, what tends to stick is the negativity by treatment.

When this isn’t done out of Love, we all get bruised along the way. We choose our family and our parents because, from the soul’s perspective, they are the most qualified to teach us to expand our qualities and learn from life experiences through the fear, anger, sorrow, and insecurity that only one thing matters in the end. Love is and will always be the only key.

Maybe not throughout our lifetime, we are always able to learn, how to let go and release those anxious emotions or fears of being betrayed, or hurt in any way.

Sometimes we have these intense and hectic experiences that work like a slap on the wrist or a highlight, to wake up. Sometimes illness and death create these turn-around lifetime experiences. Going through this whole process of letting go of abilities and working through every layer backward, will leave us naked and bared.

Yet when the heart is filled with love, we can also embrace every encounter and even the little precious moments that bring joy and gratitude, at the same time. These are the moments when you love and share it with your loved ones. In return, they will give back the love they hold for you.

So: share your love and be loved.

And so it will be
High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

Angel of Mercy

Angel of Mercy

My assignment is to be here, to assist the Spirit of Lac de Bairon and elementals in the region to liberate, the guardians who assist diseased souls, bringing all lost souls Home again. Clearing and cleansing the earth and the waters in this French region, the Ardennes.

The Guardians and elementals join forces to bring in freedom, liberation, and any old connections to bring home everyone regardless, of WWI and WWII, friends and enemies, regardless of age, gender, or race without any boundaries left and equality as the glue to set this part of the Country I love so much free from any old residue. Also for every creature living in the ancient forests, every animal is involved in this journey.

Mon ange, tu est un plus grande part de cette histoire. Pour decouvrir l’importance de nouveau communité et l’energy de Christ Conscience.

Le Nouveau Mot comme il dit l’hivre qui est ecris par beaucoup des hommes creér de leurs experiences et le grande changement dans leurs conscience.

Mon Coeur, tus as deja commencé d’ecris de message, qui veulent donné clarité a beaucoup de gents qui reveille maintentant et veulent savoirs plus de l’importance de L’Amour entre deux et plus, qui sont connecté par la Coeur.

C’est le nouveau Terre aussi et pour toi ca commence maintenant avec beaucoup de clarité et confidence d’entendre les messages tu vas recu par le Council de 12.

Pour maintenant ca c’est suffis d’entendre et compris je que le dis et commencé de traduire en Francais aussi.

Parce que tu as habitué ici pour quelque temps d’assisté le region, la Nature de blessé avec ton amour pour tous la Creation ici.

Et ca c’est vas. Je taime beaucoup.

My Angel, you play a larger part of this story. To discover the importance of new commonality and the energy of Christ’s consciousness.

The new Word as he said the jackets which are written by a lot of men create their experiences and great change in their consciousness.

My heart, you have already begun to write messages, that want to bring clarity and have a lot of people to wake up to now. Who wants the knowledge of the importance of love between two or more, who are connected by the heart.

It’s the new Earth also, and for you, it starts now with a lot of clarity and confidence to hear messages you’ve received from the Council from 12.

For now, it is enough to hear and understand what I said, and started also to translate it into French.

Because you’ve used to be here many times to assist in this area, the Nature of injuries to be healed with your love for all of Creation here.

And it’s going to. I love you much

Toi, l’Ange au Sourire

le messager de Dieu

les tailleurs de pierre ont su si bien


sur ton visage

le sourire meme de Dieu

pour dire a tous ceux qui te contemplent

combien Dieu les aine,

combien il leur est proche!

Toi, l’Ange au Sourire

tus as brave toutes les destructions

pour devenir au milieu de nous

le signe d’une espérance joyeuse et tenace

la réconcilliation entre les peuples.

You, the Angel with the smile,

the messenger of God

the stonecutters knew so well


on your face

the very smile of God
to tell all those who look at you

how much God loves them,

how close he is to them!

You, the Angel with a smile

You are brave as all the destruction

to become in our midst

the sign of a joyous You, the Angel with a smile

the Messenger of God

the Stonecutters knew so well


on your face

the smile of God even

to tell everyone that contemplate you

how much God loves them,

how close he is to them

You were brave to encounter all the destruction

to become among us

the sign of a joyful and tenacious hope

for reconciliation between peoples.

Angel of Mercy, is she the same?

Yes, you know the translations may not always be correct,

yet the message is the same, Universal LOVE.

And so it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages, August 2015

Add to the wind the Holy Breath

Add to the wind the Holy breath

of unconditional love

Add to the wind

the longing for renewal

and change.

Add to the wind

the desire for fulfillment

and reconnect.

Add to the wind

the love and the compassion

for all of the creation.

Add to the wind

the prayers for healing

and peace.

Add to the wind

the intention to understand.

and kindness.

Add to the wind

Your holy breath

from your Sacred Heart

for the highest good

of all mankind, animal

and the plant world on this planet.

Add to the wind

the energy of forgiveness

and unconditional love.

That the wind will spread

including all combined intentions

to create a new world

with abundance on every level

and co-creation within every community,

small or large.

