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Go beyond the horizon of the unknown

Go beyond the horizon of the unknown

Without a doubt, this is a challenging experience for most of us. Not just going on a trip, to explore new worlds and countries. Meeting other people and feeling the differences within cultures. It is also about a mindset. Open-mindedness is a necessity. Not a luxury. To go beyond all you are familiar with and know is challenging.

For those who call themselves world trotters, adventurers, and travelers across the oceans and seas, climbing the highest mountains will be easy. They thrive on the challenges and experiences to achieve the goals they have set for themselves. Others are happy in the comfort of their home, towns, or villages and are not eager to leave their familiar surroundings.

As different we are as humans, shows in all these stories we know and learn. Testing the boundaries, always wanting to push it a bit further. Sometimes they are almost effortless, other times even the smallest step is a victory and difficult. During this time of the pandemic, it is even more challenging. So many people have been affected by this virus, so many measurements have been taken.

This is certainly beyond the horizon of the unknown. At least it is for this generation. Only those who lived in the early years of the 90-ies knew about the other pandemics and viruses causing many people to transition.

We now must adjust to the implications this experience brought on so many levels. So many unknown factors are playing into this challenging time. Being aware of how we can keep each other safe, by distancing physically, has already brought up so many difficulties.

When we take a closer look, this also creates emotions of fear, anger, solitude, taking care of, or being cared for. This is a time of reflection as well. We have been given time, so to speak, even though we do not feel it when it turns up.

By staying home, lots of families spend more quality time together. Homeschooling Stop forced me to be creative, and explore all the options getting in touch with all the students, from primary school to university. Every level of applying the internet for good use played a big role in it.

People were challenged to be creative. Working from home, instead of driving to the cities, and less pollution as well. Being forced, so to speak, to think about the necessity of our expenses, what we really need to buy, just because the options were limited.

All traffic became limited for a long time. No more travels by plane, holidays were different this summer. Not everyone wanted to leave the relative safety of our own country. So, everyone who normally would book a holiday to fly to their distant destination. This meant exploring the options of where to stay for a couple weeks, to have quality time with loved ones.

No family visits though. This was hard on so many people. Especially the elder ones, who got isolated. Without the visits of children and grandchildren was difficult. Staff had to be creative as well to deal with this challenge, to create some comfort.

These challenges also required doing some self-searching, or soul-searching for a lot of people. Where did they get their satisfaction from normally? How to deal with this unknown situation? Going beyond the norm of daily life, also required a flexible attitude to keep or find a new balance.

All kinds of emotions, like how to deal with feeling alone. Depending on your support chain, this has been difficult for a lot of people. Especially the elder or single people who were cut off so to speak from visits and encounters with others.

We still have a long way to go in dealing with all the consequences one virus has worldwide spread. How we can support each other, within our own inner circle, as well as for those who need support caused by a disability for instance. This situation is unknown territory for most people, to feel discomfort and solitude.

So, broadening our horizons, stepping into new ways of relationships as well taking care of each other, is demanding to say the least. It all comes down to the individual as well. How comfortable you are dealing with new situations, challenges, and experiences.

Stepping out of our comfort zone, forced by the pandemic is bringing up new chances as well. Time to reflect, to feel the emotions that pop up. How to deal with the triggers that are coming in to show the unresolved issues.

Our emotional and physical wellness depends on how we can deal with these types of challenges. Becoming aware, focusing, and conscious of what happens within, to create new space. To go beyond the horizon of the unknown, our inner world.

So, it will be done

Heartfelt Messages
High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

Let me feel your love

Let me feel your Love

Oh, my sweet
Let me feel your Love.
Let me see your splendor
May you watch your Self
With the eyes of High Self
And see the wonder that
Lies within your Heart
Instead of this feeling of distress.

May you feel the Divine Love
That is yours, to Begin with
And the warmth and beauty of it inhale
To let the healing energy
Wash away any old lingering parts,
Still feeling sorrow or shame,
No longer needed to be held.
So clear your vision and See
See the beauty I see in You.