This can be combined in one breath

Of love and light

Spread across all the countries,

The lakes, rivers & seas

this will remind you

the Unity we all share.

Because we are all One in creation

and connected from the highest source

of love and life.

Add to the wind

the Holy Breath of Unconditional Love.

And that’s how it will happen.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

Heartfelt Messages

Creating clarity through forgiveness

To bring clarity through forgiveness

If you feel hurt by someone, it will be difficult to find forgiveness in your heart, because you are not yet able to see that there is nothing someone can do to hurt you. You only react to the incident and the feeling of betrayal in which sense this comes to your mind.

You’ve been hurt in trusting and relying on others, there’s a need in you that wants to be validated. Or maybe you’re depending on the opinions or love you wanted to receive. The best way to get something off your chest is through forgiveness. To be able to forgive yourself, or others anyway, will create space. It will lift the pressure you feel in your heart. It allows you to get something off your chest.

And then I’m not talking about the small incidents, I’m talking about the real incidents in life whereas a child you learn to trust the love of your parents, the love of your family, and whether you were lucky or should say deserving of your own opinion would teach you how valuable it is to be loved and safe.

When the situation wasn’t safe and healthy, people thought you were distrusting others, holding up walls to protect your heart and keep everyone at a safe distance, but the pain nevertheless persisted. If we are talking about forgiveness, what do you need or want to forgive?

Is it the way you were treated, is it the way you felt unloved at that moment, or maybe you were just missing that most important part of feeling safe in your existence – just loved and loved? It creates this great discrepancy in yourself if you haven’t learned to love yourself, trust yourself, and feel this Love in your Heart that’s hidden behind the walls you built around it.

Are you ready to break these walls down? Ready to open up and experience and feel that there is a deep inner connection that loves you and always will. Ready to get it out of your system? To get it off your chest.

To get up and want or free yourself from any experience that made you feel unwanted or loved, is the best way to not run away from the feelings that build up inside, the best way is to accept those feelings, to let them go to come forward and by doing this you will see that there is so much more love available for you, not from outside, not from inside.

Give yourself all the love you may have missed, give yourself space to come to terms with it and let go, not through anger or fear, by loving yourself and accepting yourself completely. This can create so much energy, that it will also empower you to step aside and become the observer and see that all the hurt and pain you carried with you can be washed away by love.

Forgiveness is nothing other than holding all energies towards others and releasing yourself, and in doing so you create Freedom. Freedom to love and receive, freedom to care and take care of yourself, and that’s the best part. Love for Self, for you, is naturally Love itself.

And so it will happen.

High Self @Rhea Dopmeijer ©

Heartfelt Messages, April 7, 2021

Bring it out in the open

Bring it out in the open

Sitting on my own,

Just enjoying time and space

No one needs attention,

So now the interaction inside

Speaks volumes

Loving this quiet time

All by Myself.

Just listening to the sounds,

Birds singing, planes coming over in the sky.

Wondering where they came from

Or where they are going.

So many people crossing the skies

On their way to a new destination,

Away from the ordained life or

Fleeing from the scenes.

Restlessness that creeps up

In the system of the Heart.

Where will this journey lead me?

Flying in my dreams, unspoken words

Left behind.

I wonder, will there ever be Peace

In this being, are there still barriers?

To cross and unravel old issues

Or emotional wounds yet undetected.

When will Consciousness Be Normal

Instead of all those unconscious threads.

Step by step in this clearing process

Coming to the world to Be seen

For what they truly are.

Steppingstones in releasing any fear

Those were left behind and cloaked

Through time and space.

One Day all will be revealed and healed

And is all united as One Being.

Then there is true Peace

Brought Home into this World of Mine.

High Self – @RheaDopmeijer ©

Heartfelt Messages

Commemoration of loss and grief

Commemoration of grief and loss

Today is May, 4th
in my country, it’s Remembrance Day
for the victims of the Second World War
to remember for our liberation day.
A day with an extra black edge
now everything is shipped again
in an unprecedented warfare
so many years after the date
What causes extra heartburn.
Memories are being picked up
and rearranged to ratio.
How much can a person have
how resilient can we be
So many victims are being made again
recalled the memories with so much care and pain.
All those generations still recovering from the trauma
after the war came to an end, here in 1945.
Triggered by all images and news reports
the sadness and pain on all those faces
the feelings of powerlessness too, go check it out.
It’s extra feelable today here in this little country,
where the weekends are still felt.
So many people spontaneously helping hands
offer to be willing to face the pain even now
to soften as much as possible.
War and trauma go hand in hand.
Even if in due time peace will prevail.
The repercussions will definitely follow.
For everyone who has dealt with it
With warfare and going for it
peacekeeping missions and offering support
in all the war zones.
How can we best support each other?
Offer each other an open hand and heart
allowed to lean on each other
for some warmth and understanding in all areas.
We need each other to heal
to be able to face everything.
Let’s just be,
You can still forbid so much,
if we don’t want to go for it together
will that have an impact on our existence.
It will have its downfall for everyone.
What it does to you and how to process it.
Only from here can you restore the balance
in your own emotions and feelings as much as you can.
We are all connected
even though it might not feel like it at the moment.
By love and compassion, we are bound
in our solidarity against all violence.
We as a nation have already shown how to demonstrate this
even though not everyone will show it that way
and there must also be lessons to learn
that only if we go for it together
We never recover from great losses;
we absorb them and change them through processing
we as humans in different,
often kinder people, than humanity.
If we think about it,
can we take comfort from this,
while the future may feel uncertain,
what will always be sure and essential is our love.
The love I have for myself.
The love I have for my family and friends.
The love I have for you,
even though I may not know you personally.
It is essential. Yes.
Love is the only essential ingredient
What our world can’t live without.
Not now, not anymore.
And that’s how it will be,

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)
Heartfelt Messages



When I said I am here for you to speak
The silence was deafening at first.
You were not coming in with big words
Or grand gestures to be known.
It took me time to get comfortable with
The nudges as well as the little pushes
That made me aware of what was going on.
Sometimes it is just the line of a song,
Other times a hug from a child unexpectedly
That makes me conscious of my own energy
Reflected by the acts of others around me.
Feeling strongly connected with this flow
That makes me write without any withholding
Letting the words come to the front, so to speak.
Like stepping aside to let the information
The energy connects with another well
Deep within myself or with my High Self.
When I have this urge to sit down and write
I know there is something important
That needs to be addressed.
Speaking out loud, the messages are another
Dimension that gives a deeper meaning to
The messages that are forming themselves along the way.
Just a different form yet the importance of sound
Is another way of expressing myself again.
My life is my song, my book to be written
Accordingly, the way it enfolds itself.
Attuning to my guidance as well as my inner
Knowing or intuition, this deeply connected
Essence that is part of me as well.
With each day, it will expand and grow,
It will be a force that will find its way
sometimes on paper, yet always in my life
The way I want to communicate and love.
Each page is to be shared, I am told,
Each message is to be written
And each time I feel the need to follow
The nudge from within, it is always
Crystal clear and filled with love.
To me, that is the barometer of truth.
The love that comes flowing in and through
Are part of my essence as well as my integration
With my higher self, the knowing aspect,
In a very realistic and material way.
It materialized my connection with Love
As in Life, to be all that I am and can Be.
And so it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

I AM with you in every challenge

I AM with you in every challenge

My love will carry you through and
I will help you with any challenge you are facing
If someone is sure, it’s my love for you
It’s the only way your Heart will know ME,
And the only way to remember your connection
With your original state.
You are formed from the same energy
As I am
You are essential to our experience
Like a united family of souls
Your human experience will help the whole thing
Because your challenge is delivery
Of new energy in the evolution of our soul
As a municipality, we stand by every step
Around you with our loving support
I want to let you know
You are never alone and loved without comparison
I AM your deepest connection to your soul
I am both your shield and your projector
To help you in every possible way
In every situation or challenge.
I AM your deepest core of Love
You will find me in the silence of your Heart
Within the space between your breath
So intimate, could you imagine that
You are expressing the highest love
Inside your human
Internalize the highest vibration
You can hold it in your physical body.
It would be best if you had time to heal
To be able to hold this high frequency.
You will be the key to teaching compassion
Love and kindness in every interaction.
In the service of the highest good for all
You will be a light wherever you go
Master in your own unique way
All you have to do is believe and have faith
Trust in your inner knowledge and wisdom
This will show you how to address
Every challenge or experience you come across
Your inner wisdom is profound And will empower others to learn and grow
To see their own inner truth
The inner connection, every spark of creation
With their own knowledge and wisdom
I AM with you in every challenge
And every step of the way, wherever you can
Find yourself on this journey.
Master of your own creation in compassion
And loving kindness, you will walk in grace
Through this planet will be the mirror
Reflection for anyone ready for it
To meet their own I AM within
So it is going to happen

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages, 2-14-2016 

Wait for the Invitation

Wait for the Invitation

I’ve got to wait for the invite

Someone told me years ago.

When you step into a situation

Without being invited,

You will probably rub

Against the wrong way.

Invitation freely given

Is a door, a gate?

In the way of speaking.

I am allowed to come in

At the heart of the business

And also to listen to answer

Because of the confirmation

And the willingness that came with it.

I invite you into my energy

In my deepest being.

It works both ways, I know it,

Because the reaction can only come

When I’m ready to listen.

There is no difference in this

For me to wait for the invite

If it comes from a good friend

Or someone I only meet online

Everyone is stretching out

Also looking for attention

As I stretch out my heart

Looking for the response of

My Higher Self or spiritual guides.

Stand open to be able to listen

With my inner ears and senses

So the love can flow along

Opening up new gates

And create a new level of energy

To explore once again.

I invite the love and light

That has been consumed by every soul

Also, the ones that are gone

Before us as well.

I invite my past, present, and future

To step up to this higher level

To become the highest

Version of who I can be.

I’ll be quiet, take my rest now

So there will be space and space

To let this sink into my being.

In the deep inner silence

This will be known.

And that’s how it is.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

Heartfelt Messages