Let me take you by the hand
And show you the wonders deep inside
You think they are buried and
Not even to be reached
I tell you now, you are not all that.
You are the magnificent, the All
There is also, just see You in all your glory
Manifested the way you are supposed
To Be, bringing Home to Your Self.

Let me Be like the Light House
Showing you the way,
How to stay in clear water
And not drifting apart again.
So Re-Union will Be a Fact
And we both can see Magic in
All the Splendor.

Let me Be your warrior
Of Love and Light, soothing the pain
And shielding you from any anxiety
What lies within,
So you can see My Love
Reflected in the Mirror
Every time you look at them
Reflected in your eyes and
Bringing back the Sparkle of Light
From deep within the Open

So you can fly my sweet
No longer earthbound and chained when
The dungeon of your Heart is set to open
And your Soul is soaring again with Spirit
Rejoicing and full of Light and Love,
Give freely to your Self again.

And so it is.
High Self – @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

Remember the Unity within yourself

Me-Member the Unity within yourself

Today is about fulfillment,
to ME-Member the unity deep
within yourself with the Vast felt Love
as a Spark of Divinity.
The energy you are aware of
when you can still your mind and go
deep within your state of Heart.
The sudden emotion that stirs up
when you get in touch with the
Unconditional Love from the source.
Which you can only recognize
because you understand the feeling
that has been ignited from within.
Keep it simple.
No fancy words are necessary
to understand what is going on.
The more words you are willing to give,
the more space you create for turmoil
And that is not what you are going
to experience.
Since deep within the experience
and awareness of the feelings of Love
there will be silence.
No need to explain to yourself
because you immediately will understand
and recognize in this Sacred Space
within yourself.
Just feel the unconditional Love
and Know this is You,
connected with All that Is.
Whatever Name you were giving it,
there is no more need to put labels
or names to this experience.
Just knowing you are loved
and beloved without any limits
or boundaries, in an unmeasurable Way.
To Be in the Center of Your Heart
Expanding and exploring the
Depth of Love.

And so it will Be.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages

When I see your face

When I see your face

When I see your face
I can see your Soul,
The love in your eyes
Reflecting the Whole.
Smiling bright and sparkling eyes
Is the energy that is flowing
Between your Heart and mine.
Warming and offering shelter.
When I feel tired and restrained
Through life experiences,
There you are my rock and solid ground.
There is room to soar and explore,
And a safe haven to return to.
You are my Ancker in troubled seas
When the waves are high
And I can feel unsettled.
Reflecting on my inner aspects unfolding
And Love unconditional to become the best of me
Always striving for the highest good
Of whom I can become as
You are guiding me just by
Your own essence.
Different as we are and seem to be
The unique connection between
You’re Soul and mine is creating
A safe place for me to Be
And shields me against any fear
Or negative input lay upon me.
You are my Love and within You
I can see mine.

And so it is.

High Self – @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages, March 2013

My surrender took too long

My surrender took too long

You are my hero with
Your Lioness Heart,
That will protect and serve
At any cost at times.
You would give your life for me
And I let you down.
I was defeated, couldn’t
Get up any longer.
My Taurus was on a stampede,
No means to stop it on its track.
Head down, horns up,
That’s the way it was tackled.
I was defeated, couldn’t
Get up any longer.
My surrender took too long
To stop the ongoing trial
Of blazing fury.
And now at the end of
This trip,
My defeat was clear, no way
To hide it any longer, broken
Down on my knees
With a thumping heartbeat.
I was defeated, couldn’t
Get up any longer.
So now it’s time to get up again,
Embracing both sides,
Taurus and Lioness as my
Greatest supporters united again
Through a loving heart and eye,
To see and remember the beauty
Of both, courage and fierceness,
The strength and perseverance
United we stand in the center
Of my Heart.
Now the time has come
To let the Human Being
Arise from the ashes
Like a Phoenix in flight.

Heartfelt Messages
High Self @Rhea Dopmeijer ©

Healing prayer for a loved one

Healing prayer for the one you love

When you love someone you want to give them the whole world, ease the pain, soothe the sorrow

Angel Love
Feathers of Light
Help him get through the night
Clear the pathway
To the broken parts
And shed some light.
Let him soar and fly
Without a cage.
No barrels to keep him inside
Locked up within his own
Frustration and sorrow,
Fears and anger,
Release the emotional wounds
So the healing can start,
From deep within his Soul
And His Spirit may guide
The coming Home again
Within himself.
Whispers understood
Intuition as his guide
To Be all that he can Be
All potentials united.
Love comes Home again
Shining bright throughout
The façade of a human being.
Standing his own ground
Finally putting his feet down
And his head in the clouds,
Heart-centered and bright
Like the star seed, he came from
In the calling of his journey
To be all he can Be
A human Angel
Walking the Earth.

With all my Love I Thee ask.

And so it is.

High Self – @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages 

Clockwise or Counterpart

Clockwise or counterpart – reading time

We are so used and trained to read the time, which starts already in our childhood. Who doesn’t remember, as a 4 or 5-year-old, we learned to read a clock? Either the digital for the younger generation, or the clock with the numbers 1 to 12. Not just learning the numbers, all the spaces between them, the minutes in an hour. Time was measured, and divided into pieces to make it understandable. 

A linear way of measuring, so to speak, and the world got divided into time zones. Measured by the Sun and its journey, as we experience it in our reality. At one point in time, these zones were set and regarded as a world clock to enable humanity to stay in touch with each other. In ancient times, there was no such thing as a clock, nor did our ancestors need one.

Progression or evolution is debatable for a lot of scientists. Exploring the way we sometimes have one day short in a month, as we are accustomed to in the Western world. Every culture has its own way of measuring time and dates. It depended on religion as well as science when the new year would start. The more we got connected through the use of telex and telephony, the importance of adjusting to the different time zones became more important.

Businesses were conducted within the different time zones. Some were going back in time, others forward. How effects this the global awareness as well as our own awareness. Who is still able to work freely with time, because of the attunement with the inner sense of time.

Sometimes I feel time stands still, and other times I have trouble following the speed it seems to take. Probably because of all the events that are taking place simultaneously all over our planet that create this kind of confusion. Living in different time zones makes it almost impossible to wrap your head around it.

Especially when all electricity has been damaging the systems as well as the internet and phone. Which makes communication even harder to reach each other over the world. A lot of people have traveled around the globe to find a new job, visit family, or just have a holiday planned. It makes it so clear how much we depend on the clock and timespan we live in.

During a meditation, time seems to stand still, when my state of consciousness is taking me on a journey through visualization or inner silence. At times, I just came back into this present material world as if I had been in a totally different dimension. Not even aware yet not asleep. Different energy as well experience. Like you can wake up from surgery undergoing anesthesia.

One minute you are under, the next you open your eyes and back you are in your bed. At least that is my experience during my surgeries over the years. What also amazes me is the lack of memory of what has happened, as well as the time I have been under.

I don’t always recall my experiences, and only the clock shows how much time I have been out of the normal daily consciousness. Reading time is then my link to this reality I live in. At times during meditation, I can also travel through time and space. Several lifetimes have presented themselves, back in time.

Not in a dream state, yet in an altered state of consciousness, where time and space are not linear it feels like a loop of some sort. As does the way it presents itself in my present lifetime. Cellular memory bank holding the memories of ancient experiences that still need to be addressed and healed in my day-to-day life.

To be in this now moment is about reading the essence of time. Not going back, nor moving forward, yet never standing on hold. Always changing and in motion, for we move through the daytime into the nighttime. Yet, being fully aware of the moment will enable me to stay focused on the things at hand.

To allow what comes up or is triggered in any way to create a new balance within. So this will enable me to use time as a compass. It shows me how the past will enfold itself in the now. By paying attention and allowing the experience I have, it also has an impact on my future. For the constant change and movement from within shows how time works counterpart as well forward.

Changing my experiences into this now moment of living will change my future time as well. Time can be a tool to use or a tool to get stuck with it. We all know how time can be perceived in different manners. Using my inner clock, I never have to use a watch, for I am always in sync with the current time.

I learned along the way to trust this ability, as I do trust the way it sometimes seems to move in different directions. Moving through time is a totally different way of experiencing the way I can interact with situations and people around me. It gives me a clear vision, so to speak.

And so it will be

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)

Heartfelt Messages

Let your Mind wander

Let your Mind Wander

Go beyond the horizon of the unknown. Without a doubt, this is a challenging experience for most of us. Not just going on a trip, to explore new worlds and countries. Meeting other people and feeling the differences within cultures. It is also about a mindset. Open-mindedness is a necessity. Not a luxury.

To go beyond all you are familiar with and know is challenging. For those who call themselves world trotters, adventurers, travelers across the oceans and seas, climbing the highest mountains this will be easy.

They thrive on the challenges and experiences to achieve the goals they have set for themselves. Others are happy within the comfort of their home, their town, or villages and are not eager to leave their familiar surroundings.

As different we are as humans is shown in all these stories we know and learn. Testing the boundaries, always wanting to push it a bit further. Sometimes is almost effortless, other times even the smallest step is a victory and difficult. Challenged with my journey the past few weeks to cross the big pond and on a long flight, I had more difficulty keeping my mind open.

The energy before leaving was much controlled by the unknowing, hence the way things would play out. So my thoughts were impacted by insecurities, like where I would be, and whether I could find the right gate. Causing me anxiety, because that is what the mind does. It creates emotions. Especially when you are not sure about the way things will unfold. Like my traveling adventure.

I knew I had my tickets ready and everything else in order. The moment I checked in and was off to look for my gate, I still was focused on where to go and where I needed to be. Not entirely unknown, yet for me, it has been a long time since I went on an airplane trip.

The moment I was able to read the signs, show me the directions, and guide me along the way, I was more and more at ease. My mind was only alert on what next step was necessary to take.

Coming up to my boarding gate, I noticed the seats where I could plug in my phone adapter. Still very early morning, it enabled me to start with my normal routine. This kind of structure gives me ease of mind and peace of heart as well. Enabling me to come to ease and absorb my surroundings. Letting go of the mental, brought me back to my more normal state of observation, as well as noticing the people around me.

Let your mind wonder, I know this is the title of this article I was setting up. During my waiting time, not only was I able to connect with some passengers, but it also allowed me to tune in as well. Sensing the energy of the people around me and picking up who connected with me as well. My time on my laptop also allowed me to step into another, more comfortable world to me.

Checking on my messages, I could let my mind wander off into the world of spiritual messages, as well as news feeds from so many friends all over the world. Creating my own energy flow to distract myself as well, causing the time to proceed with a different kind of mindset. When I am wandering, my time awareness is very different.

I could write an article, within my own bubble, during a 2-hour wait, just typing what came up, without knowing what might pop up. That’s how the energy works for me. The moment I start writing, I never know where it will go, or what direction it will take. My mind wanders off, almost like stepping aside.

The connections during the flight were also memorable, just through the passenger sitting beside me. We caught up in a conversation and this brought up many topics. It can broaden the mind of this kind of exchange, for it brings in a new world of information as well. My mind wondered after a while again, and it brought in the unknown to explore.

Haven’t ever been to this part of the world, and I was wondering how many similarities I would come across. There would be differencing no doubt, yet I am always curious how many connections we have in a more universal way so to speak. So as thrilled as I was on my way toward my destiny, I most of all was letting my mind open up toward the events at hand.

Those were new to me as well. Many passengers with the same destination in this early morning hour. The differences in posture, the way people interacted or not. It brings up questions sometimes, curious about their whereabouts as well as their destiny. Time for the holidays as well.

When you are open-minded and with an open Heart, an exchange between souls happens within a split second. I have had many along the way, all different personalities. Yet all easygoing and as if we knew each other already for a long time. This kind of familiarity feels comforting during this long travel, with waiting hours to spend as well. My exchanges were also expanding my knowledge.

Just because of the conversations, gave me a peek into the lives of those I met up close. This is what happens when you are setting yourself up for an open and interactive connection with those surrounding you. Those encounters with people who are already eager to connect and share time together.

For me, this is what colors my experiences. I love to interact and talk with others, to get to know them as well, and to exchange our views on life. Young people who I got to know, with a synchronicity that surprises me every time.

If you let your mind wander and just allow yourself to connect with anyone you come across, that feels familiar and inviting, it is a priceless meeting of souls. It allows the conversation to take turns to create a safe space instantly. Even sitting on a busy airfield, with so many passengers rushing by.

The buzz and energy of all those who are searching for their gate, families with little children. Elderly people and all those different nationalities as well. It’s loud, it’s noisy, yet at one point it was as quiet as if I was alone in my own living room.

Just to allow what happens in the knowing it will work out all well, creates a space within me, that can let go of what if and or what. It just is, at the moment itself. It is about how to go with the flow, adjusting when needed. Yet open-minded about what is to be, and how it will be, is an adventure where the outcome is not foreseen.

To me, this is the most precious time and most valuable as well. Trust in myself and stay within my center, created by an open mindset and open heart.

And so it will be

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages 9-1-2019

What is it about Frustration?

What is it about Frustration?

What is the core of this emotional state? When do we get frustrated? If we attempt something, and it won’t work, or when a situation is working against the preferred outcome? I can think of many situations and life experiences I felt frustrated. Actually, they all had one thing in common. I had no control over which way things would work out, and I was afraid it would not benefit my situation.

So basically, fear is always connected with frustration in my experience. Fear comes from the illusion we have to have any kind of control over how other people or events can influence our lives, so it will turn out in a negative experience. At least from a certain point of view, it is being registered as negative.

During all my lifetime experiences the worst kind of scenarios brought most of the time the best outcome in the long run and actually happened when I was like: okay, do something, anything, I let it go. Just because I don’t know.

I took a fall for 8 years ago. Causing a broken ankle and loads of emotional turmoil. This caused me to be put on hold in a straining situation within our family. With the cast on my leg, I was literally pulled down to the ground. The weight was pulling me down energetically as well as physically and out of my comfort zone.

It created a major shift in my emotional and physical state. I already had ignored some signals indicating I was stepping over my own boundaries. So my body decided to make the decision for me to make the necessary internal wake-up call.

Already fragile, caused by the fear of letting go of my loved one due to this illness that is affecting his body. Too many uncertainties to even hold an illusion of control. Even knowing our connection is infinite and ever-lasting, the emotional turmoil is not to be ignored or denied. Blocking is a bad idea and will create more pain and sorrow. Yet the idea of his departure is already causing this frustration, this fear, this loss of control. So what can I do?

Other than surrendering to find my own inner balance again within all the turmoil and uncertainty. Even the emotional sensations of fear, pain, anxiety, and frustration are valid and need acceptance and validation, loving allowance. That is how healing works, and I have come to trust this process. As well, as the wisdom of my physical body, my friend and guide in the worst times and circumstances.

As frustrating as it may feel at first when the dust has settled again, I will find myself in the center of my Heart again, where Love is the master key and master healer. There I can let go of the emotions created by frustration because I Know, My compass, my inner knowing, my heart center is always the greatest guide and will provide me with every experience that will work out to my own benefit for my highest good.

Then with an open heart and trusting the way things work out, I can let go of control of the situation and take notice of what tools I am being presented with to stay in the center of the storm after all that has been working as a catalyst for me to learn from these lessons and again peal of another layer within this emotional body as well.

And so it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)
Heartfelt Messages

Breaking down the major effects of emotional wounds

Breaking down the major effects of emotional wounds

When the topic came up for the past couple of days about how healing energy can help release emotional wounds, it seemed so complicated to break it down into easier steps to handle. When we look at the process, we also have to look at the effects of the root causes to know and understand what we are dealing with.

Many life experiences can create a sense of not being loved, not being heard or understood, yet not everybody will have the same type of response to it. Not energetically or emotionally. Every act that is creating a negative energy field around your energetic body will find its way into the emotional, physical, and mental body as well. For we are whole, not just different aspects that create a persona.

That also means we all come with a different agenda, enabling us to learn from life experiences to bring back the balance between our whole being. The way we learn will also address the way the different fields will react to it to process it.

For instance, the most subtle energy of negative input will not be able to recognize as easily as when you fall from your bike and land on the floor when you forget to watch where you are going.

That is pretty logical, won’t you think? Yet the process that lies beneath both incidents can come from the same root, causing at the end the tumble if we ignore the nudges we receive. Or if we are not used to listening to our inner voice that tells us what’s right or wrong, and which way to take.

Especially when the environment we live in, is crowded and loud. Then being in Nature and feeling the silence creates an opening in listening and understanding this inner voice.

I have come to understand, by learning the hard way, that if I ignore my initial hunch next time it will be addressed a little louder. Usually, it will be through my emotional field, creating some kind of irritation about the event that brings it up, or the person involved. I have a choice, I can address the emotion and hunch and act out, or I can make the choice to look at what really is taking place within this experience.

If I can do so, I will express this more easily and lovingly. No layers are placed upon the experience or need to hold on to the emotion. Yet I am not aware of the impact it has had and let it slide. So the next warning will be a bit harsher or harder to make the cause even more visible.

We all know what bottled-up emotions can do when triggered. They are way more difficult to control or even to address lovingly. Our healing comes through a loving heart, mind, and soft body, not by hardening up every time we feel the dis-balance within ourselves.

Actually, when it comes to the point where healing is needed, in any way, heartbroken experiences, emotional wounds of denial, humiliation, fear, or the physical wounds that we are having, it seems we have to break the pattern that created this journey into pieces we can handle to address. Our body has a self-healing quality, as well does our emotional body.

Our mental body can either co-operate with us or make it even more difficult, hence the way our mind works is necessary in coping with the reversing of the pattern we are in. Yet, the first and foremost necessity is awareness. We need to be aware of the relation between the effects the emotional and physical experiences are having on our total being.

Some tools will assist in tracing back to the root cause of what is happening within those bodies and how they correlate with each other. Some are easier to address than others. By meditation or music, yoga, and mindfulness we can train ourselves to become more aware of the harmony we can create between each aspect.

Breathing for one is a very powerful tool to be used to calm the mind, relax the body, and allow the emotions to come up. Love is the master key in all of this to overcome the anxiety and hurt within that is causing the pain and denying yourself the best expression of yourself. It is also about choice. We intentionally make the choice to be aware of the process and our need to heal every aspect we come across along the way.

Even the most difficult ones, we rather like to avoid or deny exist. To bring in healing energy, there is a need for release and detoxifying. Releasing of emotions that are connected with the experiences that caused the internal damage. Our Heart is the best compass in this journey. Where there is Love, fear cannot exist.

We may walk this reversed path gently and kindly towards ourselves. This might be the hardest thing to do when the lessons have been telling you the other way around.

That will be the first thing you can address then, right there, and in that specific moment, it will express itself. You are worthy to be alive in every sense of the way, loved and beloved, and it all starts within.

We can heal ourselves when we apply the law of Love towards ourselves first and foremost to bring in this energy that will enable us to create a new pathway, a different road through life. We may accept the assistance life offers, presenting itself every moment we need it, although it might not be what we expected.

It may come as a person, a pet, a child, as well a rock on the sidewalk you hurt your toe on. A book that your eye picks up, any kind of signal is being presented.

It’s up to you to be aware of the assistance you are being presented. For you are not alone and the force of Life will always bring in the right inspiration to apply in this healing process. Break down the walls that you have placed around your heart, to break down the tension in your body, bringing in relaxation and softness again.

Bring in the positive energy in your mind, and your train of thoughts, stop the negative mind about yourself, and add the positive energy towards your inner world. Make a commitment to your self-healing quality, your mastering again over your own life and the choices you make. Let Love be your Compass.

And so it will be done.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer (c)
Heartfelt Messages